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Forums - General Discussion - When will Soriku's post count overtake PS3?

omgwtfbbq said:
To be honest, I think that soriku's post count may be overtracked, while leo-j's post count is undertracked. In Spain, everyone is talking about how good leo-j's posts are, while I haven't seen a soriku post anywhere. There's no way that soriku could have so many posts.

ioi will adjust the numbers when leo-j and soriku give their own internal estimates, I'm sure. I think we need to stop with this "leo-j just gives out typed post numbers, not his actual submitted posts" nonsense. If this site wasn't run by soriku fanboys, I'm sure we'd see higher numbers for leo-j and lower numbers for soriku.

hahahaha wow that really made me laugh hard

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omgwtfbbq said:
To be honest, I think that soriku's post count may be overtracked, while leo-j's post count is undertracked. In Spain, everyone is talking about how good leo-j's posts are, while I haven't seen a soriku post anywhere. There's no way that soriku could have so many posts.

ioi will adjust the numbers when leo-j and soriku give their own internal estimates, I'm sure. I think we need to stop with this "leo-j just gives out typed post numbers, not his actual submitted posts" nonsense. If this site wasn't run by soriku fanboys, I'm sure we'd see higher numbers for leo-j and lower numbers for soriku.

LOL We have a winner XD 

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omgwtfbbq said:
To be honest, I think that soriku's post count may be overtracked, while leo-j's post count is undertracked. In Spain, everyone is talking about how good leo-j's posts are, while I haven't seen a soriku post anywhere. There's no way that soriku could have so many posts.

ioi will adjust the numbers when leo-j and soriku give their own internal estimates, I'm sure. I think we need to stop with this "leo-j just gives out typed post numbers, not his actual submitted posts" nonsense. If this site wasn't run by soriku fanboys, I'm sure we'd see higher numbers for leo-j and lower numbers for soriku.

 This whole thread was already hilarious but that above post was the cherry on top of the sundae. I am literally suffocating from laughter over here. Excellent post Omgwtfbbq

Rubang B said:
SRubang B may not post half as much, but Rubang B's posts are 4-D. 5 million readers will click on my topics, even without any meaningful content.

Plus, and I've never said this yet but...


Your facial growth is (and excuse my french here) fucking amazing.



This whole thread is a LMAO. XD I love it...

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omgwtfbbq said:
To be honest, I think that soriku's post count may be overtracked, while leo-j's post count is undertracked. In Spain, everyone is talking about how good leo-j's posts are, while I haven't seen a soriku post anywhere. There's no way that soriku could have so many posts.

ioi will adjust the numbers when leo-j and soriku give their own internal estimates, I'm sure. I think we need to stop with this "leo-j just gives out typed post numbers, not his actual submitted posts" nonsense. If this site wasn't run by soriku fanboys, I'm sure we'd see higher numbers for leo-j and lower numbers for soriku.



I believe that once the BIG threads come in 2008, leo-j will be posting everywhere . And people will stop letting Soriku post because they will finally see that he is just a fad.



SSBB: 1977-0005-2980 (JOEY) MKWii: 4382-2877-5902 (Joeykanga)
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Tag courtesy of fkusumot: Joeykanga - "Just post something once, don't ruin the thread"
Double post, sorry.

SSBB: 1977-0005-2980 (JOEY) MKWii: 4382-2877-5902 (Joeykanga)
Wii:4027-0084-9432-1532             PM me if you add me.
Tag courtesy of fkusumot: Joeykanga - "Just post something once, don't ruin the thread"

I think it's really impressive that Soriku has managed to surpass BenKenobi in posts despite BenKenobi's earlier release. BenKenobi is now fighting a two front war, with leo-j releasing new topics every 3 months, and Soriku's unexpected success. BenKenobi has been forced to release new topics to compete for both the casual and hardcore reader.
Still, most of Soriku's domination has been limited to Japan, where BenKenobi's FPSs aren't as popular, but Soriku has yet to overtake BenKenobi in America.

Seppukuties is like LBP Lite, on crack. Play it already!

Currently wrapped up in: Half Life, Portal, and User Created Source Mods
Games I want: (Wii)Mario Kart, Okami, Bully, Conduit,  No More Heroes 2 (GC) Eternal Darkness, Killer7, (PS2) Ico, God of War1&2, Legacy of Kain: SR2&Defiance

My Prediction: Wii will be achieve 48% market share by the end of 2008, and will achieve 50% by the end of june of 09. Prediction Failed.

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Grey Acumen said:
I think it's really impressive that Soriku has managed to surpass BenKenobi in sales despite BenKenobi's earlier release. BenKenobi is now fighting a two front war, with leo-j releasing new topics every 3 months, and Soriku's unexpected success. BenKenobi has been forced to release new topics to compete for both the casual and hardcore reader.
Still, most of Soriku's domination has been limited to Japan, where BenKenobi's FPSs aren't as popular, but Soriku has yet to overtake BenKenobi in America.

 omg u r teh leoj fanboi! BenKenobi has viva pinata its not all fps. plus the BenKenobi arcade will beat soriku due to its close price

Yeah, but everyone is too scared to read BenKenobi for fear of getting RPoD (Red Post of Death) since Soriku is just a fad, it's only a matter of time before MGS4 and FFXIII comes out and leoj overtakes everyone!
Go home, BenBot!

Seppukuties is like LBP Lite, on crack. Play it already!

Currently wrapped up in: Half Life, Portal, and User Created Source Mods
Games I want: (Wii)Mario Kart, Okami, Bully, Conduit,  No More Heroes 2 (GC) Eternal Darkness, Killer7, (PS2) Ico, God of War1&2, Legacy of Kain: SR2&Defiance

My Prediction: Wii will be achieve 48% market share by the end of 2008, and will achieve 50% by the end of june of 09. Prediction Failed.

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