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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 18 Game Thread

GodOfWar_3ever said:
Vetteman94 said:

I think its quite obvious that he was killed by a vigilante/SK


This post alone makes me believe that he is saying the truth !!! Note that he says Vigilante first....people would assume that it was the serial killer first...

And the "murdered" text appears in red and blue... what if red kills include mafia "plus" serial killers and blue text means pro-town kills ? Soleron was killed by Tanstalas, who was pro-town...

GodOfWar_3ever said:

Red - Mafia kills. It can be mafia A or mafia B.

Blue - All other types of night kills - Serial Killer, Bomb.

Tanstalas is pretty much a suicide bomb. Soleron didn't kill Tanstalas, he got killed by Tanstalas' blast, and Tanstalas died too.

Your original explanation makes much more sense: seeing how hatmoza got on my back about this, it appears that this is the standard formula, not "red=bad kills, blue=good kills."  I've seen nothing to indicate that that's not the case here.

Shoot, from the mouth of babes...

GodOfWar_3ever said:

another hint towards his role ? Either way, it could be that he was planning this from a long time out...

I'd really like Stefl to explain about his role more like many people have called out for, as Mafia Godfathers like RCTjunkie do not leave their houses to kill anyone.

Assuming that he's the vigilante requires us to believe that sabby was completely unsuccessful in five nights.  That's  not plausible; I find it far easier to believe that Vetteman's lying than to believe in a series of coincidences that left sabby impotent. Occam's Razor and all that.  

Furthermore, I believe Vetteman's smart enough to create and execute this type of plan even that early on: Sabby certainly tried to do the same a week ago, albeit less elegantly and with more prompting. 

Regarding stefl, there is of course a simple way for him to prove, immediately, whether he's on the up and up about his role.  Of course, the price of that is mostly on you, GodOfWar, so I'm going to leave the decision whether to proceed in your hands.



Long story short: several of us have been suspicious of Vetteman early on, he's been caught killing by stefl, and he's claimed kills that are better credited to the serial killer.  I find all of this pretty damning, so I'm leaving my vote where it is.

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c03n3nj0 said:

^ Bah, a lot of times I confuse saying townie with not having a role. 

Anyways, it's pretty much Vette vs Stefls now. Is a double lynch a consideration? If we believe one of them, then one of them is definitely mafia. 

And what happened to trangentspree? He hasn't posted in a while. 

No,  a double lynch this late is a bad idea.  Especially since every townie is important at this point.  And killing me would net you one less.  

c03n3nj0 said:

^ Bah, a lot of times I confuse saying townie with not having a role. 

Anyways, it's pretty much Vette vs Stefls now. Is a double lynch a consideration? If we believe one of them, then one of them is definitely mafia. 

And what happened to trangentspree? He hasn't posted in a while. 

Regarding trangentspree, he was online yesterday.  Regarding the double lynch, I think it's a bad idea, but we'll probably keep dithering until Wednesday, when nen gets bored enough to declare a deadline, and then the four votes we get may end up split evenly, so we might get a double-lynch anyways.

Share your thoughts, co3n3nj0.  I don't mean to attack you, but this entire game you've posted often and contributed little.  We're too few to have that luxury anymore though, so let's hear your analyses.

noname2200 said:
GodOfWar_3ever said:
Vetteman94 said:

I think its quite obvious that he was killed by a vigilante/SK


This post alone makes me believe that he is saying the truth !!! Note that he says Vigilante first....people would assume that it was the serial killer first...

And the "murdered" text appears in red and blue... what if red kills include mafia "plus" serial killers and blue text means pro-town kills ? Soleron was killed by Tanstalas, who was pro-town...

GodOfWar_3ever said:

Red - Mafia kills. It can be mafia A or mafia B.

Blue - All other types of night kills - Serial Killer, Bomb.

Tanstalas is pretty much a suicide bomb. Soleron didn't kill Tanstalas, he got killed by Tanstalas' blast, and Tanstalas died too.

