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noname2200 said:

So red is one type of murder, and blue is another type of murder.  Soleron, a mafia, got killed by a bomb, but he's blue rather than red, and he presumably killed tanstalas, who is also blue.  The two people killed on Day One are red, we know they were both mafia, and we know that they killed each other.

Either I'm missing something, or the colors don't mean as much as I thought.

Red - Mafia kills. It can be mafia A or mafia B.

Blue - All other types of night kills - Serial Killer, Bomb.

Tanstalas is pretty much a suicide bomb. Soleron didn't kill Tanstalas, he got killed by Tanstalas' blast, and Tanstalas died too.

Oh and hatmoza's theory of Stefl being a mafia cop makes be vary of him....and dsister (who was cleared by stefl).

Vote : SM128

(its blatantly obvious that SM128 is scum...his behaviour is crazy to say the least...explain yourself dude !)