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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 19 - Game Thread

Damn, I'm eating two servings of crow this morning. (Zeus WAS in the game, guess I know now why SciFiBoy was so insistant on that point and it seems the mafia had a psychiatrist)

Sorry to say this Hephaestos but I can't shake the idea that you've been recruited by Mafia now. If theProf targetted you and ended up on hatmoza on Night 2, it means you have been bussed around with him that night. We've already have had so many third parties that I find it highly improbable that there's yet another faction with a bus driver in it and a pro-town bus driver wouldn't have switched you and hatmoza that night. The only possibility I see here is the mafia has a bus driver and used him to guarantee your conversion on Night 2.

I'll be holding my vote for now, to give you a chance to reply but this doesn't look good.

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@ ToS 3 points.

1) Did you see me do anything against the town? I killed a target that was disruptive first night and on night 3 i targeted someone who ended up being the cult leader, after deducting he was scum.  Night 2 and last night I was told not to kill, I didn't, respecting the town's prerogatives, I have so far played the town's game every night, even to the point where I risked being lynch attempting to kill scum.


2) Indeed there was a mafia psychiatrist.... but is Hat's role psychiatrist or a diversion from it?

so far we know that Vette was a psychiatrist and Morpheus a psychopath, sabby is a spychiatrist too, his target could very well have been Morpheus?

It is highly likely that by starting a cult, Morpheus gained a protection against vet... I mean turn him townie when he knows all the cultists... a bit too far fetched. So before he started the cult, he was just an SK and potentially sabby's target. For the sake of the balance of the game, would it not be more balanced when teh mafia gets an SK that it is at the cost of a cult faction? instead of just the SK?

3)  About the buss driver,

a) The buss is mafia and sabby was targeting Morpheus, thus bussing me arround would lead to mine and potentially Hatmoza's lynch.

b) I have put up one hypothesis in my previous post:

The buss was cult from the start of the game, a cult leader a buss driver, bussing me arround was their option to keep me from joining town or mafia, while they did not use the kill on me to recruit instead. This would explain why sabby tried to throw me out to the wolves yesterday by saying that he followed hat to my house, knowing full well that I was bussed.


I'm sorry but that's the extent of defences I can give, Hypothesis. Afterall a defence can only be as solid as the proofs, and here we have little.

I am just but an innocent little SK and I will state it clearly, lynching me will be the downfall of the town, the odds are already against you with 4 factions, you waist a lynch on me now, it'll be over for the town. imagine if there's 1 mafia and 3 cultists, we're 10,  so just 5 townies... tomorow it'll be 1 3 scum Vs 4 townies, do you really have a chance there?

if i'm alive, you can target a scum today, and i become more of a threat to the scums as the busser is more and more likely to be revealed, thus they may even target me at night, leaving the deal at 3 scum vs 5 townies... much more favorable odds, especially since if we find 2 today, I can make it 2 vs 5....

Really lynching me is not in the town's interest, I just wish you'd see that and believe me...


(sorry for the lenght guys)


I was right the entire time.

Well, here is my morning recap.

I re-read the entire thread keeping in mind what I had learned so far.

My two highest suspects are Heph and Nikells.

I'll tackle nikells first since it's easy to explain.
Nikells has been very shortcoming about any information he has. In fact, he has not made one point of any capabilities he has and has not pointed out anyone. However, he has badnwagoned with other lynch votes.

He has also acted very cautiously. I find the sum of all these things to be very scummy.


Next suspect: Heph
As heph said just above, he killed night 1 and 3, and not on night 2 and 4 claiming that he held his fury back for our sake. Frankly, I don't believe it. I'm very confident that he CAN'T kill every night. Especially last night, the person he killed was neither mafia, nor town. If he were mafia, that's the perfect move.


There's so much more I can add to this. Hat not being able to recruit him. His "willingness" to help despite not being on our team. etc etc


I'm willing to lynch either of these two, but more likely heph.

Oh I can asure you prof, i can kill any night ^^


wtf how is theprof right? He knows something. FoS!

Anyhow... so since Zeus was real afterall, what I thought day 2 is right: Khuutra tied to attack Zeus, but I reversed it to Khuutra dying instead. I helped.

Now, I wouldn't mind if we lynch Heph. He's a big question mark, and it seems hatmoza hasn't converted him last night either, because after ~3 posts Heph would have mentioned it. 

I still want to keep him aroundm though. Look, if he's the serial killer, he's done. Heph HAS to work with the town at this point. I say we focus on the scum, find stuff out, and if Heph is still in the way then we get rid of him. 

I also want to hear from hatmoza on his night action report. 

 Tag (Courtesy of Fkusumot) "If I'm posting in this thread then it's probally a spam thread."                               

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theprof00 said:

Especially last night, the person he killed was neither mafia, nor town. If he were mafia, that's the perfect move.


There's so much more I can add to this. Hat not being able to recruit him. His "willingness" to help despite not being on our team. etc etc

It ended up that it was FF who killed him, but targeting Nen was the best move for the town... an uncooperative SK dead is one less townie dead in the morning and he was unlikely to be found out for curing... the fact that he was cult was just luck though.

My willingness to help is because I came out... a known SK unwilling to help is dead meat...

And I have 2 theories about saby, both valid, you'll have to grant me, (saby is a morpheus recruiter and the buss is mafia OR saby is a kratos recruiter and the bus was cult from day one), this also coincides with why he would try to target me yesterday with the fake tracker info on Hat.


Heck, yesterday I was accused about the annihilated tag and Bam! an other killer appears on the list proving my honnesty.

Tomorow or the day after, you'll see a cult buss driver appear and there you'll know my intuitions were right, and that as I demonstrated above, you've lost the only asset remaining to the town, I'm either a night lynch or a shield for a townie, that is where the balance of the game will be.


c03n3nj0 said:

Now, I wouldn't mind if we lynch Heph. He's a big question mark, and it seems hatmoza hasn't converted him last night either, because after ~3 posts Heph would have mentioned it. 

I said in my first post that he didn't... thanks for reading  =)


c03n3nj0 said:

I still want to keep him aroundm though. Look, if he's the serial killer, he's done. Heph HAS to work with the town at this point. I say we focus on the scum, find stuff out, and if Heph is still in the way then we get rid of him. 

thank you for seeing this.


well I can wait to hear back form more people, but like I mentioned, I do have another target.

o by the way, why the fuck did vette write "tracking..."?