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Forums - General Discussion - Have you ever had unprotected sex?

only with Taylor Swift...

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mtlca66 said:

everytime i have sex its unprotected, but thats what monogomy and birth control are for.


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Jimi Hendrix


Signalstar said:

Nope never. I always remember to bring  a gun.

spot on

so we truly have noting to talk bout? ok i'm a born again Lesbian, but i'm striate. 

now on the serious side. no but not with just anyone. i haft to know the person so i guess you can say i'm old fashion.

binary solo said:
mtlca66 said:

everytime i have sex its unprotected, but thats what monogomy and birth control are for.



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Herpies is a tricky thing. It can be dormant for may years in people, then an outbreak can happen.

So in theory I reckon you could catch that shit or already have caught that shit without knowing it.



My cousin one had sex with his ex without using a condom. They used on of those calendar based methods. Don't remember how that works.

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Yes to the first but then I was young and stupid and like most young and stupid people we think we are going to live forever and people aged thirty are sooooo old.

Two reasons to wear a condom.

1. Kids, enough said. If are not ready for them then wear a condom simple as.

2. Disease, again if you would rather not experience it or feel that a life crippling disease may cramp your style then wear a condom simple as.

Plenty of time to have unprotected sex when you manage to get yourself into a long term relationship and sort out your birth control mechanism. Of course when that happens you probably will not need a condom so much anyway.

W.L.B.B. Member, Portsmouth Branch.

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sapphi_snake said:

My cousin one had sex with his ex without using a condom. They used on of those calendar based methods. Don't remember how that works.

Kids.. we need to teach them everything.. :) :

The "safe" days are 3, 2 and 1 days AFTER her menstration... Ovulation (the risky period, when egg leaves the ovaries and is ready for fertilization) takes 14 a 15 days before her menstration.. Sperm can survive 5 to 7 days in her so you lose 22 days of sex in a month... play it safer and you'll lose 26-28 days.. hench you have 3 days when you can have sex... but no girl has her menstration period that regular that you can be truly safe if she doesn't use birth control... heck even with Birth Control it's not 100% safe.. scared for kids? put a cap on!


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

nope never had unprotected sex with someon I just met but with my ex sure we used to have it we were both safe though.

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