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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The Official Metroid Other M Thread

Khuutra said:
Stefan.De.Machtige said:
Khuutra said:

Its status is a game is not related to how disappointed I am, or how disappointed it is reasonable to be. I was hyped for this game. I expected it to be awesome, a game of the caliber of the first Prime but withh Ninja Gaiden-level action and freneticism.

Isn't that the case? Many complain its just Gaidentroid.

I rank it a solid 9,but not awesome. So what.

Perhaps the game you had in you head or heart wasn't realistic at all - much like it read in some reviews. You can't blame Nintendo for not reading your mind. They did the best they could, and in your opinion it just didn't work out.

I know for a fact that this isn't hte best they could do, bcause I've playd much better from them in this series.

For a fact? No, unless you worked on it.

If your talking of the Prime series...

It was getting stale - big time. And sales were lacking too. Nintendo had to change it up and make it appeal to more people. Yes, wIth mixed critical results... That still doesn't make it a bad call. I would call it a best try, which didn't work out greatly. Nothing to get emotionel about.

Anyway, it ain't coming back. It was sidestory with no character development. From now on - if somewhat succesfull - metroid will go on with character storytelling - After fusion.

Prime is gone. It was really fun, but its gone. Let it go.


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A weak start in Europe does not necessarily spell doom, especially given reports of a stronger start in Japan and North America


Europe was never especially strong for the franchise, though its a low opening result even given that.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

Stefan.De.Machtige said:
Khuutra said:
Stefan.De.Machtige said:

Isn't that the case? Many complain its just Gaidentroid.

I rank it a solid 9,but not awesome. So what.

Perhaps the game you had in you head or heart wasn't realistic at all - much like it read in some reviews. You can't blame Nintendo for not reading your mind. They did the best they could, and in your opinion it just didn't work out.

I know for a fact that this isn't hte best they could do, bcause I've playd much better from them in this series.

For a fact? No, unless you worked on it.

If your talking of the Prime series...

It was getting stale - big time. And sales were lacking too. Nintendo had to change it up and make it appeal to more people. Yes, wIth mixed critical results... That still doesn't make it a bad call. I would call it a best try, which didn't work out greatly. Nothing to get emotionel about.

Anyway, it ain't coming back. It was sidestory with no character development. From now on - if somewhat succesfull - metroid will go on with character storytelling - After fusion.

Prime is gone. It was really fun, but its gone. Let it go.

My disappointment is my own, and I make no apologies for it; it was a thoroughly disappointing game.

I don't give a shit about effort except for where effort produces results. Other M did not.

noname2200 said:
Khuutra said:

After the intro, she asked if we could play something else, and suggested that she might finally start playing Corruption.

Well at least something great came out of this then, no?  I think Corruption's the weakest of the Prime games, but it's still awesome.

I need to finish Echoes myself, so she and I are in the same boat.

She did like going Gandalf on Ridley and shooting him in the mouth, though. To her, that's how Samus should react on seeig Ridley back from the dead: shooting until he is dead again.

Hmm... it went on sale much earlier in EU than corruption and is just slightly behind. I think it should do okay and go past echoes. Will it beat corruption, dunno... maybe. If Japan and US sales are better then depends on the mixed word of mouth.

Yes. - contribute your stuff... satire, comics, ideas, debate, stupidy stupid etc.

Around the Network
Mr Khan said:

A weak start in Europe does not necessarily spell doom, especially given reports of a stronger start in Japan and North America


Europe was never especially strong for the franchise, though its a low opening result even given that.

Where are the reports from the US?

A game I'm developing with some friends:

It is largely a technical exercise but feedback is appreciated.

Demotruk said:
Mr Khan said:

A weak start in Europe does not necessarily spell doom, especially given reports of a stronger start in Japan and North America


Europe was never especially strong for the franchise, though its a low opening result even given that.

Where are the reports from the US?

our pre-order charts from last week.

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

in fairness, sales in the uk have been down to the very same old problem as all wii games before. 

its cliche now so i wont go into details, but i will say that for the whole week leading up to its release, not one f the 5 game shops where i work even had i listed in the coming soon stand, let alone hype it up in anyway. so were relying on the internet...and in the uk, internet folk either have a ps360, or got put off by the negative air about the game.

it doesnt surprise me that nothing sells here, as all uk gaming retailers really are pants and have no love for the wii at all. honestly - nothing ever gets any attention hype, or shelf space here.


american preorders wer 150kish, and if we expect that to double day one purchases (?) coupled with id say 50k european preorders and day one sales, with (best case) the same in japan, i guess it could hope to do half a mill in its first few weeks. i doubt therell be legs in europe or japan though

Muramasa: the Demon Blade

Preview has it at 54,000 in Japan which is the best Metroid has done there for a while - perhaps ever. Didn't check the Super Metroid/Metroid numbers. I think Prime had 40,000 or so as an opening.

Europe has not picked it up as quickly as Corruption, but it that was released much nearer Christmas.

Word of mouth is quite good from a lot of people, but reactions are mixed. I think it is very good, but has some very slow patches... then becomes brilliant... then slow... pacing is not great basically. Some corridors just seem pointless to me.

Yes. - contribute your stuff... satire, comics, ideas, debate, stupidy stupid etc.

The gameplay itself is fun but I have my issues with the story.  Take note that I am only 2 hours into the game.  Samus not using her weapons unless authorized is sexist and offensive and Samus's voice acting sounds dull.  The script ranges from passable to awful.  The passable being when she is talking to other people and awful when in those monologues.  The script just tries too hard have trying to be 'deep'.  Sakamoto, there is a difference between deep and pretentious.