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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - SM Galaxy Freakin' Bouldergeist

Anybody who is still speculative about the challenge (i.e. it is too easy) in Galaxy just needs to try Bouldergeist's Daredevil Run in the Ghostly Galaxy.  It is hard as @#$*! to hit a rocky beast by swinging an exploding ghost by the ghost's tounge through the beast's blocking hands while not getting hit once yourself.  The dang hands keep regenerating!

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It's not that hard, just focus on him and not the hands. It took me three tries to beat him on Daredevil Run

You're right, it's one of the harder levels... but not the hardest :) Wait til you try to get the last 15 stars, some missions are really tough. Don't want to spoil it for you, so I just say: "Luigi".

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... and of course Zelda (Wii) 
polezo said:

Anybody who is still speculative about the challenge (e.g. it is too easy) in Galaxy just needs to try Bouldergeist's Daredevil Run in the Ghostly Galaxy.  It is hard as @#$*! to hit a rocky beast by swinging an exploding ghost by the ghost's tounge through the beast's blocking hands while not getting hit once yourself.  The dang hands keep regenerating!

It wasn't THAt hard... It was challenging though...! First lvl where i died about 8 times before i finished it!


I just did this last night actually.

Was a great boss.
Took about 10 tries... whatta bastard that guy is.

I found if you tsay close he tries to smash you with his hand...
They hover up there long enough to get an easy hit
but if you run he makes those pillars shoot out of the ground. That equals death.

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What killed me the most was the walls of spikes he'd raise. So if I saw a shadow I would back off.

The second thing that killed me was not waiting for all the rocks to break. So I'd dash after a bomb boo and get bopped with the last rock. D'oh!

Otherwise Bouldergeist is OK. There is harder stuff out there.

There is no such thing as a console war. This is the first step to game design.

It took me like half a dozen tries to beat him at all with no comets or anything. Looks like the game won't be running out on me...

Then again I had a friend watching, and we all know how much us suck. =P

For hopefully the last time, the opinion that the game is too easy is not based only on speculation.  People who have completed the entire game have found the entire game incredibly easy  (I'm only at 75 stars in the second playthrough).  There is no magic mission they left out that will change their view.  Yes, there's a broad range of difficulty in the misssions and that's an awesome plus, but for many, the difficulty starts at hold-your-hand easy and never or rarely gets up to anything that significantly challenges them.  Hence, for them, the difficulty in the game is dissapointingly easy.  (And you shouldn't have to beat a game to get a better challenge : ( why should someone spend 15-20 hours to unlock something that he would have used in the first place?)


Here's my strategy (Spoiler):  For the first stage (handless) just run in circles around him, he can't hit you.  During the second stage, do the same thing but also use the starbits he threw out at you after the first stage to shoot the black rocks before he hurls them at you.  This will make the bomb ghosts form right next to him, and if you go up next to him and spin attack , the ghosts will be so close they'll almost always strike him rather than the hands.  This strategy is totally unnecessary to beat him, but it  will make him even easier. If you're repeatedly hitting the hands, didn't you realize you're doing something wrong?

Nice strategy FightingGameGuy. Never thought about that.

There is no such thing as a console war. This is the first step to game design.

polezo said:

Anybody who is still speculative about the challenge (e.g. it is too easy) in Galaxy just needs to try Bouldergeist's Daredevil Run in the Ghostly Galaxy. It is hard as @#$*! to hit a rocky beast by swinging an exploding ghost by the ghost's tounge through the beast's blocking hands while not getting hit once yourself. The dang hands keep regenerating!

It helps if you have a second player. This time was on my girlfriends' turn. For the first phase when fighting him, she dodged his rocks. But when be brought his hands in, I would shoot all of the rocks down (including bomb ghosts), then hold the ghosts for her to use so she could just concentrate on his hands. It took a few tries before we settled on this strategy and then several more tries before our execution was good enough to win, but it was definitely fun, and definitely a good challange.

I also like the speed comets.  The game is very fun -- it is challanging, but not typically, "I have to play this several times challanging."  It's more along the lines of, "I have to put some effort in or I will die" challanging, with occational deaths due to missteps.  We're on ~50 stars, so take that for what it's worth.

I do like my games a little more difficult, but this is definitely one of the most fun games I've ever played.  Very, very fun.