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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 19 - Game Thread

Hephaestos said:

in any case, the others think you are mafia, I think you are cult, to me your role is unimportant to prove your inocence as it won't clear the cult aspect... then again I haven't vote on you yet, so it's the mafia aspec you're interested in clearing :p

I have a question though... why do you rely on j0 for your descisions on roleclaiming?

I need to quickly judge what the actual towns view on me is and j0 is the player I'm most certain isn't scum.
Once I roleclaim my role will essentially be useless but it's worth it if I can prevent the town from wasting a lynch.

Noname could be a cultist, theRepublic could well be mafia. Dtewi is the only vote for me that I'm fairly certain is from a townie.

And no offence to you Heph but, being the serial killer, you obviously have your own agenda and I can't trust your opinion on the situation.

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no offence taken, don't worry. I probably offended a few people myself, but nothing is to take to the first degree in this thread as we're in a game (though some people go a bit too harsh on the scum insults ^^).


Guys, we are running in circles here. Everybody suspects anybody and we are getting nowhere. We only have 3 hours left before the day ends and Nikells is automatically killed because he has the most votes.

So, either we extend the day to find out more, or you people are sure about the Nikells lynch and we let the day end. I'm not for the second option, since although I have my doubts about him, IMHO it is not enough to justify a lynch. I do not want to lynch somebody just because he has been lurking a bit. For me killing lurkers always sounds like the town has no leads and lynches the first who comes along.

Also, letting the day end with nearly no people talking or voting sounds incredibly lame. :(

updated: 14.01.2012

playing right now: Xenoblade Chronicles

Hype-o-meter, from least to most hyped:  the Last Story, Twisted Metal, Mass Effect 3, Final Fantasy XIII-2, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Playstation ViTA

bet with Mordred11 that Rage will look better on Xbox 360.

I agree, this is going to be a disaster if j0 and everybody else are asleep right now.

I vote to extend the day.

well I think you're cult so I vote not to extend the day :p

I won't vote for you though cause that would put you at 5 and you could be hammered.


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Silver-Tiger said:

Also, letting the day end with nearly no people talking or voting sounds incredibly lame. :(

it's been quiet all week... and i don't have a boss this week so i'm online 24/7, I was so prepared to contribute to the flooding of the thread (hence my tripple posts this week sorry), oh well... it is lame indeed to "run out of time".

On the other hand, the timer has been put in place for days without discution to not last for ever. And considering information roles have given nada this round (the only info we got was from SM).... well not much to go on...


@Nikells: You say your role becomes useless once you roleclaim so let me take another angle :

As your role been useful yet?

Signature goes here!

Okay I'm here. 

What is this Nikells? 

The way I see it: 

You have 4(ish) votes. 

When GoW ends the day he'll lynch any one who has the most votes. That's you. 

Is your role important enough we should know about? If it is, then you evade the lynch, if its not, then you could probably still evade the lynch. If you say that it becomes useless, then, does it still provide information? I mean, an alive townie that knows things is better than a dead townie. 

.... how much time do we have left? Did the day get extended? 

I vote to extend the day! 

 Tag (Courtesy of Fkusumot) "If I'm posting in this thread then it's probally a spam thread."                               

It's fairly important and there is some information I could reveal but nothing astounding.

Time is ticking, so if more people don't vote to extend the day in the next hour I'm going to reveal my role and probably get lynched anyway because it's too late.

Nikells said:

It's fairly important and there is some information I could reveal but nothing astounding.

Time is ticking, so if more people don't vote to extend the day in the next hour I'm going to reveal my role and probably get lynched anyway because it's too late.

And what if the mafia already know your role?