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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 18 Game Thread

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Ugh, let me try that again.  Stefl, please tell us what you did last night, and what happened with Vetteman.

Well shit. 

There's two mafia, and then there's 4 town alive. So...

We have to Double-Lynch. I mean, that's our only option during the day. And yes, we have to get both remaining mafia, you other pro-town guy. 

Now, stefl's behavior have been very erratic with the beginning of this day. He's in a corner right now, as vetteman was telling the truth, and well, claimed stefl is scum 'cause he was lying. 

And now, he didn't read Silver-Tiger's question of him, and instead opted out to point out that there's obviously two mafia left. 

But Silver-Tiger, are you blind too? There's TWO mafias remaining. What made you think that? Obviously you read it when stefl posted implying there were two, right? 

Now it's time for me to role-claim. 

I am Jax, a townie. Nothing more nothing less. This is probably why I had nothing not much to say most of the game, I had no more info then what the town knew, and there's also the part where I mentioned that if nikells tracked me he would have gotten nothing, because I'm a townie. 

Now I will ask Silver-Tiger and noname to roleclaim. This is the last day of the game, we need as much of the air cleared if we want to pull off this double-lynch. 

Edited for spelling mistakes. 

 Tag (Courtesy of Fkusumot) "If I'm posting in this thread then it's probally a spam thread."                               

Stefl1504 said:

Ooh... and j0? You are Mafia A am I right?

No I am not.

Oh you're just like nikells! 

 Tag (Courtesy of Fkusumot) "If I'm posting in this thread then it's probally a spam thread."                               

Now is a good time for a full role-claim.  I am Quan-Chi, vanilla townie.  Unlike a certain other townie, I didn't let that get in the way of helping the town.  So why have you been holding back so long, co3n3nj0?  It looks like you've finally decided to join us, at the very end of the game: did you stop being a vanilla townie overnight?

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noname2200 said:

Now is a good time for a full role-claim.  I am Quan-Chi, vanilla townie.  Unlike a certain other townie, I didn't let that get in the way of helping the town.  So why have you been holding back so long, co3n3nj0?  It looks like you've finally decided to join us, at the very end of the game: did you stop being a vanilla townie overnight?

What do you mean? I'vef posted a lot in the game, and I contributed as much as I could. If you're talking about big-ass posts like yours from everyone else than your fault, I've never done that in mafia, as generally I don't have the patience or the knowhow. 

Your comment kinda stings, dude >.> 

 Tag (Courtesy of Fkusumot) "If I'm posting in this thread then it's probally a spam thread."                               

Well don't take my comments personally, but while you've been posting regularly, those posts have rarely been of much value: in general, you've tended to repeat what others have said, or you've hopped on bandwagons.  You just said it yourself: "I had nothing not much to say most of the game." 

You've also been the hammer vote the most (exclusively?), even on days when you said early and often that you were suspicious of the person you ultimately hammered.  An overabundance of caution, perhaps?  A desire to look like you're not too eager to lynch a townie?  Or...?

Cards on the table time:  I suspect you are mafia, c03n3nj0.  There's a 2/3 chance that you're a mafioso, that link dsister posted which described active lurking fits you to a T, you've hopped on every bandwagon out there, and now, at the end of the game, you're suddenly active and eager to take the lead in lynching people.  It stinks to high heavens, and while I admit I might be wrong about you, your actions have been more suspicious than those of the other two candidates.  So, explain your sudden change of heart to me.

Correction: it looks like dsister hammered SnakeEyez.

noname2200 said:

Now is a good time for a full role-claim.  I am Quan-Chi, vanilla townie.  Unlike a certain other townie, I didn't let that get in the way of helping the town.  So why have you been holding back so long, co3n3nj0?  It looks like you've finally decided to join us, at the very end of the game: did you stop being a vanilla townie overnight?

WAIT A SECOND NONAME. I was looking back at the thread reading my posts making my big post to counter your accusations but I saw something: 

You just role claimed to be Quan-chi, but on the first page it says Quan Chi was khuutra, the Mafia B member.

What is this? Did I just catch you lying to us? 

There can't be two Quan-Chi's. Noname, explain yourself. 

VOTE- Noname

 Tag (Courtesy of Fkusumot) "If I'm posting in this thread then it's probally a spam thread."                               

Nice catch.  You are correct: I'm the other sorcerer, Shang Tsung.  I haven't checked my role PM in so long, I'd forgotten who I was.  =^/  And now my absent-mindedness is going to cost the town the game.