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Forums - General Discussion - Atheists on the rise in America

Arius Dion said:

I've a question, would those who are religious disqualify the possibility of marriage with a person who isn't religous and vice versa? Some religious folks I know, seem to use Religion as a discriminatory process for choosing a mate. Just curious.

Almost all the religious people I know would not marry someone of another faith (because their religion forbids it).

"I don't understand how someone could like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, but not like Twilight!!!"

"Last book I read was Brokeback Mountain, I just don't have the patience for them unless it's softcore porn."

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Arius Dion said:

I've a question, would those who are religious disqualify the possibility of marriage with a person who isn't religous and vice versa? Some religious folks I know, seem to use Religion as a discriminatory process for choosing a mate. Just curious.

I'm not religious, and my fiance is, somewhat. He does believe in a God and some of the Church of England's stuff but he isn't practicing, attending or anything. I've never had much issue with him, we rarely ever talk about those things because we both know we have different views. We'll get married in a civil way, not a religious one. He knows it would make me uncomfortable and he has no problem not going to a church (his mother though seemed to insist) so it's just fair on both sides. It's our day after all!

I, for one, would have trouble imagining being with someone very religious, not because I hate them or anything. I think we would have too much of personality/opinion clash... I hate conflicts and arguments. The reason it's working with my fiance is because religion isn't a big part of his life at all.

lolita said:
Arius Dion said:

I've a question, would those who are religious disqualify the possibility of marriage with a person who isn't religous and vice versa? Some religious folks I know, seem to use Religion as a discriminatory process for choosing a mate. Just curious.

I'm not religious, and my fiance is, somewhat. He does believe in a God and some of the Church of England's stuff but he isn't practicing, attending or anything. I've never had much issue with him, we rarely ever talk about those things because we both know we have different views. We'll get married in a civil way, not a religious one. He knows it would make me uncomfortable and he has no problem not going to a church (his mother though seemed to insist) so it's just fair on both sides. It's our day after all!

I, for one, would have trouble imagining being with someone very religious, not because I hate them or anything. I think we would have too much of personality/opinion clash... I hate conflicts and arguments. The reason it's working with my fiance is because religion isn't a big part of his life at all.

A unique woman I see, lol.

Bet between Slimbeast and Arius Dion about Wii sales 2009:

If the Wii sells less than 20 million in 2009 (as defined by VGC sales between week ending 3d Jan 2009 to week ending 4th Jan 2010) Slimebeast wins and get to control Arius Dion's sig for 1 month.

If the Wii sells more than 20 million in 2009 (as defined above) Arius Dion wins and gets to control Slimebeast's sig for 1 month.

sapphi_snake said:
Arius Dion said:

I've a question, would those who are religious disqualify the possibility of marriage with a person who isn't religous and vice versa? Some religious folks I know, seem to use Religion as a discriminatory process for choosing a mate. Just curious.

Almost all the religious people I know would not marry someone of another faith (because their religion forbids it).


Bet between Slimbeast and Arius Dion about Wii sales 2009:

If the Wii sells less than 20 million in 2009 (as defined by VGC sales between week ending 3d Jan 2009 to week ending 4th Jan 2010) Slimebeast wins and get to control Arius Dion's sig for 1 month.

If the Wii sells more than 20 million in 2009 (as defined above) Arius Dion wins and gets to control Slimebeast's sig for 1 month.

Scoobes said:
Kasz216 said:
Scoobes said:

Interesting. I remember watching a programme on TV about how there were more atheists than Jewish people in the US yet Jewish people had far more representation and allowances than atheists. It's actually kinda sad that they've had to form these groups as stated in the article to give themselves a voice.

Atheists don't really have anything they need allowances for that I can think of.  I mean there's no days of observence for atheism.

It's like complaining that people without diabities have less allowances then people with diabities.

As for representation... Jewish people tend to live more in the same districts, areas and states.

Atheists are fairly evenly spread.  Also, since atheism is the lack of a religious belief... I can't see that being a big motivator for elections like being part of a minority religious group that's been persecuted since it's existed.

I was thinking more on the discrimination side. Funny you should bring up diabetes:

In the TV show I was watching a small group of atheists in the bible belt wanted to protest against a preacher who would tell people with diabetes to forget modern medicine, stop taking their drugs, pray to god instead etc. They basically wanted to hand out medical leaflets outlining why this was a bad idea but were fearful that people would take exception to this and attack them.

In the show they said they went to the police and asked for legal protection, instead the police informed them that they were also going to rally/event and they would arrest them if they saw them there. I mean, wtf?

As for your last paragraph, that doesn't make it right and it's sad that a group who by all rights shouldn't have to form social groups are now doing so just to be heard in the public forums.

