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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 19 - Game Thread

nen-suer said:
Vetteman94 said:
theprof00 said:

Sorry about "double posting" and

I'm done with this stupid, annoyingly annoying annoying, (did I mention annoying?) game.

I've made so many screw ups already, and I really have no idea if the people I'm targeting are mafia or not. I just don't understand this game. I'm off to play starcraft ii.

Later nerds (and I say that in all proper and due respect my nerd brothers).

Are you serious?   Is this how  you are going to act when someone questions your ideas? 

last game you killed the cop for the same reason



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nen-suer said:
Vetteman94 said:
theprof00 said:

Sorry about "double posting" and

I'm done with this stupid, annoyingly annoying annoying, (did I mention annoying?) game.

I've made so many screw ups already, and I really have no idea if the people I'm targeting are mafia or not. I just don't understand this game. I'm off to play starcraft ii.

Later nerds (and I say that in all proper and due respect my nerd brothers).

Are you serious?   Is this how  you are going to act when someone questions your ideas? 

last game you killed the cop for the same reason


 Tag (Courtesy of Fkusumot) "If I'm posting in this thread then it's probally a spam thread."                               

c03n3nj0 said:
nen-suer said:
Vetteman94 said:
theprof00 said:

Sorry about "double posting" and

I'm done with this stupid, annoyingly annoying annoying, (did I mention annoying?) game.

I've made so many screw ups already, and I really have no idea if the people I'm targeting are mafia or not. I just don't understand this game. I'm off to play starcraft ii.

Later nerds (and I say that in all proper and due respect my nerd brothers).

Are you serious?   Is this how  you are going to act when someone questions your ideas? 

last game you killed the cop for the same reason


In my defense it wasnt the exact same reason, but that sure didnt take long for that to get thrown in my face, although it wasnt quite the person I expected it frrom

c03n3nj0 said:


Yay! I'm done reading! You post too much, prof. Tone it down a bit...


SuperMario is playing badly. Not exactly how he was playing last round, but it's eerily reminding me of it. 

But prof, Vetteman has a point, what you said of the bus driver switching the Heph and Hat, although it makes sense, there's no proof behind it and we shouldn't take something like that as fact. It makes no sense to latch onto something like that when you don't even know for sure what really happened.

But what does make noname suspicious is how Mario tried to change the focus like that, it was a horrible move which brings attention to both of them. I don't think they are on different factions, because one mafia defending another on a different factions makes no sense. I'll just say that mario is either mafia or is playing badly. 

Also, mafia can't talk during the day, unless GoW3 lets it, but there's no way that he does, because it's established that mafia don't do it. That's another area where your theories are wrong, prof. 

While we're on him: Mario voted hatmoza because of prof's "Hat this hat that." I see what mario was doing, he saw prof buddying up with hatmoza (which he did) and called out on it. I'll blame prof for that.

I'll also formally FoS all the people who commented on that one post and screamed "wtf?!", they really band wagoned on that. I'm not saying Mario isn't scummy, but what is also scummy is how some people reacted on it, it seems like they could be mafia trying to look pro-town. I mean, they quoted one post where there were other posts leading up to it. 

I rushed the post a bit, I don't want to get behind and have to read a bunch of other posts. 

just to point out, in case you get confused, I did not "wtf" to Mario's activity, I called him on it, not just that post, but other activity and then voted for him, because, at the moment, he is definitley the most suspicous person around imo

I dunno if people just ignored this or dont think it holds merit, whichever it is, letting me know would be nice >_>

bleh, im gonna re-read some more posts, see if I can unearth anything more.

also, I really want to hear from Supermario

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Nikells said:

Alright I've had a lot to catch up on; if I've missed anything bring it up again.

If the mafia keep blocking Hatmoza from curing Heph does that mean they are unable to kill in the same night? If this is the case absolutely keep Heph alive, if not I propose the following:

If Heph is genuine about his intention to become a vigilante there's absolutely no reason he can't start work right away, even before he's been officially converted. We shouldn't tell him who to kill but if he feels confident he can take out a mafia member during the night he should start right away. If he's not sure he can definitely kill a Mafia member he can choose not to kill anyone again.
If he keeps his word and only one/no dead townie(s) turns up tomorrow we let him live.
If we see more than one night kill tomorrow we lynch Heph without remorse, whatever reasoning he gives.

1) no it would mean they can't use the block on anyone else.

2) Do you mean to say that I have to single handedly find mafiosos or not kill at all? if there were 100% sure mafiosos around, they'd be lynched asap and wouldn't be targets for me, what you're asking is basically me not to use my ability until cured...


I just thought I'd go back on the siblings idea since the discution is low there....

I said I thought it was patapon that killed Kantor.... cause he was a vigilante. People have argued that a Daytime vigilante would not do night kills.... What about the night time vigilante? it seems that he could be the sibling of Patapon and that they were a pseudo Vigilante faction inside the town.

Does that make sense to anyone?

Just saying cause Hades is Poseidon's Brother (and Zeus') and Hades is a dark figure (night).... He would of course have a kill every 2 nights, hence why no kill last night.

So let me reiterate something which i've seen misquoted at times:

I "massacred" Poseidon, not "Butchered".

"Butchered" in my theory would be Hades.


It would actually make sence as these are 2 major gods, so strong abilities would fit them well.

Wanted to point that out in case a townie is "butchered" again tomorow...


then again, no one seemed to believe Patapon killed Kantor before, for some odd reason...


err scrap the last sentence... I'm saying Hades killed Kantor... :p


SciFiBoy2.0 said:

I dunno if people just ignored this or dont think it holds merit, whichever it is, letting me know would be nice >_>

I agree with you on this.

Hephaestos said:

2) Do you mean to say that I have to single handedly find mafiosos or not kill at all? if there were 100% sure mafiosos around, they'd be lynched asap and wouldn't be targets for me, what you're asking is basically me not to use my ability until cured...

Yeah pretty much.
If you don't have a good read on someone just don't kill anyone tonight. If you're serious about wanting to join the town that's not a lot to ask of you is it?

If you start murdering townies tonight people are going to tear you apart tomorrow anyway.