How're you guys playing it? Are you living in Japan right now?
I played it on my nephew's modded Wii. I use it whenever I want to try an unreleased game. I modded it when it was mine to play Wii Sports Resort early and it came in useful for NSMB Wii too. I gave it my nephew at Christmas and bought a black one (unmodded). The hard drive is a better option than discs for young kids. We still have original copies. 2xNSMB, 3xMario Karts (2 scratched), 4x Wii Plays. The only games that we/I haven't bought yet are Zangeki no reginleiv and now Wii Party.
Nov 2016 - NES outsells PS1 (JP)
Don't Play Stationary 4 ever. Switch!
That house game looked really boring. I hope thats not the best there is.
Time for hype
leatherhat said: That house game looked really boring. I hope thats not the best there is. |
The best according to this videos is "shake the baby".(in the second video at 5:55)
Honestly when Nintendo 1st announced Wii Party I thought it was a buy it someday game but now it has become a 1st week buy for me.(I don't say 1st day because I almost never buy games day 1 because I can wait a little bit until I have time later in the week) I don't consider myself a "core" gamer or a "casual" gamer but more of a "Bridge" gamer and if its fun then I like it. After seeing some videos of it and reading about it Wii Party has gone from the low end to the high end in my list of games to get. At this point in time Wii Party is my #1 most wanted game and even beats out Kirby,Donkey Kong,and LBP2.
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