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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 19 - Game Thread

tell me sm128 did you ask vette to push me?

You seem to be using my conversation with vette as key evidence against me.

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supermario128 said:

I don't know why everyone singled out my ONE post where I voted for Hatmoza when all the other posts we made have lead up to that. And then everyone responds with "WTF".... Seriously? At least Jo understood why I voted. I concluded hatmoza and theprof were working together and still think so. Especially from this post theprof made:

"I have to go to bed.

In the UNLIKELY event that our team actually decides to post something, have them take a very close look at what just happened.

I've been working on noname the past few hours, he's guilty."

I'm sorry, but that screams scum to me and Hatmoza seems to be working with him. Theprof also seems to know all about the mafia bus driver all to well for my liking and WILL NOT drop that idea no matter what. He seems to be 100% sure there is one. I think a prostitute and a pro-town role blocker also seems possible, instead. NO I AM NOT THE ROLE BLOCKER, I just hate how the prof won't listen to anyone else and is SURE he is right.

I think Hatmoza, theprof, and Dtewi are scum. And no I am not crazy. I am PRO TOWN and have a VERY IMPORTANT ROLE. If I were to role claim I wouldn't make it to the next day.

Yet you were rather keen on voting for hatmoza without explanation, weren't you?

You single out a person and vote for them out of semantics and don't give an explanation and are surprised to see votes.

Honestly, it seems you were angry your were being suspected and decided to vote for someone for some pretty bad reasons.

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you

supermario128 said:

I don't know why everyone singled out my ONE post where I voted for Hatmoza when all the other posts we made have lead up to that. And then everyone responds with "WTF".... Seriously? At least Jo understood why I voted. I concluded hatmoza and theprof were working together and still think so. Especially from this post theprof made:

"I have to go to bed.

In the UNLIKELY event that our team actually decides to post something, have them take a very close look at what just happened.

I've been working on noname the past few hours, he's guilty."

I'm sorry, but that screams scum to me and Hatmoza seems to be working with him. Theprof also seems to know all about the mafia bus driver all to well for my liking and WILL NOT drop that idea no matter what. He seems to be 100% sure there is one. I think a prostitute and a pro-town role blocker also seems possible, instead. NO I AM NOT THE ROLE BLOCKER, I just hate how the prof won't listen to anyone else and is SURE he is right.

I think Hatmoza, theprof, and Dtewi are scum. And no I am not crazy. I am PRO TOWN and have a VERY IMPORTANT ROLE. If I were to role claim I wouldn't make it to the next day.

I believe hatmoza and theprof are scum as well, but unfortunately it looks like you re going to get lynched soon so I think you should role claim,  it may be the only thing that saves you from a lynch

dtewi said:

Yet you were rather keen on voting for hatmoza without explanation, weren't you?

You single out a person and vote for them out of semantics and don't give an explanation and are surprised to see votes.

Honestly, it seems you were angry your were being suspected and decided to vote for someone for some pretty bad reasons.

Did you not read any of my posts before or after my vote? -_-

Nintendo still doomed?
Feel free to add me on 3DS or Switch! (PM me if you do ^-^)
Nintendo ID: Mako91                  3DS code: 4167-4543-6089

supermario128 said:
theprof00 said:

You call Hat scum even though squilliam framed him..

You are a liar.

Squilliam might have VERY WELL done that to make Hatmoza seem pro town. I'm not stupid. I think you are lying.

Oh yes. A mafia guy framing another mafia guy to be guilty. Doesn't make a lot of sense does it. Why not just frame someone else. Do you realize how ridiculous it sounds? Do realize how full of shit that idea is?

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c03n3nj0 said:
noname2200 said:
c03n3nj0 said:

I gotta say though, are just gonna wait for him to show up? I mean, we can't just continue throwing random theories all day long. 

That would be for the best, I think:  if he's mafia, we have a chance to decrease doubts about lynching him.  If he's a townie, he might tell us information that could help us piece together what's happening.  Aside from boredom, I don't really see the downside to waiting, and because of the time limit we're in no danger of waiting indefinitely.

Well now that you're here

Share your thought about the situation! 

You've been unexpectedly quiet. 

I haven't changed my position much.  I've shared many of my doubts about hatmoza already, and I don't like the latest occurence in that saga either: the idea that the mod would reveal the name of the role-blocker requires me to believe that GodOfWar_3ever is giving away information that he really shouldn't, and from the sounds of it the only reason is to write some erotic fan-fic for his own entertainment.  That idea doesn't sit well with me:  I can't see any mod running a game that irresponsibly, and if he is, let me register my objections right now.

However, there is still the chance that I'm wrong, in which case we would forfeit the two-man swing that converting hephaestos would bring us.  The problem is that keeping hephaestos alive is the easiest route I see to prove or disprove that story:  if hephaestos dies, and hatmoza's not the psychiatrist, he pretty much has a free shot to the end of the game.  I want hatmoza's story to check out, and there's enough there to make it plausible, but so many things just don't add up in my head.


