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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 19 - Game Thread

Silver-Tiger said:

got back from my night shift, but I'm too lazy and tired to tell you all about me. Let me just say that I made everything up. =) be back in a few hours when I slept a bit.


You bastards better start voting for him. -_-

Only two of you, though. 

 Tag (Courtesy of Fkusumot) "If I'm posting in this thread then it's probally a spam thread."                               

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Nikells (Asclepius) has been lynched.

That leaves c03n3nj0 (Lakhesis) and hatmoza (Athena) against Silver-tiger (Perses) and Dtewi (Atlas).

A powerless fate and a powerless psychiatrist vs Mafia Cop and Mafia Busdriver ?






ZEUS - Vigilante/Cop

Gets to target someone every other night. If the target is anti-town, he dies. If not, he doesn't.

SFB/FF2.0 had this role, but they didn't get ANY kills.

POSEIDON - Day time Vigilante

I would have loved to see this role be used...unfortunately it didn't happen cause patapon had to act all crazy, and subsequently got himself killed. This is a one time use ability that gets the person targeted killed, regardless of alignment.

HADES - Reviver/Tracker

Hades can search someone's soul to see where they were the previous night. (This can be used from Night 2 to see the Night 1 action of the person targeted). In addition, he can revive a character who just died on the previous night.

For example, if the cop dies on Night 3 with presumably valuable intel, he can be revived on Day 4, but not on Day 5.

The revived person can post ONCE and answer TWO questions from everyone else. Then their sould rests again.

Its another ability that I would've LOVED to see...unfortunately it was not to be Damn you SM128 !

HELIOS - Psychiatrist/Commuter

Helios has to find an insane Morpheus and get him back onto the town's side. He can also commute every other night if he wishes to.

This was Vetteman's role, and I gave him the commute ability cause his death can change the game dramatically.

LAKHESIS - Fate Changer

An interesting one indeed ! Its a one time use power that would change the fate of the person targeted. If there is no fate to change, then nothing happens, and the power can be used every other night IIRC.

c03n3nj0 got Khuutra with this on night one, as he wasn't meant to die. This can also prevent a psychopath from being cured, death of someone who got saved by the doctor, and save someone who was going to die.


Nikells had this role...

ARTEMIS - Healer/Miller

Noname had this role which can be used to protect someone every other night. He even said this in his role claim. Why you guys never believed Nikells was the doctor is beyond me.

But Noname didn't know that he would come up guilty in investigations because he is also a miller.

HERCULES - Commuter/Watcher

theRepublic can protect himself from dying using his Nemean Roar ability which would shield him from EVERY night action used on him and he could see the people that targeted him. Its a one time use ability.


Final-fan is teh cop who got roleblocked and killed on night 1.

ATHENA - Psychiatrist

Hatmoza was tasked with finding Kratos and getting the town a vigilante...little did he know that Gaia was also searching for him and proceeded to blowing the advantage he had (the name ending with "s" hint)

APHRODITE - Role-blocker

theprof00 was Aphrodite, who could well, have (lesbian) sex with him/her. An ability not known to him was that anyone who slept with his role would be shielded from investigations.

APOLLO - Lie-detector/Guide

Kantor had this role. Again, I would've loved to see him use his Lie Detector ability...but he only got to use his Guide ability to provide a hint to hatmoza to find kratos. There are many people in this game trying to find each other, so I believe it was fitting. He could use these powers every other night.

Originally, this was 2 roles - Apollo the Lie Detector and Boreas the guide.


GAIA - Mafia Psychiatrist

Sabby made good use of hatmoza's hint to find Kratos, which he was supposed to do.

ATLAS - Mafia Busdriver

You need a powerful mafia to fight a powerful town. I didn't want the town going "follow the cop" so this role can bypass doctor's protection. Dtewi, you sly dog !!

PERSES - Mafia Cop

Silver-tiger could find out the role of the person he investigates.

EPITHEMIUS - Mafia Framer

Squilliam could make someone he targets appear guilty in investigations.

KRONOS - Mafia Godfather

Khuutra was the mafia godfather, he would appear innocent in investigations and had night kill immunity. But not night ACTION immunity. This is why he was incredibly pissed when he died.

He was targeted by ScifiBoy (Zeus) who wouldn't kill him cause he had doctor's protection AND could not be killed at night AND appeared innocent to the cop vigilante. He was basically, saved from death.

Then j0 changed his fate from surviving to dying. :/


MORPHEUS - Psychopath/Wannabe Cult-Leader and DEIMOS - Serial Killer/To-be cult leader

nen-suer had this rather complex role. He WASN'T the cult leader at the start of the game. Cults are often a bad idea as I know it. So there was a twist here.

Morpheus had gone insane and wanted to form his own rule on Olympus. But to form his cult, he has to kill one person - Helios. Every night, he would target 3 people. If one of them is Helios, he would die, and Morpheus was free to form the cult.

Meanwhile, he had an unknown ally known as Deimos whom he didn't know of by VGC name (as Morpheus could be cured, and Deimos' identity would be known).

