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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 18 Game Thread

Stefl1504 said:
Vetteman94 said:

Stefl1504 said:


Well my night action is only undeniable to me... every other one has to judge for himself...

Actually while I am at it:

Vote: Vetteman



What was your undeniable night action last night?   Or is this another one that has mysteriously failed as well?

You killed/tried to kill someone, though you said you are not able to do so... and there is the fact that there was a Mafia Kill tonight, so either are you lying about being able to kill every second night and you failed tonight or you killed  tonight and you are Mafia. I got the same result as when RCTjunkie was guilty!

Stefl1504  Why are you delaying your explanation of your role??  It has been asked of you by 2 people,  what have you got to hide?  Are you hoping the day will end before people find out you are a fraud?

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Vetteman94 said:
Nikells said:
Silver-Tiger said:

Is that ok for you?

Isn't Transgent just the most pompous man you've ever met?

Anyway, I'm really torn now:
On one hand I think I should just vote Supermario because he's being so incredibly suspicious and doing nothing for the town. Also, unlike dsister, who was talking a lot initially; his crazy behaviour only started once people started to suspect him.

However on the other hand he's acting in such a care-free manner its hard to believe he's actually trying to hide something. Transgent also makes a valid point about Soleron, mafia members usually try to avoid talking about each other at all during the day let alone attacking them.

Possibly SM128 is a serial killer and didn't use his night ability on the first night because he wasn't about?
I'm still perplexed about how theRepublic died.

I going to give SM128 a chance to defend himself and perhaps roleclaim: but if its not convincing I see no other choice but to vote for him.

I think its quite obvious that he was killed by a vigilante/SK


This post alone makes me believe that he is saying the truth !!! Note that he says Vigilante first....people would assume that it was the serial killer first...

And the "murdered" text appears in red and blue... what if red kills include mafia "plus" serial killers and blue text means pro-town kills ? Soleron was killed by Tanstalas, who was pro-town...

Vetteman94 said:
Nikells said:
Vetteman94 said:
I think its quite obvious that he was killed by a vigilante/SK

Yes: but those are two extremely different things.
I think it's more likely we've got a serial killer than a vigilante: which means we could be looking at 2 or even 3 kills tonight.

Not really,  they both only a have a kill ability,  the only real difference is one is pro-town the other is not.

I think its likely we have both,  especially given the size of this game.   

another hint towards his role ? Either way, it could be that he was planning this from a long time out...

I'd really like Stefl to explain about his role more like many people have called out for, as Mafia Godfathers like RCTjunkie do not leave their houses to kill anyone.

Stefl1504 said:

I have to say I failed again... I tried to investigate Nikells this time... I really feel useless... but at least it is cleared why I failed last night... Hatmoza/Hephaestos 2.0 was a double voter so he did not have any night actions available... that was a reason for my failing I was not really considering.

Nikells said:

I'm not even sure if we can trust Stefl: after turning up the one Mafia member he's suddenly producing no results at all? Just an unlucky co-incidence? What exactly did you get on me last night? I don't have any kind of power that would interrupt an investigation.

I find it very strange that Nikells turns up dead the next day. This leads me to believe that Stefl knew what Nikells' role was, but pretended not to...and chose to get rid of him cause he is a threat to the town.

Stefl is a mafia cop ? So is Vetteman really a Vigilante, or was he bullshitting all along ?

It could mean that Stefl did use his mafia cop ability to investigate Vetteman and saw him killing.....So they both could be mafia.

Nikells said:
c03n3nj0 said:
It's my list! I don't suspect myself. >.> 

So it's counterproductive adding a known pro-town to a list trying to narrow down scum sin't it?   

Haha: Well it's my list now and I do suspect you!

(Less than I did though now that Vetteman has taken credit for the unknown night kills.)

Dead Tracker suspects j0. What could this mean ? Either way, Nikells died with valuable intel most probably...

Vetteman94 said:
c03n3nj0 said:

Vetteman94 said:

I never left my house,  you are either making this up or got your information is for someone else.

I was actually waiting for this so I am going to tell everyone what my real limitation was.   I only eluded to it before but never came right out and said it.   I only have the ability to kill 2 people,  than I was to turn into a regular townie.   Hence why I said I couldnt kill last night. 

Oh, what a coincidence that you now say you can't kill at all, when the SK is dead and there won't be any more "other" kills. Vetteman, you are either unlucky or you're trying to  cover your bases. The latter makes a lot more sense. 

On a different note, I want stefls to explain how his role works again, 'cause I'm a bit confused by that. 

Well I never completely revealed what my limitations where,  and I realize how bad it looks, especially now with the SK dead.  But I have already said,  I have no problems dying to prove my innocence.  

I taunted the mafia into killing me last night with the prospect of me having another possible kill,  knowing full well that I didnt, and that it wouldnt be that bad if I died.  But it works out better now,  because when I get lynched and it shows up as Liu Kang - Town Vigilante,  i would have exposed a mafia member in Stefl1504,  something I could not do with my killing powers.

