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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 18 Game Thread

Sorry I have to say I have no time at 2 am so I am going to post again tommorow... right now hasn't happened much...

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c03n3nj0 said:

Stefls and vetteman are both essentially claiming that the other guy is mafia. Vetteman got caught by stefls trying to kill last night, so vetteman went back and claimed that stefls was lying. Which is a bit revenge-voty, but okay.  

Facts against Vetteman: 

-Sabby was a Serial Killer, and supposedly ha had no kills through out the game. Now that he's dead, vetteman claims that he has no more night kills. That... just simply looks bad for vetteman. Because if sabby is dead then there are no more "other" kills. 
- Vetteman first said he'd be willing to get lynched if that would prove stefls was scum. When I proposed a double-lynch him with Stefls he says, "No,  a double lynch this late is a bad idea.  Especially since every townie is important at this point.  And killing me would net you one less." And then, noname questioned him about it, but vette doesn't even answer the question correctly! Why such a change in heart? 

Facts against Stefls:

- There's been a cop, deputy and a tracker already. 
- He somehow wasn't able to get any info on Nikells, he also managed to get RCT red-handed. Which is weird, because godfather's don't usually make a kill themselves. 

All stefl has against him is the inconsistency of his role. To explain he describes it as, "I can vanish and follow people at night finding out what they are doing." Also that instead of visintg people like a tracker, he just sees what they did. 

A possible answer I have for the RST part is that since RCT was the godfather, he has to order what to kill, right? So stefls could still see that RCT was in fact trying to kill someone. Not necessarily that he was ordering, but that depends on how the mod works the role. Maybe nen pairs godfathers and his goonies in the sense that hey are both come up as killing the same person. 

Nikells on the other is unexplainable. We're gonna have to wait and see. Maybe we have a roleblocker of some kind. That's probably the only big hole stefls has in his claim. 

However I see it vettman has the most against him. I stand the fact that a double-lynch isn't too far off if the town can't come down on a decision. 

Now onto other people: 

GodofWar's life depends on stefls at this point. If stefl is scum then GoW is in trouble. He sounds pro-town, and he's also not willing to give up his role which is acceptable, remember, dsis was against role-claiming too. Gow gave up his role easily before he became dsister. So I'm pretty assured that dsister/gow has a pro-town character with some kind of important role. 

Silver-Tiger hasn't posted in this fiasco besides correcting about his vanilla towniness. He has layed low for a lot of the game, kinda like me, except that people have been suspicious of him for most of the game. As for myself (partly in because of my super awesome list) I think he'a another safe bet at scum.

Noname is pretty much clear. That dude has helped n' shit. Somehow, he could be the remaining godfather trying to play as much of a pro-town game as possible. 

Trangenstpree for me is a bit is like Silver-Tiger. They both have posted about the same, with trangentspree's posts being a bit more directed at scum-hunting. He has been quite for parts of the game, I imagine it's because he's busy. He's suspicious to me because of his silence, which I don't associate with him. 

I am pro-town. That's all I have on moi. 

Edited to fix mistakes. 

Guess that might be bus drivers and role blockers at work.

As I said before, there haven't been more than 1 night kill per night by mafia factions since RCT died...Maybe RCT was the only guy remaining in his faction so he killed himself because he had to ?

But in the vetteman situation, another manipulative role might have something to do with it.... Maybe they are both pro-town.

3 players out of 7 voted

2 votes vetteman

godofwar, noname

1 vote stefl


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GodOfWar_3ever said:

Guess that might be bus drivers and role blockers at work.

As I said before, there haven't been more than 1 night kill per night by mafia factions since RCT died...Maybe RCT was the only guy remaining in his faction so he killed himself because he had to ?

But in the vetteman situation, another manipulative role might have something to do with it.... Maybe they are both pro-town.

That's certainly possible, but just thinking there was only 2 mafia in one factions is too risky.Too risky as in, ignoring the last possible mafia.

We also didn't see if either khuutra had power roles (RCT is already godfather) so there being a 2 mafia faction is extremely unfair to them without any special roles. AND they had a godfather... why would there be a godfather with only 2 players? Who would he boss around? >.< 

You mean one that blocked Sabby for the entire game? I guess one reason we could be trusting Vetteman is that he only had 2 kills. Vigilantes usually have limited kills. 

 Tag (Courtesy of Fkusumot) "If I'm posting in this thread then it's probally a spam thread."                               

c03n3nj0 said:
GodOfWar_3ever said:

Guess that might be bus drivers and role blockers at work.

As I said before, there haven't been more than 1 night kill per night by mafia factions since RCT died...Maybe RCT was the only guy remaining in his faction so he killed himself because he had to ?

But in the vetteman situation, another manipulative role might have something to do with it.... Maybe they are both pro-town.

That's certainly possible, but just thinking there was only 2 mafia in one factions is too risky.Too risky as in, ignoring the last possible mafia.

We also didn't see if either khuutra had power roles (RCT is already godfather) so there being a 2 mafia faction is extremely unfair to them without any special roles. AND they had a godfather... why would there be a godfather with only 2 players? Who would he boss around? >.< 

You mean one that blocked Sabby for the entire game? I guess one reason we could be trusting Vetteman is that he only had 2 kills. Vigilantes usually have limited kills. 

Maybe, one that switched stefl's targets ?

Either way, we certainly don't have any other leads than lynching vetteman.  Just wish Nikells had revealed whatever his results were before he died.

Around the Network
c03n3nj0 said:
GodOfWar_3ever said:

Guess that might be bus drivers and role blockers at work.

As I said before, there haven't been more than 1 night kill per night by mafia factions since RCT died...Maybe RCT was the only guy remaining in his faction so he killed himself because he had to ?

But in the vetteman situation, another manipulative role might have something to do with it.... Maybe they are both pro-town.

That's certainly possible, but just thinking there was only 2 mafia in one factions is too risky.Too risky as in, ignoring the last possible mafia.

We also didn't see if either khuutra had power roles (RCT is already godfather) so there being a 2 mafia faction is extremely unfair to them without any special roles. AND they had a godfather... why would there be a godfather with only 2 players? Who would he boss around? >.< 

You mean one that blocked Sabby for the entire game? I guess one reason we could be trusting Vetteman is that he only had 2 kills. Vigilantes usually have limited kills. 

I just had another idea: Wouldn't it be possible that there are two Serial killers?

updated: 14.01.2012

playing right now: Xenoblade Chronicles

Hype-o-meter, from least to most hyped:  the Last Story, Twisted Metal, Mass Effect 3, Final Fantasy XIII-2, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Playstation ViTA

bet with Mordred11 that Rage will look better on Xbox 360.

Silver-Tiger said:
c03n3nj0 said:
GodOfWar_3ever said:

Guess that might be bus drivers and role blockers at work.

As I said before, there haven't been more than 1 night kill per night by mafia factions since RCT died...Maybe RCT was the only guy remaining in his faction so he killed himself because he had to ?

But in the vetteman situation, another manipulative role might have something to do with it.... Maybe they are both pro-town.

That's certainly possible, but just thinking there was only 2 mafia in one factions is too risky.Too risky as in, ignoring the last possible mafia.

We also didn't see if either khuutra had power roles (RCT is already godfather) so there being a 2 mafia faction is extremely unfair to them without any special roles. AND they had a godfather... why would there be a godfather with only 2 players? Who would he boss around? >.< 

You mean one that blocked Sabby for the entire game? I guess one reason we could be trusting Vetteman is that he only had 2 kills. Vigilantes usually have limited kills. 

I just had another idea: Wouldn't it be possible that there are two Serial killers?

Thats unlikely given the low amount of kills we've had so far.

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nen is right. It has become awfully quiet in here.

updated: 14.01.2012

playing right now: Xenoblade Chronicles

Hype-o-meter, from least to most hyped:  the Last Story, Twisted Metal, Mass Effect 3, Final Fantasy XIII-2, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Playstation ViTA

bet with Mordred11 that Rage will look better on Xbox 360.

Silver-Tiger said:

nen is right. It has become awfully quiet in here.

Who are your suspects silver-tiger ?