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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 19 - Game Thread

What cost the town was indeed the death of very awesome roles early on...wasn't counting on that.

And I like it how ALL townies forgot about the bus driver on the last day. That is simply insane. That and they didn't stop to think there was someone who could find out the roles of other people. How else did Sabby know ?

They also forgot about Noname saying that he wasn't a real doctor.

The town were very powerful and they didn't use their powers well. The mafia did. That was the difference.

Hatmoza giving away his hint was pretty horrible too I guess. Why would there be a Guide if his only job is to help hatmoza ? There were 4 or 5 people looking for each other in this game.

theprof00 trusted dtewi so much it was hilarious....

Anyway, after Khuutra and Squilliam died, it was the town's game to lose.

And I wanted everyone to feel important....hence no simple townies in this game. Everyone had a pretty awesome role I guess (Except theRepublic...sorry dude).

And the reason why I used these characters -

Deimos, Morpheus - well, Morpheus was a big part of Chains of Olympus...and I wanted another "Dark" God to accompany him

Asclepius - Other than the fact that he is in the GoW comics, I needed someone who would be a doctor and the role made sense.

Artemis - She was indeed in God of War 1, not that important too...but I wanted another doctor-like person cause there were so many killing roles in this game.

She got the Miller ability which was originally going to be for another character, Hepheastus...but I decided against it after the VGC user Heph signed up...and his role would be by far the worst in the game. So I combined them both.

Apollo - do use his bow...and I ran out of ideas I guess...Silver-tiger's Pandora fake role sounds extremely awesome...I should've used that

His guide ability was originally for a different character - Boreas.

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Hephaestos said:

I have a question though... Nen, did you actually leave hints as to who you were?

I was 90% sure of who you were, but that was based on what seems to  just have been coincidences.

Of course not you killed me for nothing -__- It was just "dumb" luck >_>

vetteman & J0 accused me of lurking when all hell broke on day 2, but that happened late at night my time

and wasn't even online. so i just wrote the time and said i am going to bed so no body ask about me.

Actually i was playing as a townie my entire game . I knew Helious is looking for me and i wasn't a cult leader (at that time)

so i was looking for scum (ToS & Khuutra) were my first suspects and i was right about both

Never thought TOS was my deputy tho xD


Good game gow3_ever it was tons of fun

if it wasn't for "crazy" Hep the cult would have won

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dtewi said:

Then you missed the post that came 2 minutes later saying that I was hosting it.

Anyway, it'll be Final Fantasy related probably.

My pm better say you're "Zack" or "Sephiroth" or am not playing

Sephiroth immune to day lynch & night kills, can kill all players on night 1 and automatically win the game.......

You know what forget about Zack make me Sephiroth dammit.

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Great game GodofWar, thanks!

Nikells said:

Great game GodofWar, thanks!

You're welcome !

Sucks that you lost though...the town still could've won.

2 Mafia vs 3 Town.....

I guess I'll do the awards now....

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Most Valuable Player - dtewi

You used your ability well, and led your team to victory. The town wouldn't think twice about your alignment, you fooled them very well and came up with a convincing role-claim that saved your buddy when it mattered the most.

Sweeeeet !!! I finally got it done ! oh shi.... - nen-suer

You got killed the very same night you formed the cult. I'm not gonna lie, but thats extremely horrible bad luck.

YAY ! I role-claimed.....unnecessarily - Vetteman & Noname

Sorry guys....but those were two of the worst role-claims I've seen in my short experience with forum mafia. They contributed heavily towards your death.

Wasted Potential - Supermario128

You had one of the best roles in the game, but it was horribly wasted. Better luck next time !

theprof33sional n00b - theprof00

I've never seen someone quote the same post multiple times and make 22496024372346 billion theories. Either way, you played much better than I expected you to.....yes, that includes blocking the cop and doctor.

"I will find you !" But you didn't - hatmoza

You failed to find Kratos, even though you desperately wanted to. And you blew the advantage you had over the mafia recruiter.

Hmmmm....let me think about it.....K, I will not use my power tonight - theRepublic

You didn't use your power even though you could've found out some interesting things. If not for Noname's protection, you would've died.

oh yeah forgot since I already said in PM, but great game GoW, was loads of fun!


nen-suer said:
Hephaestos said:

I have a question though... Nen, did you actually leave hints as to who you were?

Of course not you killed me for nothing -__- It was just "dumb" luck >_>


=D yay for the random game changer event :p

the perspective of a full cult actually helped the mafia a lot by confusing the town and taking the focus away.


Want to know what sucks j0? Me and you, deep down inside, knew something wasn't right about dtewi. 

clouded judgement, plus the cult that threw a monkey wrench in our thinking process. I HATE FUCKING CULT. I'm bitter.

Good game 3evr

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

Does anyone think it was unbalanced still ? 

Hephaestos said:

oh yeah forgot since I already said in PM, but great game GoW, was loads of fun!


nen-suer said:
Hephaestos said:

I have a question though... Nen, did you actually leave hints as to who you were?

Of course not you killed me for nothing -__- It was just "dumb" luck >_>


=D yay for the random game changer event :p

the perspective of a full cult actually helped the mafia a lot by confusing the town and taking the focus away.

You have no idea how much i hate you right now


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