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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 19 - Game Thread

ok, I'm going to work now, I can only post small answers if at all for 6 to 7 hours from now on.

updated: 14.01.2012

playing right now: Xenoblade Chronicles

Hype-o-meter, from least to most hyped:  the Last Story, Twisted Metal, Mass Effect 3, Final Fantasy XIII-2, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Playstation ViTA

bet with Mordred11 that Rage will look better on Xbox 360.

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I hate waking up to 2 pages of posts!

Anyways, I've read all posts (although very quickly) and I have two things I want to point out before I go to work:

From the Begin/End of Day messages, it seems to me that Zeus is not in the game (as in not an attributed role), if he was GodofWar is giving WAY too much information about his actions. I think he's mentionned just to tell the story.

@dtewi: About your suspicions of me, while I can see where they're coming from, I'm thinking it's just a case of good ol' framing. When you're baddie looking for someone to kill, you remove someone you perceive as a threat or if you don't feel particulary threatened by anyone you choose to kill someone you can easily place blame on someone else for the kill.

Signature goes here!

why dont people think Zeus is in the game???

thats two people I think have said that now...

the day start thing suggests to me that either he has a protective power or a protector role saved him from Khuutra (Mafia Godfather), the Sisters of Fate could easily be just his protection or a protective role themselve(s)?

anyway, the fact that Zeus was targetted pretty much confirms he is in the game, and the fact that it was the mafia who targetted him and such, also suggests he is pro-town.

SciFiBoy2.0 said:

why dont people think Zeus is in the game???

thats two people I think have said that now...

the day start thing suggests to me that either he has a protective power or a protector role saved him from Khuutra (Mafia Godfather), the Sisters of Fate could easily be just his protection or a protective role themselve(s)?

anyway, the fact that Zeus was targetted pretty much confirms he is in the game, and the fact that it was the mafia who targetted him and such, also suggests he is pro-town.

That's exactly my point, IF he's a player GodofWar shoudn't be reveiling he's been targetted or that he was protected for that matter.

Signature goes here!

hatmoza said:

Bad news: I didn't find Kratos.

Ok news: I tried to treat "X" (I'm not sure I should expose him) and he's not Kratos.

Good news: Apollo left me a message with the mod. I'm not sure exactly if he's protown or scum, but I do know he's trying to help me find Kratos. He gave me a hint to who he is (which I'm not going to share because mafia will kill him). That hint narrowed Kratos down to 2 players! And I'm pretty sure which one it is!

I told you I'd find you sucker!


Why would Kantor (apollo) send you a message giving you a hint to who kratos is, when kantor completely suspects you in the first place? Based on his actions, he would have used his lie detection on you.

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TruckOSaurus said:
SciFiBoy2.0 said:

why dont people think Zeus is in the game???

thats two people I think have said that now...

the day start thing suggests to me that either he has a protective power or a protector role saved him from Khuutra (Mafia Godfather), the Sisters of Fate could easily be just his protection or a protective role themselve(s)?

anyway, the fact that Zeus was targetted pretty much confirms he is in the game, and the fact that it was the mafia who targetted him and such, also suggests he is pro-town.

That's exactly my point, IF he's a player GodofWar shoudn't be reveiling he's been targetted or that he was protected for that matter.

perhaps, but im now 99% certain Zeus is in the game.

theprof00 said:
hatmoza said:

Bad news: I didn't find Kratos.

Ok news: I tried to treat "X" (I'm not sure I should expose him) and he's not Kratos.

Good news: Apollo left me a message with the mod. I'm not sure exactly if he's protown or scum, but I do know he's trying to help me find Kratos. He gave me a hint to who he is (which I'm not going to share because mafia will kill him). That hint narrowed Kratos down to 2 players! And I'm pretty sure which one it is!

I told you I'd find you sucker!


Why would Kantor (apollo) send you a message giving you a hint to who kratos is, when kantor completely suspects you in the first place? Based on his actions, he would have used his lie detection on you.

This have been bothering me too....Its very confusing.

hatmoza didnt notice that Apollo died and said he recived a hint from him about the SK

Apollo being a guide means hatmoza is most likely saying the truth

But when hatmoza role claimed Athena Kantor didn't believe him and suspected him 

Why would Apollo suspect Athena if he was meant to guide and help her?

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nen-suer said:
theprof00 said:

nen-suer is also on my radar. He seemed a little to quick to "FoS" both truck and khuutra. If truck is bad, that's almost proof that he knew, and proof that he must be also mafia.

Also, D21's non-roleclaim seems suspicious.

Hey don't blame me for being awesome :P

Anyone who misses a big post like that is more likely scum because they tend to go "fast forward" while reading

posts (they're not looking for mafia) just to find something (anything) and drive the focus away from them

I see your point.

nen-suer said:
theprof00 said:
hatmoza said:

Bad news: I didn't find Kratos.

Ok news: I tried to treat "X" (I'm not sure I should expose him) and he's not Kratos.

Good news: Apollo left me a message with the mod. I'm not sure exactly if he's protown or scum, but I do know he's trying to help me find Kratos. He gave me a hint to who he is (which I'm not going to share because mafia will kill him). That hint narrowed Kratos down to 2 players! And I'm pretty sure which one it is!