IF that was the case.... there were likely laws against what they are planning to do.  Many times protesters tend to want to do something illegal and spin it their way.  This is the country where the NAACP has protected the KKK's right to protest.  Clearly something was just up in that case.

You need a strong core backing to be put up for election because you need votes.  Pretty much EVERY politician needs a strong core backing to support them.  Guranteed votes.

Say you've got an atheist Libretarian.   You've got a core libretarian backing... you've also got a baptist libretarian... he has the Libretarian backing AND the Baptist vote locked down.   It'd be dumb not to go with the Baptist person. 

It's not wrong for people to want to vote for people most like themselves.  There isn't nearly enough time for everbody to learn about every candidate.

Additionally it's easy to find bunches of candidates with the EXACT same positions, and with that being the case.  Your going to trust the one most like you... why?  You trust yourself.

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I'm Christian but as long as an atheist is respectful I have no problem: like many of you said, religion is something which should be free. But I really hate those atheist who think that crhristians or religious people are inferiore and act like they're gods, or worse insult them.

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Soriku said:

I'm Christian but I don't really care for religion. Church is boring. So what does that make me?

You are a weak Christian by definition. You believe in Christian beliefs and values, but you're not actively persuing God.

Is that true, or is there more information I need?

RCTjunkie said:
Soriku said:

I'm Christian but I don't really care for religion. Church is boring. So what does that make me?

You are a weak Christian by definition. You believe in Christian beliefs and values, but you're not actively persuing God.

Is that true, or is there more information I need?

I would say he is an Atheist. I was Christened but through no choice of my own. Just because a scrap of paper says I am doesn't over ride my personal/ individual beliefs. Also Atheists can have whatever morals attitudes they want. Just because it overlaps with Christian teaching means very little.

To be a Christian you have to belive in God, the bbible and the teaching of Jesus Christ.

FootballFan said:
wfz said:
shio said:
wfz said:

Are we including agnostic people in with "athiests?"


Just wondering.. and I'm also wondering if those people are truly athiest, or merely say it because it's the more common term. I'm more agnostic than anything... it'll be a long time before we humans ever attain some enlightenment that proves the existance of a god or afterlife, so in the meantime I'll find truth in unknowingness.

I wouldn't put agnostics and atheists in the same bag. In the core, they're completely different from each other.

I, for one, am an atheist. I don't believe there's a god or such kind of beings, but it's possible there was a Jesus (although without the hocus pocus written in the bible).

Truth be told, I think agnosticism is more balanced they atheism or any religion. You may not have any evidence of god, but that doesn't prove he's not real.

How are they so completely different? All the negative reaction I've ever heard about agnosticism is that it's so incredibly close to atheism that it's hardly woth claling it it's own class. It's all about how close to zero you want to go with the probability of no type of Diety existing... but I'm betting there's a lot of self-proclaimed "athiests" who actually are more agnostic.


...Even though they're almost the same thing.

Equally, there are a large amount of "Christians" by law who are infact agnostics and atheists. Myself included, I was Christened (without choice) and really don't see the point in getting rid of the evidence just to comply with the paper forms.

Agnosticism merely asserts that the truth cannot truly be known without an arguement based souly on circumstancial evidence. An agnostic can be religous or not (personally I'm not.) I personal disagree with the religous front, as one cannot define the exitence of god, or his beliefs, without a self referencing statement (i.e. statements quoted from the Bible, Koran, Torah, Kabalah ect.) however I think scientifc method is a better approach as it is self correcting and counts on error in thought to re-evaluate theories and generate a more accurate answer. I think Ahtiests often abuse this method and state theories as definitive facts, which in my opinion, is no different than a relgious person does in a debate. I've seen it countless times on messages boards and think that Atheism is just as much a problem as Christianity and as a result can cloud the ration thoughts of the people arguing and those that join either cause. The plain and simple fact is I refuse to be a part of that mess.

-- Nothing is nicer than seeing your PS3 on an HDTV through an HDMI cable for the first time.

Wagram said:

I believe in a god/gods/higher power. But I can't and will not put my faith into a book written by man.

same here I believe in the Christian God, churches says the bible is the word of God, that may be but it was written by man, translated countless times and controlled by different churches and powerful people. I follow it as a morale guideline and try to learn from the story's in it but I think for myself and I would never force anyone else to see things my way. I also have seen strong evidence for the big bang, I currently have very little doubt about it not being right but I would be blind if I said I was certain especially considering the scientist who have done great research into, say they don't know everything about it. All I want is for people not to knowingly hurt others, and to try and do what they see as right. I question what I know and believe every now and then and I am always open to new ideas. so what am I?

correct me if I am wrong
stop me if I am bias
I love a good civilised debate (but only if we can learn something).