So you also have a ability that kills people when they attack you? That is also a possibility why I got the message that you tried to kill.

My Role has the Ability to investigate someone at night, to find out what he did that night, if he did something.

Now I sadly have to go to work and don't have much time left...



I think we were at L-1

Vote : Stefl

Come back from work with explainations buddy..

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Stefl1504 said:
Vetteman94 said:
c03n3nj0 said:

Vetteman94 said:

I never left my house,  you are either making this up or got your information is for someone else.

I was actually waiting for this so I am going to tell everyone what my real limitation was.   I only eluded to it before but never came right out and said it.   I only have the ability to kill 2 people,  than I was to turn into a regular townie.   Hence why I said I couldnt kill last night. 

Oh, what a coincidence that you now say you can't kill at all, when the SK is dead and there won't be any more "other" kills. Vetteman, you are either unlucky or you're trying to  cover your bases. The latter makes a lot more sense. 

On a different note, I want stefls to explain how his role works again, 'cause I'm a bit confused by that. 

Well I never completely revealed what my limitations where,  and I realize how bad it looks, especially now with the SK dead.  But I have already said,  I have no problems dying to prove my innocence.  

I taunted the mafia into killing me last night with the prospect of me having another possible kill,  knowing full well that I didnt, and that it wouldnt be that bad if I died.  But it works out better now,  because when I get lynched and it shows up as Liu Kang - Town Vigilante,  i would have exposed a mafia member in Stefl1504,  something I could not do with my killing powers.

So you also have a ability that kills people when they attack you? That is also a possibility why I got the message that you tried to kill.

My Role has the Ability to investigate someone at night, to find out what he did that night, if he did something.

Now I sadly have to go to work and don't have much time left...

I think you misunderstood what I said,  I knew yesterday that I had no more kills that I could perform, but no one else knew that.  I tried to taunt the mafia into killing me claiming that me having a kill at night was a great threat to them, it didn't work.  Because as a vigilante not being able to kill anymore I was technically worthless,  even though more people alive for the town is a good thing, so losing me at this point would be no worse than losing a regular townie.  So you wouldn't have gotten any message if you had investigated me since I went no where and couldn't kill anyone, and people who target me aren't killed either, hence why you are still alive.

As for your role,  why exactly did you not come back with a result for nights 3 & 4 but last night you had no problem getting an investigation through?  Seems odd to me. It sounds like you were role blocked, but if that was the case why didn't they role block you again last night. 

More questions about our role.  Does it say what exactly they did or just that they weren't "home"?  Does it mention who they targeted? 

3 Players out of 7 voted

2 votes stefl

1 vote vetteman

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c03n3nj0 said:

All righty! We're definitely in a great position today. Sabby coming up Serial Killer pretty much pins Vetteman against the corner. There's no way the Serial Killer didn't kill at all this game. 

Nikells popped up to be the tracker, which kinda confuses me 'cause I thought stefls had a tracker-like role. So uhh... what's with that?

Anyways, with these changes, my list looks like this: 

1 Vetteman (roleclaimed vigilante - caught by stefls trying to kill when he wasn't supposed to)
2. Silver-Tiger (roleclaimed townie)
3. Trangentspree (role unknown)

Well, if my theory of 2 mafias and one SK left was right, then we have two mafiosi left, and after Vetteman goes, we'll possibly only have one left. 

So uh, we have Silver-Tiger and trangenstpree. One of those two is mafia. 
And I'm leaning to Silver-Tiger right now, actually. 

Excuse me, but when did I roleclaim? All said until now was that I am on the side of the town.

updated: 14.01.2012

playing right now: Xenoblade Chronicles

Hype-o-meter, from least to most hyped:  the Last Story, Twisted Metal, Mass Effect 3, Final Fantasy XIII-2, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Playstation ViTA

bet with Mordred11 that Rage will look better on Xbox 360.

^ Bah, a lot of times I confuse saying townie with not having a role. 

Anyways, it's pretty much Vette vs Stefls now. Is a double lynch a consideration? If we believe one of them, then one of them is definitely mafia. 

And what happened to trangentspree? He hasn't posted in a while. 

 Tag (Courtesy of Fkusumot) "If I'm posting in this thread then it's probally a spam thread."                               

GodOfWar_3ever said:
Nikells said:
c03n3nj0 said:
It's my list! I don't suspect myself. >.> 

So it's counterproductive adding a known pro-town to a list trying to narrow down scum sin't it?   

Haha: Well it's my list now and I do suspect you!

(Less than I did though now that Vetteman has taken credit for the unknown night kills.)

Dead Tracker suspects j0. What could this mean ? Either way, Nikells died with valuable intel most probably...

In my defense he did suspect me of being the Serial Killer, and that job was already taken by Sabby. 

With nikells surviving that long, it's kinda weird he didn't show any information. Looking back I'm sure he must've followed me at least once (giving him nothing) so maybe he didn't find any scum red-handed at all... :/ 

 Tag (Courtesy of Fkusumot) "If I'm posting in this thread then it's probally a spam thread."