Deimos (TruckOSaurus) was a serial killer who thought that killing people was the way to go, and didn't believe Morpheus could successfully form the cult. 


a) Helios dies before forming of the cult,

Deimos and Morpheus form a mini-mafia

b) Morpheus dies before forming the cult, or gets cured,

Deimos becomes a regular SK.

c) Morpheus dies after forming the cult,

Deimos becomes cult leader.


KRATOS ! - Serial Killer, To be Bomb (Mafia) or Megaroleblocker (pro-town)

Hephaestos had this role. He was a regular daily kill SK.

If either Athena or Gaia found him, his role would change slightly.

In addition to his night kill ability, he would be a lynch bomb which takes down hammer voter and voter #1. (if found by Gaia)

He would also receive the ability to block ALL anti-town night actions, but kill himself in the process using the power of hope. Meaning no deaths or manipulations. (if found by Athena)

Night Action chart incoming !

Name Night 1 Night 2 Night 3 Night 4 Night 5
Silver-Tiger  Investigate j0 Investigate theRepublic Investigate SFB/FF2.0 Investigate Nikells, Mafia Kill TOS Investigate TOS, Mafia kill himself
TOS  Kill Kantor No Action Available Kill j0 Recruit theprof00 Recruit Dtewi
Vetteman  Treat TOS Commute Treat Dtewi - -
j0 Change Khuutra's fate - - - -
Noname No action taken Protect Heph No action available Protect theRep No Action Available
Heph Kill patapon Kill Vetteman Kill nen-suer Kill theRep -
Khuutra - - - - -
Nikells Protect khuutra Protect theprof Protect j0 Protect j0 Protect dtewi
Patapon - - - - -
theRep Not Using Power Not Using Power Not Using Power Not Using Power -
Final-Fan Investigate Dtewi - - - -
SM128 No Action Available Search Sabby's Soul - - -
SFB/FF2.0 "Killvestigate" Khuutra

No action available

"Killvestigate" the prof00 No action available -
Nen-seur Search Khuutra,TOS,theRep Search Nikells,ST,SM128 Search Vette,prof,sabby - -
Sabby Mafia Kill Dtewi Recruit Hatmoza, Mafia Kill Heph Mafia Kill j0 - -
Dtewi Switch himself and FF Switch Heph and Hatmoza Switch theprof and theRep Switch TOS and FF2.0/SFB Switch Noname and ST
Squilliam Frame hatmoza - - - -
theprof00 Block FF Block Heph Not Using Night Action Block Nikells -
Kantor Guide Hatmoza - - - -
Hatmoza Treat Vetteman Treat Heph Treat Heph Treat Heph -

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Lynched - well, DUH

Murdered - Mafia Kill

Massacred - Normal Kratos

Butchered - Deimos

Other - j0's fate change, Bomb, nen-suer's cult start kill, cult trying to recruit mafia member

Annihilated - Killed by Rage of the Titans Kratos


GG guys =)


sorry about lying town.... didn't really have a choice.

I honestly thought that the bomb would kill Nik instead of proof, which is kind of why I was so much into accusing him... I thought that if I got him lynch, great, otherwise, he'd die anyways. That would have lead to a 1 cult on the last day.

Funnily enough... the last day was 2 vs 3... Dtewi's siblings gamble could have cost a lot... but that's what ultimately saved ST. Really great job on that last day.(good thing I didn't scream "SCUM" when you said "Why did you roleclaim!!", it was itching, but the possibility of a mafia recruiter made me stay the hand =D )


I guess the game was pretty balanced... the mafia and I did fail 2 kills each, that's 1/2.... what cost the town the most though was the lack of information from the investigative roles...


and no Hephaestos in the game , but  I guess that was better for confusion's sake.


I have a question though... Nen, did you actually leave hints as to who you were?

I was 90% sure of who you were, but that was based on what seems to  just have been coincidences.


Hephaestos said:

Funnily enough... the last day was 2 vs 3... Dtewi's siblings gamble could have cost a lot... but that's what ultimately saved ST. Really great job on that last day.(good thing I didn't scream "SCUM" when you said "Why did you roleclaim!!", it was itching, but the possibility of a mafia recruiter made me stay the hand =D )


Well, we were both working on it. That's what I call teamplay =)

updated: 14.01.2012

playing right now: Xenoblade Chronicles

Hype-o-meter, from least to most hyped:  the Last Story, Twisted Metal, Mass Effect 3, Final Fantasy XIII-2, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Playstation ViTA

bet with Mordred11 that Rage will look better on Xbox 360.

Also, theprof, I laughed my ass off when you defended dtewi. XD

updated: 14.01.2012

playing right now: Xenoblade Chronicles

Hype-o-meter, from least to most hyped:  the Last Story, Twisted Metal, Mass Effect 3, Final Fantasy XIII-2, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Playstation ViTA

bet with Mordred11 that Rage will look better on Xbox 360.