Your original explanation makes much more sense: seeing how hatmoza got on my back about this, it appears that this is the standard formula, not "red=bad kills, blue=good kills."  I've seen nothing to indicate that that's not the case here.

Shoot, from the mouth of babes...

GodOfWar_3ever said:

another hint towards his role ? Either way, it could be that he was planning this from a long time out...

I'd really like Stefl to explain about his role more like many people have called out for, as Mafia Godfathers like RCTjunkie do not leave their houses to kill anyone.

Assuming that he's the vigilante requires us to believe that sabby was completely unsuccessful in five nights.  That's  not plausible; I find it far easier to believe that Vetteman's lying than to believe in a series of coincidences that left sabby impotent. Occam's Razor and all that.  

Furthermore, I believe Vetteman's smart enough to create and execute this type of plan even that early on: Sabby certainly tried to do the same a week ago, albeit less elegantly and with more prompting. 

Regarding stefl, there is of course a simple way for him to prove, immediately, whether he's on the up and up about his role.  Of course, the price of that is mostly on you, GodOfWar, so I'm going to leave the decision whether to proceed in your hands.

Long story short: several of us have been suspicious of Vetteman early on, he's been caught killing by stefl, and he's claimed kills that are better credited to the serial killer.  I find all of this pretty damning, so I'm leaving my vote where it is.

Not Plausible?????   How is it not plausible to role claim a tracker style investigation role and give up one of your own mafia members to make you look like a townie?  How is it that a tracker/investigation role comes up with nothing for information 2 weeks in a row, then all of the sudden gets some information?  Explain that?   And is now backing off his last result?

He never caught me killing anyone as I never left my house last night,  It was a physical impossibility for me.   The only reason MY KILLS look better suited for a SK is because I hit 2 pro-town roles.  Thats it,  it was bad luck and I had bd reads on people.  

Why has Stefl1504 refuse to give a complete role claim like I have?   He keeps dancing around the issue,  because he has something to hide.

Vetteman94 said:

Not Plausible?????   How is it not plausible to role claim a tracker style investigation role and give up one of your own mafia members to make you look like a townie?  How is it that a tracker/investigation role comes up with nothing for information 2 weeks in a row, then all of the sudden gets some information?  Explain that?   And is now backing off his last result?

He never caught me killing anyone as I never left my house last night,  It was a physical impossibility for me.   The only reason MY KILLS look better suited for a SK is because I hit 2 pro-town roles.  Thats it,  it was bad luck and I had bd reads on people.  

Why has Stefl1504 refuse to give a complete role claim like I have?   He keeps dancing around the issue,  because he has something to hide.

Take a second read at what I'm calling not plausible: it has zero to do with stefl's claims and everything to do with yours. 

And about yesterday: I know those "couple hours" flew by pretty quickly once I voted for you, but whatever happened to being willing to take one for the team?  To your having no problems dying to prove your innocence?  If you were genuine, I would think you'd be all for a double-lynch, so long as it takes out a mafia; at least, that's what you said.  Now you just want to stay alive.  Were those comments mere rhetoric to make you look sincere?  Your attitude certainly seems to have changed very quickly.

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Noname, I've noticed that you have been defending stefl a lot...almost everytime he gets accused of possibly being mafia.

"Stefl is a mafia cop ? So is Vetteman really a Vigilante, or was he bullshitting all along ?

It could mean that Stefl did use his mafia cop ability to investigate Vetteman and saw him killing.....So they both could be mafia."

I also wonder why you left this part of my post out ?

Stefl1504 said:

You killed/tried to kill someone, though you said you are not able to do so... and there is the fact that there was a Mafia Kill tonight, so either are you lying about being able to kill every second night and you failed tonight or you killed  tonight and you are Mafia. I got the same result as when RCTjunkie was guilty!

Doubt this would happen unless RCTJunkie was the final mafia member remaining of Mafia B...that could be right, since there haven't been 2 mafia kills in a single night (assuming red = mafia, blue = sk) since he died.

