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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 19 - Game Thread

about those 3 people who have yet to post, none of them voted for mario, and truck is a tipping point voter on squilliam.

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Final-Fan said:
Final-Fan said:

"Day three - tracked Hatmoza, he visted Heph's house, investigated j0, he is sister of fate."


This is an extremely important piece of information.  It means, or it OUGHT to mean, that hatmoza SUCCESSFULLY targeted hephaestos.  If heph was switched with someone else, sabby ought to have tracked him going to wherever he DID end up targeting, even if hatmoza thought it was heph.  

Since hatmoza reports failing to turn hephaestos, I conclude that it is extremely likely that either hatmoza or hephaestos was recruited and is now cult.  

Unvote sabby while we think about this.  

Right, so it makes no sense for hatmoza to be targeting hephaestos unless it's his psychiatrist power, which makes no sense if he's cult.  (Heph didn't die so it shouldn't be a cult kill targeting action.)  Therefore, IMO hephaestos is cult.  But I think the town is having some really good discussion right now so let's not do a quick lynch.  

On a related note I will probably be gone a few hours starting soon.  

I think heph is a liability as well. I've been saying it since day 2, but a lot of people called me stupid for it.


Also, another thing I'd like to know. Sabby investigated therepublic right? He said therepblic is a watcher, but role cop doesn't give alignment right? So therepublic could perhaps still be mafia right? But then why would sabby be worried about therepublic caring that his role was revealed? Is he just assuming that therepublic is pro-town? 

sabby your online, would you please answer my question?

Final-Fan said:

Also, noname, I hope you have more to contribute than that.  

I prefer to read through all the posts before posting, but being accused once again of breaking the rules to get a personal advantage (i.e. cheating) demanded a more immediate response.


Regarding sabby, I think it's likely that he's in the mafia.  He's a titan who was clearly opposed to Zeus in the games, for starters, his story and co3n3nj0's don't mesh, I have a hard time believing he can do two separate night actions the same night, and I'm pretty sure that most people who are bussed wouldn't be told that their results were for a new target, or else "bus the cop's target" would be a much less fun strategy for the mafia. 

On the flip side, our mod is apparently more willing to hand out information than is traditional (see: the Aphrodite fan fic), and it seems like many people really do have multiple powers.  I'm also inclined to believe that he's being honest about his night actions (sans the "targetting Khuutra" thing), since making up night actions proved his undoing last game.  Of course, that leaves the question as to why he'd lie about targetting Khuutra; he wants to look like he was suspicious of a mafioso, perhaps?  It'd be a clumsy way to go about it, if so...

The Gaia thing pretty much seals it for me, though. 

Are CPR doctors usually a one-shot deal?

Regarding hephaestos,  I'd really like to hear from him why he targetted nen-suer.  It feels odd to say this about someone who's confessed to being the serial killer, but it's disturbing that nen's color is different than patapon's.  It's equally disturbing that the number of ways a person can die keeps increasing; apparently GodOfWar_3ever took complaints about Round 18's longevity to heart!

Finally, I'd have to double-check something from Day Three, but something about prof's throwing the possibility of a cult out there strikes me as odd.  Unfortunately, I have to ask myself if I'm being objective about this.


frankly I didn't trust anything vette had to say, and if you check back, I was the one who suggested an "SK faction" because I didn't know what a cult was until, I believe, dtewi pointed out that there are 3rd party factions that aren't mafia.

I was opposed to there being a second mafia, but more accurately I pressed Vette why he believed that a cult existed so fervently and he could never give me a proper answer.

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hatmoza said:

Cult leader is dead. He tried to recruit vette but was kill (thank god) meaning there is only one cult member left. The one nen recruited first night.

Sorry, but I don't follow.  Can you walk me through what makes you think this?

noname2200 said:
hatmoza said:

Cult leader is dead. He tried to recruit vette but was kill (thank god) meaning there is only one cult member left. The one nen recruited first night.

Sorry, but I don't follow.  Can you walk me through what makes you think this?

quoted from the end of page 24@100

Hatmoza said:

"Why would nen kill night one though? That doesn't make sense as a stand alone Cult member. You would want to try and recruit immediately.

Now if nen is restricted to killing one night and then recruiting the next, that would make a little more sense. I think it's safe to say he recruited at least one person (night two because no one died). 

I have another theory about Khuutra and vette's deaths. We have a vigilante. He killed khuutra night one on instinct and vette last night because he seemed so guilty as we all suspected."

theprof00 said:
noname2200 said:
hatmoza said:

Cult leader is dead. He tried to recruit vette but was kill (thank god) meaning there is only one cult member left. The one nen recruited first night.

Sorry, but I don't follow.  Can you walk me through what makes you think this?

quoted from the end of page 24@100

Hatmoza said:

"Why would nen kill night one though? That doesn't make sense as a stand alone Cult member. You would want to try and recruit immediately.

Now if nen is restricted to killing one night and then recruiting the next, that would make a little more sense. I think it's safe to say he recruited at least one person (night two because no one died). "

Thank you.  MafiaWiki doesn't say anything about Cult Leaders being unable to recruit nightly, but admittedly that doesn't mean much.  I see though that he later corrected his own math.

noname2200 said:
hatmoza said:

Cult leader is dead. He tried to recruit vette but was kill (thank god) meaning there is only one cult member left. The one nen recruited first night.

Sorry, but I don't follow.  Can you walk me through what makes you think this?

I was thinking there were only 2 nights for some reason when I posted that. I later pointed out that I failed at counting.

@ underlined: Starting to relaize that nen could have been able to kill instead of recruiting , I wanted to study the death scenes at the start of everday  a little more, to find out if the cult had a flavored kill.

I still haven't throughly read over anything yet -stuck at work.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

noname2200 said:
theprof00 said:
noname2200 said:
hatmoza said:

Cult leader is dead. He tried to recruit vette but was kill (thank god) meaning there is only one cult member left. The one nen recruited first night.

Sorry, but I don't follow.  Can you walk me through what makes you think this?

quoted from the end of page 24@100

Hatmoza said:

"Why would nen kill night one though? That doesn't make sense as a stand alone Cult member. You would want to try and recruit immediately.

Now if nen is restricted to killing one night and then recruiting the next, that would make a little more sense. I think it's safe to say he recruited at least one person (night two because no one died). "

Thank you.  MafiaWiki doesn't say anything about Cult Leaders being unable to recruit nightly, but admittedly that doesn't mean much.  I see though that he later corrected his own math.

op nevermind then. Glad you saw that.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson