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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 19 - Game Thread

noname2200 said:

I disagree; unless the cult recruited someone who has, and retains, the power to kill, then they can keep for now while we hunt down mafia instead.  Assuming hephaestos hasn't already been recruited, and that he stays his hand, eliminating the mafia would end the night kills, thus buying us more time to find scum and leaving all the killpower in our hands.

It's funny you would say that considering your position.

I don't disagree with what you're saying however I believe it would be easier to figure out who is a cultist at this point.

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Nikells said:
theprof00 said:
Hmm, who else would rolecall? Oh I know! I did that!

Are you pointing at me (scummily not even mentioning my name either) while I'm putting pressure on you?

We ask you for information and you give us that.

I was actually thinking of Noname (if I recall he nameclaimed early on.)
Didn't you roleclaim after nen-suer died?

What information do you want from me? It just seems like you're trying to get me to roleclaim prematurely.

noname only name claimed. He never roleclaimed.

Ok for example. My block on heph provided evidence that there was a busser, hasn't your ability given you any clue?

You don't have to roleclaim to do this.

Another example, if your a doctor and you doctored heph everytime (getting bussed with Hat, you could say "I think mafia members are those who were after hatmoza" Or something like that.

noname2200 said:

Question:  when you say this, do you mean "I'd be too tempting a target if I spoke up" or do you mean "I actually lose my power when I explain it"?

I'm not going to confirm that I'm a juicy target noname, come on.

It's one of those though. There's no specific rule that makes me lose my powers however it relies on the bad guys not knowing my role.

theprof00 said:
Nikells said:

I was actually thinking of Noname (if I recall he nameclaimed early on.)
Didn't you roleclaim after nen-suer died?

noname only name claimed. He never roleclaimed.

His rationale actually makes sense:  nen would logically try to avoid the mafia, and the best way to do this is to go after known townies.  Townies would be better to find by going via name, rather than roles (since roles can be on any side). On Day One, that amounted to hatmoza and me, ergo we were the most logical targets for nen to try and recruit into the cult.

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theprof00 said:
noname only name claimed. He never roleclaimed.

Ok for example. My block on heph provided evidence that there was a busser, hasn't your ability given you any clue?

You don't have to roleclaim to do this.

Another example, if your a doctor and you doctored heph everytime (getting bussed with Hat, you could say "I think mafia members are those who were after hatmoza" Or something like that.

That's assuming my role targets somebody at night.

The only thing I'm fairly sure of is that nobody has tried to kill me at night yet.

noname2200 said:
theprof00 said:
Nikells said:

I was actually thinking of Noname (if I recall he nameclaimed early on.)
Didn't you roleclaim after nen-suer died?

noname only name claimed. He never roleclaimed.

His rationale actually makes sense:  nen would logically try to avoid the mafia, and the best way to do this is to go after known townies.  Townies would be better to find by going via name, rather than roles (since roles can be on any side). On Day One, that amounted to hatmoza and me, ergo we were the most logical targets for nen to try and recruit into the cult.

That corresponds to a recruit happening on night 1, which might not have been possible had he chose to kill (which he did).  So it's possible that there was no recruit on night one, which kinda goes against the idea that a name is enough to go on.

On night 2, there was definitely a recruit. On day 2, the only people to claim were you and hat...and I think heph as well.

Night 3 there was no recruit (logically corresponding to night 1), it was also when nen died. I name role/name claimed on day 3...

It all comes down to whether or not he can do both things, kill and recruit, in one night.

ok I'm willing to leave him alone. That's enough informatino for me.

From the looks of it, we nly have two targets at the moment, Nikells and Heph.

Nikells has been really quite this whole thread. (Through I have to say I haven't been very active lately either.)When he pops up, he only contributes joke roleclaims. Sure, they relieve the suspense a bit, but otherwise they aren't exactly helpful ;)

Heph's suspicion is clear. After hatmoza failed recruiting him several times, and after a mafia reecruiter popped up, (remember I've pointed to it since day one!) it would be only natural to assume he has been recuited by the mafia. Nevertheless we can't be sure if hatmoza was telling the truth. There were several suspicions raised against him, and they aren't made out of thin air.

I'm more willing to vote for Heph if the majority is with me, I don't want to lynch nikells just because he has been lurking. I've seen how often people can be wrong with lurking people, most of the time I've played lurkers have been pro-town.

And Nikells has a point with the cult. If the mafia started with 5 players, they now down to 2 or 3, if Heph has been recruited. The cult may be at 3, or even 4 if we consider Heph as recruited cult member. So the cult is an equal danger to us, if not even more danger, noname. I also imgine they can kill somebody at night, too. What if the cult can talk at night as well, deciding on killing somebody at night? Don't call this farfetched, I'Ve been dead-on with my mafia-recruiter theory, and I've been dead-on with my j0 fate-changing theory.

Also, noname, you downplaying the risk of the cult seems incredibly scummy for me. Be honest. Have you been recuited by the cult?

updated: 14.01.2012

playing right now: Xenoblade Chronicles

Hype-o-meter, from least to most hyped:  the Last Story, Twisted Metal, Mass Effect 3, Final Fantasy XIII-2, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Playstation ViTA

bet with Mordred11 that Rage will look better on Xbox 360.

Anyway, I'm not trying to point fingers just yet but I think this is a logical way to sort the remaining players. These lists aren't sorted into descending order of guilt or anything.

More likely Cultist

theprof00 (if he roleclaimed before nen died, I haven't checked yet)


More likely Mafia