I only voted stefl because I want him to spill out the details properly...a character name, and more details that wouldn't confuse people would be nice. Though there is always the possibility that he is a mafia cop given that there were 4 other investigators...sure there must have been limitations to their power...but 5 investigators is a bit excessive don't you think ?

I'm all for a double lynch, if things start going WAAAY out of hand with the stefl situation. 

So yeah...I'm gonna wait a bit till stefl returns.

c03n3nj0 said:
GodOfWar_3ever said:
Nikells said:
c03n3nj0 said:
It's my list! I don't suspect myself. >.> 

So it's counterproductive adding a known pro-town to a list trying to narrow down scum sin't it?   

Haha: Well it's my list now and I do suspect you!

(Less than I did though now that Vetteman has taken credit for the unknown night kills.)

Dead Tracker suspects j0. What could this mean ? Either way, Nikells died with valuable intel most probably...

In my defense he did suspect me of being the Serial Killer, and that job was already taken by Sabby. 

With nikells surviving that long, it's kinda weird he didn't show any information. Looking back I'm sure he must've followed me at least once (giving him nothing) so maybe he didn't find any scum red-handed at all... :/ 

He asked you whether you were the SK before that post...

It could mean he investigated you and couldn't decide whether you killed or not for sure...since trackers only get to know who the player they targeted visit at night. Either way, it means that you have some night action.....most probably..

GodOfWar_3ever said:

Noname, I've noticed that you have been defending stefl a lot...almost everytime he gets accused of possibly being mafia.

"Stefl is a mafia cop ? So is Vetteman really a Vigilante, or was he bullshitting all along ?

It could mean that Stefl did use his mafia cop ability to investigate Vetteman and saw him killing.....So they both could be mafia."

I also wonder why you left this part of my post out ?

Stefl1504 said:

You killed/tried to kill someone, though you said you are not able to do so... and there is the fact that there was a Mafia Kill tonight, so either are you lying about being able to kill every second night and you failed tonight or you killed  tonight and you are Mafia. I got the same result as when RCTjunkie was guilty!

Doubt this would happen unless RCTJunkie was the final mafia member remaining of Mafia B...that could be right, since there haven't been 2 mafia kills in a single night (assuming red = mafia, blue = sk) since he died.

I only voted stefl because I want him to spill out the details properly...a character name, and more details that wouldn't confuse people would be nice. Though there is always the possibility that he is a mafia cop given that there were 4 other investigators...sure there must have been limitations to their power...but 5 investigators is a bit excessive don't you think ?

I'm all for a double lynch, if things start going WAAAY out of hand with the stefl situation. 

So yeah...I'm gonna wait a bit till stefl returns.

As I said, there are more reasons to suspect Vetteman than stefl, and the biggest reason to suspect stefl can be addressed very easily, if you specifically are willing to take the risk for the town.  Are you willing to take that risk?

noname2200 said:

As I said, there are more reasons to suspect Vetteman than stefl, and the biggest reason to suspect stefl can be addressed very easily, if you specifically are willing to take the risk for the town.  Are you willing to take that risk?

Yeah...but we are also running out of time, fast....

And what risk do you speak of ?

GodOfWar_3ever said:
noname2200 said:

As I said, there are more reasons to suspect Vetteman than stefl, and the biggest reason to suspect stefl can be addressed very easily, if you specifically are willing to take the risk for the town.  Are you willing to take that risk?

Yeah...but we are also running out of time, fast....

And what risk do you speak of ?

It's simple:  on Day Two stefl cleared dsister (i.e. you).  To the best of my knowledge, you're the only person still alive who stefl has admitted to using his powers on, and whatever power you have convinced him of your innocence.  However, he has not yet said what that power is. 

So, if he really does have the power that he says he does, the same power which Vetteman is claiming he does not have, he should be able to tell us what power you possess, and you can then either confirm or deny it.  If he's lying, then we know who to lynch, and my suspicions of Vetteman decrease.  Not vanish, but decrease, at least enough to lynch stefl instead.  If stefl's not lying... well, we still know who to lynch.