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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 19 - Game Thread

Ahh, I hate reading through hundreds of posts that lead to nothing.

Now, before the shitstorm between theprof and Vetteman broke out, we were discussing Supermario, remember? So what do you think people?

He behaved very strangely, but he has a record of weird attitude. Last game we thought he was a 100% scum bet, but he turned out to be Vanilla townie.

updated: 14.01.2012

playing right now: Xenoblade Chronicles

Hype-o-meter, from least to most hyped:  the Last Story, Twisted Metal, Mass Effect 3, Final Fantasy XIII-2, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Playstation ViTA

bet with Mordred11 that Rage will look better on Xbox 360.

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Heph. Please! Don't double cross us! Hopefully, you'll get doctor's protection again making the mafia  wipe out and not get any kills again. I really believe that both mafia factions targeted you last night but you had protection.  (yes I believe there's two factions). In return, do us the favor of killing mafia tonight.

Role blocker, if you're pro town, please don't block me. If you blocked me due to a busdriving role, try to figure out a way to make your blocking decision more effective... if that makes any sense.

Role blocker, if you're a prostitute, I hope heph kills you tonight.

If I live tonight, and I get blocked again, it's safe to assume the roleblocker is indeed scum.

I'm concerned... noname hasn't defended himself yet (or did i miss it?) I was leaning torwards lynching mario, but I'm also comfortable lynching noname now.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

Vote noname

I'm willing to switch mario because his weird behavior then disappearance is, well, scummy.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

theprof00 said:

Sorry about "double posting" and

I'm done with this stupid, annoyingly annoying annoying, (did I mention annoying?) game.

I've made so many screw ups already, and I really have no idea if the people I'm targeting are mafia or not. I just don't understand this game. I'm off to play starcraft ii.

Later nerds (and I say that in all proper and due respect my nerd brothers).

cause you read the thread 15 times and spent about 20 hours just writting to quit cause it's booring and not fun hey?

the only thing you don't understand in this game is patience (I know I have the problem too... but Instead of posting, I click reload on the page =)


prof, you're fine. Yes, we could do with a little less posting, and yes, sometimes it felt like you were firing a shotgun in an open field, but you've been overall, a very productive player.

So take a short break and come back when you've cleared your mind up a bit.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

Around the Network
hatmoza said:

Heph. Please! Don't double cross us! Hopefully, you'll get doctor's protection again making the mafia  wipe out and not get any kills again. I really believe that both mafia factions targeted you last night but you had protection.  (yes I believe there's two factions). In return, do us the favor of killing mafia tonight.

Role blocker, if you're pro town, please don't block me. If you blocked me due to a busdriving role, try to figure out a way to make your blocking decision more effective... if that makes any sense.

Role blocker, if you're a prostitute, I hope heph kills you tonight.

If I live tonight, and I get blocked again, it's safe to assume the roleblocker is indeed scum.

I'm concerned... noname hasn't defended himself yet (or did i miss it?) I was leaning torwards lynching mario, but I'm also comfortable lynching noname now.

What I find odd is that it look slike Noname actually chose to not defend himself. 

He posted not to long ago:

 Tag (Courtesy of Fkusumot) "If I'm posting in this thread then it's probally a spam thread."                               

hatmoza said:

Heph. Please! Don't double cross us! Hopefully, you'll get doctor's protection again making the mafia  wipe out and not get any kills again. I really believe that both mafia factions targeted you last night but you had protection.  (yes I believe there's two factions). In return, do us the favor of killing mafia tonight.

Role blocker, if you're pro town, please don't block me. If you blocked me due to a busdriving role, try to figure out a way to make your blocking decision more effective... if that makes any sense.

Role blocker, if you're a prostitute, I hope heph kills you tonight.

If I live tonight, and I get blocked again, it's safe to assume the roleblocker is indeed scum.

I'm concerned... noname hasn't defended himself yet (or did i miss it?) I was leaning torwards lynching mario, but I'm also comfortable lynching noname now.

the problem is as nickells said... I can't fail.... we don't yet have much evidence on the prostitute/bus.


hatmoza said:

Heph. Please! Don't double cross us! Hopefully, you'll get doctor's protection again making the mafia  wipe out and not get any kills again. I really believe that both mafia factions targeted you last night but you had protection.  (yes I believe there's two factions). In return, do us the favor of killing mafia tonight.

Role blocker, if you're pro town, please don't block me. If you blocked me due to a busdriving role, try to figure out a way to make your blocking decision more effective... if that makes any sense.

Role blocker, if you're a prostitute, I hope heph kills you tonight.

If I live tonight, and I get blocked again, it's safe to assume the roleblocker is indeed scum.

I'm concerned... noname hasn't defended himself yet (or did i miss it?) I was leaning torwards lynching mario, but I'm also comfortable lynching noname now.

I also believe there are 2 factions as well

If there is a protown role blocker,  they should hold off on their night action just for tonight, just to avoid another possible run in with a bus driver, if there is one.  No need to take the chance

hatmoza said:

Vote noname

I'm willing to switch mario because his weird behavior then disappearance is, well, scummy.

I'd rather vote for supermario because noname nameclaimed Artemis on Day One and he wanted to do a mass nameclaim too. It just doesn't fit with a Mafia player, especially since up until now all confirmed roles (dead people) fall into Titan = bad, God = Good.

Signature goes here!

TruckOSaurus said:
hatmoza said:

Vote noname

I'm willing to switch mario because his weird behavior then disappearance is, well, scummy.

I'd rather vote for supermario because noname nameclaimed Artemis on Day One and he wanted to do a mass nameclaim too. It just doesn't fit with a Mafia player, especially since up until now all confirmed roles (dead people) fall into Titan = bad, God = Good.

not that i'm trying to incriminate (I already said i'm just bandwagoning my vote on Prof today), but wasn't it said that Artemis was a very minor role in the GoW universe.... hence a very low probability of name claim conflict?