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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 19 - Game Thread

TruckOSaurus said:

@Nikells: supermario said sabby visited dtewi one night. Sabby was Mafia so him visiting another Mafia member makes no sense so it's safe to assume dtewi is not Mafia.

Thanks, can you remember what day supermario revealed that. I'm guessing day 3 before he was lynched?

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Nikells said:
theprof00 said:
Nikells said:

Anyway, I'm not trying to point fingers just yet but I think this is a logical way to sort the remaining players. These lists aren't sorted into descending order of guilt or anything.

More likely Cultist

theprof00 (if he roleclaimed before nen died, I haven't checked yet)


More likely Mafia

dtewi isn't mafia

That list is based on what I remember so I'll change it if I've put someone in the wrong place.
I don't believe dtewi is mafia but I don't remember any solid evidence proving he wasn't?

Questions regarding the list:
- Did dtewi name/roleclaim? 
- Did theRepublic name/roleclaim? 
- Did theprof00 roleclaim before nen-suer died or after?

therepublic outed his role as "something like a watcher". He was prompted by sabby, who claimed to be a role cop saying that therepublic was a watcher.

Sabby visited dtewi night 1. Sabby was a psychiatrist. Therefore dtewi is not mafia.

I roleclaimed the day nen died. Vette and mario were still alive and so was nen.

Nikells said:
TruckOSaurus said:

@Nikells: supermario said sabby visited dtewi one night. Sabby was Mafia so him visiting another Mafia member makes no sense so it's safe to assume dtewi is not Mafia.

Thanks, can you remember what day supermario revealed that. I'm guessing day 3 before he was lynched?


noname2200 said:
theprof00 said:

ok I'm willing to leave him alone. That's enough informatino for me.

Really?  To be honest, I have the opposite reaction.

Silver-Tiger said:

And Nikells has a point with the cult. If the mafia started with 5 players, they now down to 2 or 3, if Heph has been recruited. The cult may be at 3, or even 4 if we consider Heph as recruited cult member. So the cult is an equal danger to us, if not even more danger, noname. I also imgine they can kill somebody at night, too. What if the cult can talk at night as well, deciding on killing somebody at night? Don't call this farfetched, I'Ve been dead-on with my mafia-recruiter theory, and I've been dead-on with my j0 fate-changing theory.

Also, noname, you downplaying the risk of the cult seems incredibly scummy for me. Be honest. Have you been recuited by the cult?

I seriously doubt that the mafia started with five players: adding in a serial killer and the cult leader, we would have seven anti-towns, plus the near-certainty of creating more as the game goes on.  That's just too unbalanced.  Nor is it likely that the cult has three people now, since nen likely killed vetteman Night Three: two is the most that we're looking at. 

I'm a bit lost as to how you think I'm downplaying the cult.  Judging from the fact that only one kill happened last night, and none happened on Night Two, I'm skeptical that the surviving cultists have any killpower.  I'm not certain, but I'm skeptical.  In the meantime, we know that the mafia can still kill, and I'm thinking they're down to one or two members at this point, so it's much more logical to eliminate them first, as they can actually kill us.

And to answer your question, no, I have not been recruited by or belong to the cult, the mafia, or any anti-town faction.  Any surviving lie detector is welcome to verify that.

After reading theprof's post, I think you are correct on the cult number. For the rest I still stand by my points. And 5 mafias is not likely? With the two Vigilantes, possible Kratos and Morpheus recruit, and j0's fate changing, we are at FIVE killing possibilities for the town. I don't think that sounds unbalanced.

updated: 14.01.2012

playing right now: Xenoblade Chronicles

Hype-o-meter, from least to most hyped:  the Last Story, Twisted Metal, Mass Effect 3, Final Fantasy XIII-2, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Playstation ViTA

bet with Mordred11 that Rage will look better on Xbox 360.

Nikells said:
theprof00 said:
I wondered that too, but they must. Otherwise recruiting people is useless and not as powerful as people make it out to be.

But I disagree with ST, I don't think cult get their own kill.

Hmm OK, thinking about it that's actually a little scary.

What if once we kill the leader another of the cult members takes over recruiting?

It's got to be one of the following 3 options or the cult would be a position where they can't do anything as soon as the leader dies.

1) Cult leader dies, new cult leader appointed.
2) Cult members keep their powers when recruited but use them for the cult.
3) Cult can kill/recruit once per night but only kill once the leader is dead.

I'm most willing to believe option 3). Remember 3ever already admitted he isn't so sure anymore about the balance. he already did some sick things so I wouldn't be surprised if that was also true. (no offence meant, 3ever!)

updated: 14.01.2012

playing right now: Xenoblade Chronicles

Hype-o-meter, from least to most hyped:  the Last Story, Twisted Metal, Mass Effect 3, Final Fantasy XIII-2, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Playstation ViTA

bet with Mordred11 that Rage will look better on Xbox 360.

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Silver-Tiger said:
Nikells said:
1) Cult leader dies, new cult leader appointed.
2) Cult members keep their powers when recruited but use them for the cult.
3) Cult can kill/recruit once per night but only kill once the leader is dead.

I'm most willing to believe option 3). Remember 3ever already admitted he isn't so sure anymore about the balance. he already did some sick things so I wouldn't be surprised if that was also true. (no offence meant, 3ever!)

I agree: that seems like the most likely option.
If a new cult leader was appointed as soon as we killed the old one we'd be forever a step behind and wouldn't be able to win.

Silver-Tiger said:

After reading theprof's post, I think you are correct on the cult number. For the rest I still stand by my points. And 5 mafias is not likely? With the two Vigilantes, possible Kratos and Morpheus recruit, and j0's fate changing, we are at FIVE killing possibilities for the town. I don't think that sounds unbalanced.

So you think it's more likely that we started with 7/20 of the players being scum on Day One, with the strong possibility that it would be 8/20 on Day Two, 9/20 on Day Three, etc.?  Fair enough.  I, on the other hand, don't think GodOfWar would go out of his way to ensure that the town would lose from the get-go. 

You also make the mistake of thinking that more vigilantes automatically equal good things for the town:  take a look at last game and you'll realize that that role is very much a double-edged sword.  Shoot, take a look at this game:  if c0n3nj0 is being truthful, he was trying to protect, not kill, Khuutra, and if whoever killed kantor is a vigilante, they hurt the town as well.  We mislynch folks all the time:  why would our vigilantes have a better track record?

theprof00 said:
therepublic outed his role as "something like a watcher". He was prompted by sabby, who claimed to be a role cop saying that therepublic was a watcher.

Sabby visited dtewi night 1. Sabby was a psychiatrist. Therefore dtewi is not mafia.

I roleclaimed the day nen died. Vette and mario were still alive and so was nen.

Ok I don't know where this information puts theRepublic. He's vaguely roleclaimed but the only confirmation of this is a dead mafia player.

More likely Cultist



More likely Mafia


going to work. I might be able to post from there later.

Here's a question. Where do we go from here? We have no informative roles, no leads, nothing.

I say we make a list of suspects. Give your top 3. They will be graded and sorted.

Suspect 1=3 pts
Suspect 2= 2 pts
Suspect 3= 1 pt


Here are my three:

Heph, ToS, Nikells.

Nikells said:
theprof00 said:
therepublic outed his role as "something like a watcher". He was prompted by sabby, who claimed to be a role cop saying that therepublic was a watcher.

Sabby visited dtewi night 1. Sabby was a psychiatrist. Therefore dtewi is not mafia.

I roleclaimed the day nen died. Vette and mario were still alive and so was nen.

Ok I don't know where this information puts theRepublic. He's vaguely roleclaimed but the only confirmation of this is a dead mafia player.

More likely Cultist



More likely Mafia


why did you move dtewi to the more likely-cult? Nobody believed mario that sabby visited dtewi.

The night mario died, so did nen. The next day is when we found out that dtewi was not mafia.