So I've been trying to see if we can find the role-blocker.  Hatmoza's come back to silver-tiger, so last night I started there.  My second read of his posts from yesterday confirmed that Prof's line of questioning was a total wash:  prof was pretty much putting words in the guy's mouth, so that went nowhere.  Hatmoza's suspicions seem to be based primarily on silver's first-day doubts and suspicions.  It's true that silver's posts that day tend to be pretty conservative, like he's leaving himself an out, and at times the theories are a bit convuluted (sic).  But I chalk that up to inexperience more than anything:  from last game, it seems like silver doesn't usually get his feet wet too often in these games, so I'm not too surprised that he's hesitant and uncertain about himself when he tried it this game.  I would like to repeat though that I'm glad he (and you) are both putting more energy into this game than the last, though.

To summarize the above:  I don't really see much wrong with silver right now, which is why I asked if hatmoza had something more concrete.  He doesn't, but I don't hold that against him:  I freely admit that I was pretty sure about Khuutra early on, but that it was more hunch than anything:  what little evidence I produced sounded weak even to my ears.   That said, I mean it when I say that if there is something credible against silver-tiger, I would be willing to vote against him.


The next obvious suspect is supermario128.  As theRepublic chronicled, ir looks like he's pretty much role-claimed, although he hasn't name claimed.  I actually want to nail him down to a position first though:  I'm beginning to think that interrogations in this game should be approached like depositions, in that you lock down the person's story, and then see if you can find any holes in it.  Letting people stay cryptic and vague leaves way too many outs for that approach to be effective.  So when he shows, I'd like to have him cut the crypticism and answer our questions.  And yes, I intend to seek a name-and-role claim from him, because the arguments against it ring really hollow.


There are others I'm looking at too, of course, but the only one I'd like to mention is nen.  I'd like theRepublic to tell us what made him close his remarks last night with what he did:  last game he ID'd three of us scum early on, so I respect his instincts.  Also,  I found a few minor things odd about nen myself, although I have to wonder if they're prompted by sour grapes about his vote against me this game.  I don't think there are, but I'm not above questioning my own objectivity.  That said, I think we should focus on talking to mario first, before moving on to others.

Finally, it's gotten really hard to tell who's lurking in this game and who isn't, because someone who posts three or four times a day is definitely going to get lost in the shuffle...

Hephaestos said:

reading SM's posts that republic posted... he is sure that there is no roleblocker... would that mean he is Aph and blocked Hat on purpose? ... thus negating the buss driver theory?

He also stated that he thought there was a role-blocker on both sides.

Hephaestos said:

I said I thought it was patapon that killed Kantor.... cause he was a vigilante. People have argued that a Daytime vigilante would not do night kills.... What about the night time vigilante? it seems that he could be the sibling of Patapon and that they were a pseudo Vigilante faction inside the town.

If patapon had a sibling, he would have died last night: that's how siblings work (if one dies, the other(s) die the next night).

theprof00 said:
supermario128 said:
theprof00 said:

You call Hat scum even though squilliam framed him..

You are a liar.

Squilliam might have VERY WELL done that to make Hatmoza seem pro town. I'm not stupid. I think you are lying.

Oh yes. A mafia guy framing another mafia guy to be guilty. Doesn't make a lot of sense does it. Why not just frame someone else. Do you realize how ridiculous it sounds? Do realize how full of shit that idea is?

A guy in the last game gave up his own godfather to look like a townie

supermario128 said:

 I think a prostitute and a pro-town role blocker also seems possible, instead. NO I AM NOT THE ROLE BLOCKER...

When you say "possible" here, do you still mean "100%" sure?

Vetteman94 said:

A guy in the last game gave up his own godfather to look like a townie

Exactly. Theprof is almost certainly scum imo. He has been acting crazy and then saying I am the crazy one.

Nintendo still doomed?
Feel free to add me on 3DS or Switch! (PM me if you do ^-^)
Nintendo ID: Mako91                  3DS code: 4167-4543-6089

Vetteman94 said:
theprof00 said:
supermario128 said:
theprof00 said:

You call Hat scum even though squilliam framed him..

You are a liar.

Squilliam might have VERY WELL done that to make Hatmoza seem pro town. I'm not stupid. I think you are lying.

Oh yes. A mafia guy framing another mafia guy to be guilty. Doesn't make a lot of sense does it. Why not just frame someone else. Do you realize how ridiculous it sounds? Do realize how full of shit that idea is?

A guy in the last game gave up his own godfather to look like a townie

This is a completely different story vette. Wow are you blind.

A framer doesn't have to frame someone that is already guilty.