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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 19 - Game Thread

dtewi said:

Yes, he would have been helpful. He could have investigated a person for two nights and therefore gives us two investigations on Day 3. Then give us two more on day 5 before kicking the bucket.

That's not helpful? You thought that there was a fucking better character to use those 2 posts other than the cop? There isn't.

You either the stupidest townie I've ever met or scum lying through his teeth.

The latter is much more plausible.

There you go insulting people again. And how do you know the person I brought back to life can live on into the next days? Did you stop and think maybe they can only be alive for that one day and if they don't make the 2 posts in that one day they die anyways?

Also, I don't find Vette to be suspicious. It seems he is one of the few who believe me. And now you will use what I think and say we are on a team just like you did with noname. But, I am not in an alliance with either of them. I am just a townie....

For all I care you can just lynch me now though.

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theprof00 said:
nen-suer said:

A cult is a mafia group that starts with one member

that member will try and recruit other players to increase the cult numbers

Most of the time only the cult founder (the original member) can recruit

Each night he choose to kill or recruit a player, most the time they want to recruit and keep them self hidden

They can recruit any pro-town role, but not other mafia members (sometimes he die if he try to recruit one)

they are very hard group to deal with specially if the town knows about them too late

That's why we must always keep the possibility that a cult maybe running around

And when they die they show up as mafia?

Also: Vette. You don't see any strangeness going on with mario's claim. Why not?

in the games i played they showed up as a cult member and that's usually how the town finally knows about them

the then start cursing the Mod

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supermario128 said:
dtewi said:

Yes, he would have been helpful. He could have investigated a person for two nights and therefore gives us two investigations on Day 3. Then give us two more on day 5 before kicking the bucket.

That's not helpful? You thought that there was a fucking better character to use those 2 posts other than the cop? There isn't.

You either the stupidest townie I've ever met or scum lying through his teeth.

The latter is much more plausible.

There you go insulting people again. And how do you know the person I brought back to life can live on into the next days? Did you stop and think maybe they can only be alive for that one day and if they don't make the 2 posts in that one day they die anyways?

Also, I don't find Vette to be suspicious. It seems he is one of the few who believe me. And now you will use what I think and say we are on a team just like you did with noname. But, I am not in an alliance with either of them. I am just a townie....

For all I care you can just lynch me now though.

So now you add another freaking condition!

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you

What I can't believe is that we don't have any watchers or trackers. Why has nobody stepped forward and made strong accusations or defended other people???

theprof00 said:

Also: Vette. You don't see any strangeness going on with mario's claim. Why not?

Not really,  no one has come in to say he is lying about his character claim.  While he is a little overpowered, the role fits the character.   One thing most people seem to be ignoring is he seems to be extremely limited in his power. One time use reviver, and when the person comes back they can only make 2 useful posts.  

Honestly if I was in his position I would have not revived Final Fan either, even in the situation dtewi proposes, he could have been killed the very next night thus giving no useful information and losing his power for basically nothing, sure he could have been protected but the mafia seem to have a bus driver,  which if used correctly you can easily kill any protected person.   Plus, there is a chance there is deputy, saving it for him makes more sense

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quoted for attention:

Does anybody ever do what mario is doing? Defend themselves to the last drop and turn out scum?

So you guys trust each other whereas everyone else in the game has suspicions? I would think that the most likely response would be "I question a lot of the things they said, but the name-claim among other things really makes it seem legit."

The doctor didn't know whom to protect on Night 1 and Final-Fan died because he wasn't protected.

But if revived, the doctor would have protected him.

In short, there was no reason to not revive him.

We did not know there was a bus driver day 2 nor do we know if there is a deputy here on day 3.

So no, there still was no reason.

And what's strange is he keeps adding conditions.

They die at the end of 1 day and they can only make two posts. Those conditions make no sense.

And even if those are true, he would have revived patapon, a daytime vigilante.

Why didn't you revive patapon sm128? Hmm?

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you

theprof00 said:

quoted for attention:

Does anybody ever do what mario is doing? Defend themselves to the last drop and turn out scum?

nickells role claimed twice before being lynched... first a mistake as he roleclaimed an dead player, then he roleclaimed doctor saying that was why he fake claimed, to not attract attention.... round 17... he was mafia


What I find odd is that both Vett and Mario can commute... cause if mario uses his ability only once, then the rest of the time he uses the other one... a bit overpowered.


When I was SK round 17 I had commute one night and kill the other... couldn't chose, it was mandatory.


dtewi said:

The doctor didn't know whom to protect on Night 1 and Final-Fan died because he wasn't protected.

But if revived, the doctor would have protected him.

In short, there was no reason to not revive him.

We did not know there was a bus driver day 2 nor do we know if there is a deputy here on day 3.

So no, there still was no reason.

And what's strange is he keeps adding conditions.

They die at the end of 1 day and they can only make two posts. Those conditions make no sense.

And even if those are true, he would have revived patapon, a daytime vigilante.

Why didn't you revive patapon sm128? Hmm?

Not knowing about a bus driver does not make his actions dissappear