TruckOSaurus said:
@Heph: I'm not sure of anything but I'm trying to make sense of the previous nights with the information we have now. What's your take on how nen-suer died?
the info we have is this:
_ there was only massacred and butchered before, according to what I said Kratos is massacred.
_ the vigilantes SKs are patapon, myself, SFB/FF and Nen. But it is assumed Patapon didn't kill at all, so unknown are SFB/FF and Nen.
_ The butchered kill was made with 2 persons talking... one definitely pro town not approving of the kill, this sounds enormously like Nen.
_ I said I targeted Nen, suspicion rose on the "annihilated" as FF was not know as a vigilante at the time.
_ Vett died in "Other"
My assumption is that Nen was butchered because of the 2 people talking.... the 2 people talking would mean he recruited night one too. (cult at 2)
no kill night 2 (cult at 3)
This above I take for pretty much certain.
Now the question of night 3:
I have 2 hypothesis, I lean heavily on the first one as everything fits.
1) Nen had an ability to kill the recruiter should he reveal himself (maybe by posting the time of night "it's exactly 12:31 AM" to do the kill? this is the sentence that led me to Nen, the way it was italisized struck me, it can't have been a coincidence), this would explain the Other and be consistant with the story. Then FF killed Nen, having sent his PM before me (I sent it late as I even considered killing FF so that he doesn't disturb the balance of the game.... if you recall I was pretty pissed at his nightpost citing both Hat and Prof). My kill was thus just dismissed. Nen May or may not have been able to recruit that night.
2) Nen was recruiting when Vett found him... but because he was actively recruiting, Vett died. This doesn't fit with the story, but it does simplify the way Vet died. Rest is the same, FF then me target him. (Cult at 4-1)
as you can see in both my hypothesis, there is the possibility for the cult to be at 4(-1 for Nen)...hence why I keep on saying they are 3.
Remember that coincidences are seldom just that. Annahilated appears, the FF is revealed as Vigilante. Vet roleclaims and is killed the same night. I find a clue pointing to Morpheus and guessed correctly (out of 14 players), likelyhood someone as eager to play as FF found it too is high.
I know it's all supositions... but consider my role, the only info I have is that the people I target show up dead in the morning...not much to give more than theories.