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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 19 - Game Thread

sabby_e17 said:
Silver-Tiger said:
supermario128 said:


Vote: Hatmoza

Then we will go from there.

Holy Shit, I woke up to be confronted with something like that?!

HoS supermario128

That came basically out of nowhere.

Didn't you suspect Hatmoza in the first place?

Sure, I suspected him on day one, but my feeling on him kinda changed. Afer all this impact he has done, I doubt he is mafia. Of course you can never be sure, that should be obvious.

updated: 14.01.2012

playing right now: Xenoblade Chronicles

Hype-o-meter, from least to most hyped:  the Last Story, Twisted Metal, Mass Effect 3, Final Fantasy XIII-2, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Playstation ViTA

bet with Mordred11 that Rage will look better on Xbox 360.

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theRepublic said:

I'm going to have to go talk the dog for a walk and go to bed, so I'll leave you with a final thought:

Nen-suer's posts remind me a lot of RCTjunkie's posts last game.

First you try steering thing toward SFB and now me

you make small comments on ur suspicions without providing any evidence hoping that someone will try and

take it further and maybe find some ammo for you to use (while you stay clean).

Staying low and trying to build some kind of distrust between the players

HoS: theRepublic

Yesterday , Squll ended up just wondering if mario will too

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theprof00 said:
nen-suer said:

WTH is that ?!!

I can't believe you you'd rather lynch hatmoza than Hep.

And i cant believe you would make an obvious move like that...i mean if your mafia i will most likely go after

nonname now. And noname not responding until now isn't helping

HoS: supermario

and you're a safer bet than Hep today, but i want to hear more from you & noname

sm128 is protecting noname.

Noname is higher up. He may be the bus driver, or something even better.

It seems that way...that's why am not comfortable

I mean mafia tend to stay clear from their mafia buddys......mario is making it a little too obvious!

Specially after voting hatmoza

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nen-suer said:
theRepublic said:

I'm going to have to go talk the dog for a walk and go to bed, so I'll leave you with a final thought:

Nen-suer's posts remind me a lot of RCTjunkie's posts last game.

First you try steering thing toward SFB and now me

you make small comments on ur suspicions without providing any evidence hoping that someone will try and

take it further and maybe find some ammo for you to use (while you stay clean).

Staying low and trying to build some kind of distrust between the players

HoS: theRepublic

Yesterday , Squll ended up just wondering if mario will too

I suspect therepublic too.

When I accused noname, sm128 and therepublic both moved to deny that there was a bus driver even though it is the only logical explanation.

You gotta admit too that therepublic has been very quiet.

hatmoza said:
theprof00 said:
hatmoza said:

FoS everyone who strongly disagrees with the idea of 2 mafia

FoS everyone who in their right mind thinks the prostitute is pro town.

try to keep up buddy. We already figured it out.

Mafia bus driver. No mafia roleblocker. Possibly no recruiter. You got bussed with heph. Heph was blocked.

-Pro town roleblocker makes an honest mistake of blocking FF

-Pro roleblocker wants to try prevent the SK from killing any innocents by blocking heph night 2. Mafia busdriver switches me with heph so I would end up treating myself getting a "no good" result making me second guess Heph as the SK. Causing confusion and the lynching of heph and maybe even me. however, when I was switched, Aphrodite fucked my brains out instead.

Holy shit that actually makes perfect sense! Aphrodite is probably a pro-town roleblocker!!!

I had to read it twice but it does make sense, it also explains why Final-Fan was blocked AND killed. So instead of a role-blocker, the mafia could have a bus driver. That's seriously messed up.

Signature goes here!

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TruckOSaurus said:
hatmoza said:
theprof00 said:
hatmoza said:

FoS everyone who strongly disagrees with the idea of 2 mafia

FoS everyone who in their right mind thinks the prostitute is pro town.

try to keep up buddy. We already figured it out.

Mafia bus driver. No mafia roleblocker. Possibly no recruiter. You got bussed with heph. Heph was blocked.

-Pro town roleblocker makes an honest mistake of blocking FF

-Pro roleblocker wants to try prevent the SK from killing any innocents by blocking heph night 2. Mafia busdriver switches me with heph so I would end up treating myself getting a "no good" result making me second guess Heph as the SK. Causing confusion and the lynching of heph and maybe even me. however, when I was switched, Aphrodite fucked my brains out instead.