I told you I'd find you sucker!


Why would Kantor (apollo) send you a message giving you a hint to who kratos is, when kantor completely suspects you in the first place? Based on his actions, he would have used his lie detection on you.

This have been bothering me too....Its very confusing.

hatmoza didnt notice that Apollo died and said he recived a hint from him about the SK

Apollo being a guide means hatmoza is most likely saying the truth

But when hatmoza role claimed Athena Kantor didn't believe him and suspected him 

Why would Apollo suspect Athena if he was meant to guide and help her?

Here is my train of thought.

Kantor suspects Hatmoza.

In many posts he makes it almost painfully clear that he is a lie detector and has a feeling hat is lying.
Kantor uses his detection to question Hat's post that night.

Then he dies, possibly after learning something.

Now his other ability, "guide", I'm assuming, means that he can contact the living, maybe not just one specific person. But if he contacted hatmoza, how would kantor know anything of interest if he used his ability on hat?

Now, perhaps what happened was kantor was going to be killed first night, no matter what, eh? He was approached by 2 people. THat psycho, and the one saying "NOOOOO". So, he might know the identities of both of them.

Was Kantor illuminated of something as to hatmoza? Perhaps his lie detection on hat proved that Hat was who he said he was.... Now Hat roleclaimed athena. And so far, all the gods have been pro-town.

I'm believing Hat now that he responded

Here's my take on what happened last night (quotes in italic, my comment in underlined):

As the God Apollo (Kantor) looked down from his pantheon in Mt.Olympus, he saw a dark figure hiding beneath the caves, speaking with another individual who was familiar to the God. With his bow steady in his hands, he moved his way down the summit of the mountain. He could hear the two shady figures' voices getting higher and higher. It seems that they were in a heated argument.

"Who goes there ?!" claimed Apollo. The two shady figures stopped talking, and turned to the overconfident God. Before he could speak another word, one figure lunged at Apollo, stabbing him with a knife. "NOOOOO!!!!" The other yelled and desperately tried to pull the assaulter away from the wounded God. However, he had been mortally wounded by repeated stab wounds and the shady figure fled from the scene, laughing as he did.

The remaining figure, who was not fond of his comrade's ways, stepped forward to end his suffering. He could easily call someone to heal him, but that would only lead to more questions and trouble. The shady figure slit Apollo's throat, and disappeared into the depths of the secret cave.

As the dead God's body exploded, the cave it was in crumbled, shaking the very foundations of Olympus.

This is the weirdest of all the deaths, the fact there was two persons involved in the killing makes this complicated. Roles that could fit with this could be Siblings with one being evil and the other being good but that would be a pretty sucky role for the good brother since if he tells on his evil brother, he's killing himself too.

Alerted by this unpleasant occurence, Poseidon (patapon) and Zeus overlooked at what was going on from the highest balcony on Olympus. Poseidon caught a glimpse of a small figure rapidly moving up the sheer walls of the Mountain.

"For the Glory of Olympus !" Poseidon jumped down into the sea below and summoned his Leviathans, attacking the person who was ascending Mt.Olympus. However, the Leviathans were no match for this skilled warrior, who picked them out one by one. At a time Poseidon was charging up his deadly burst of electricity, the man took a leap of faith straight at Poseidon, and started stabbing his chest repeatedly. Poseidon who was imbalanced by this unexpected maneuver fell near the entrance of Ares' tomb where the man slowly approached him.

I'm guessing we can scrap the idea that Kratos is simply scared of comming out to be cured because he decided to be evil and killed last night (or maybe he's forced too kill).

Meanwhile Zeus flew down as the warrior and Poseidon were battling only to find the Kronos (Khuutra) climbing the mountain in its opposite side. "I banish you to the darkest depths of Tartarus !" Zeus let out a screeching thunderbolt at the titan, however, much to the his surprise, it was ineffective. "Hahhaaaaaa ! Is that the best you can do my son ?" Kronos asked. "YOU will be the one dying today !" As Kronos snatched Zeus out of the air, and started crushing him, A sister of fate became aware of whats going on. The death of Zeus simply couldn't be allowed.

She stormed towards Zeus' thread of fate and was able to change its orientation slightly. As time moved back, Zeus's thunderbolt burned Kronos' arms and the titan fell down the mountain and into the depth of Hades.

Since I'm thinking Zeus is not a player. What I think happened is the player with the role of Sister of Fate targetted and killed Khuutra. GodofWar just put Zeus in there to fit the story.

Hermes (Final-Fan) who hadn't completed his task set by Zeus knew he was in trouble, as he exited the bedchamber, and started casually walking around the high grounds of the city of Olympia like he always does, he saw something quite odd, happening near one of the caves of Olympus as he walked near the ledge to see what was going on, he was grabbed by someone clinging on to the edge of the ledge, and pulled down, as the Messenger of the Gods fell down screaming and was about to hit the floor, he was caught by the very person who pulled him down. Before he could react, the God had his limbs torn off as if he was a rag doll and succumbed to his rather gruesome injuries.

Looking at the description here, especially the "limbs torn off as if he was a rag doll" part, what I make of it is that Final-Fan was killed by a Titan, probably Khuutra while he was falling down to the depths of Hades.

Signature goes here!