Holy shit that actually makes perfect sense! Aphrodite is probably a pro-town roleblocker!!!

I had to read it twice but it does make sense, it also explains why Final-Fan was blocked AND killed. So instead of a role-blocker, the mafia could have a bus driver. That's seriously messed up.

F-in bus driver. It's not the whore thats the problem, it's the fricking Mafia Bus Driver. The prostitute is a good person! (Whoever said the prostitute can't be pro-town)

Supermario128 = lurks, admits to lurking, gets pressurised by Hatmoza and Prof then panic votes for Hatmoza and accuses Prof, he doesnt have the excuse of being a n00b either.

Noname = prof and hat seem to think he is scum, I need to go over what they said, plus Supermario defended him

TheRepublic = highly selective memory, tried to focus suspicion and distrust on to first me, and now Nen

Sabby = less active than he usually is, also his renewing of his suspicion of me came far too close to my challenge to TheRepublic, possibly trying to defend him

SciFiBoy2.0 said:

Supermario128 = lurks, admits to lurking, gets pressurised by Hatmoza and Prof then panic votes for Hatmoza and accuses Prof, he doesnt have the excuse of being a n00b either.

Noname = prof and hat seem to think he is scum, I need to go over what they said, plus Supermario defended him

This is a post I made last night.

"Well, the cat's already out of the bag.

There are two people who started a hunt for aphrodite. Noname and ToS.

However, I find noname highly suspicious because he said that we needed the roleblocker to step forward so we can know which one is lying.

Based on an idea that mafia had a bus-driver. He gave us a zero-sum game. One townie would be lynched.

What think?"

ToS seemed like he understood the need for a hunt, but suggested a better way than noname's. So I don't think he's scum.
After this post above, there has not been one response by noname. When I posted it, three members were on. noname, therepublic, and sm128. Nobody posted for about 10-20 minutes right after my post. Then when I remarked that he was caught and talking it over with his buddies, therepublic and sm128 jumped in immediately saying "mafia an't talk during the day".
Then Hat came in making comments about the blocker. I explained to him the bus driver theory. He completely agreed. And then sm128 immediately voted hatmoza.

First, thanks to all the ones that realize that an SK is just a parameter until the later phase of the game (more there : *****).

Hahaha, I love how D and P just got on my back right at the begining of the day.

1)    Dtewi was my vote yesterday, before I FoSed him, no one was on his back, he probably has a grudge against me because of that, and as I pointed out in my initial FoS he’s a bit inconsistant in his reasons to FoS/vote.
-> I’ll put his eagerness to lynch me on the count of revenge.

2)    Prof on the other hand always let out a little disbelief of the SK situation, however he only fully opened the gates of his floodposting when I pointed out his « I know Zeus » post. Since then, he’s made purposefull contradictions and managed to make most of the users look like lurkers as they read through 200 posts each time they log on.  Whether he’s town or not, I do not know, but he’s definitely not the person to lead the town.
Examples of his misconceptions:

a. He insinuates that I could be mafia posing as the SK
b. His best firend is Nickels, as they have the same list.
c. I put my neck on the line to avoid the town lynching Nickels
d. so if he thinks i'm mafia, Nickels should be too...
e. nope, that wouldn't cross his mind..... yet it discredits the theory.

a. He called to role block me... why?
b. Do you block a vigilante? no.
c. Does a player who wants to join the town try to hurt the town? no.
d. again, this makes no sense at all.

Does he assume i'm gonna kill known townies?
 ***** What is the point of killing townies when you're an SK? none whatsoever. What you do is you kill off the inactives that you can't read or the people that scramble everything. Then, you kill off mafia, cause they can kill you randomly without you defending yourself.
When is an SK a threat to townies? Only when there are 7 people left... you'll assume 2 mafia, 1 SK and 4 townies, there the SK will try to lynch mafia and then Kill townies.
My only option is to target lurkers and other possible scum or town hurting people. I can't lay a finger on the active people, that is the role of the town to find out if they are scum or not. This is exactly what a Vigilante should do too. Do you really think pointing at Prof and saying "vigilante kill him" would work? no cause a bus driver would then control the kill.
The only difference between an SK and a vigilante is later in the game, when there are very few players left, there the SK is a liability, before that, he's just a parameter of the game.
Blocking me is not in the interest of the town as it removes the background sweep I can do.


unvote/ vote noname