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Forums - Sales Discussion - Its time to admit it. PS3 will NEVER overtake 360.

Seece said:
Fumanchu said:
kowenicki said:

so do MS figures.

tbh I think that probably helped the Sony numbers... could have been worse.

What else is lumped in with the Sony Networked Products and Services Division?

VAIO laptops? Walkmans? Anyone have their profit/loss figures pre-merge?

Anyway, the playstation business as a whole is still in the black when crediting the PS1 profits.  The failed MS tablet project and mobile 'kin' handsets might make the EDD look bad this quarter.

Barely, even with PS1 profits it's in the XXX figures, one more 600 mill loss from sony and the entire playstation division will be in the red. Meaning in 15 years years they'd have made nothing .... essentially.

they have made a future profit line by pushing BLU-RAY in PS3

they have made PS4 cheaper by bringing down the blu-ray price

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Fumanchu said:
Seece said:
Fumanchu said:
kowenicki said:

so do MS figures.

tbh I think that probably helped the Sony numbers... could have been worse.

What else is lumped in with the Sony Networked Products and Services Division?

VAIO laptops? Walkmans? Anyone have their profit/loss figures pre-merge?

Anyway, the playstation business as a whole is still in the black when crediting the PS1 profits.  The failed MS tablet project and mobile 'kin' handsets might make the EDD look bad this quarter.

Barely, even with PS1 profits it's in the XXX figures, one more 600 mill loss from sony and the entire playstation division will be in the red. Meaning in 15 years years they'd have made nothing .... essentially.

It certainly doesn't look good after achieving such dominance.  I wonder if this will have any affect on their business strategy with the PS4 - it may not be another high-tech device sold at a loss.

why will it not be a high-tech device?

and why will it be sold at loss?- as blu-ray as been made cheaper now

kowenicki said:
SMC said:

Well you can't say that Sony has essentially made nothing over 15 years. They've made one big mistake really (it's yet to be seen how extensive it is yet, if Blu-Ray somehow takes off for example - it wouldn't be considered as bad).Over the 15 years they have:

- Aqcuired many studios and dev teams

- Made one of the biggest brands in history

- Learnt a ton about the market

To some extent MS are the same, and Nintendo are sweet - enough.

If I was an investor I wouldn't be looking to the past 15 years, but what's in place for the next 15.

if you were an investor you would be looking at the next 15 months.

yes but next 15 months will be profitable

It's more likely that the PS3 will overtake the 360 once new consoles hit the shelves - but still - it is still more likely that the PS3 will overtake the 360.

...which is what this topic is about.

Also, Snake is right. It's gona take a while to see how the PS3 really plays out for Sony.

kowenicki said:
Solid_Snake4RD said:
kowenicki said:
Solid_Snake4RD said:
kowenicki said:
Solid_Snake4RD said:
the_lonely_gamer_123 said:

Well, I'd hate to admit it, the PS3 is almost certain to finish 3rd now, unless if Kinect bombs and if GT5 moves like 4-5 million consoles. Which could happen...

how is it certain???????????????????????

it isnt certain... but it the most likely outcome. thats hard to argue against as things stand right now.

how is it the most likely outcome as PS3 has sold so much even being higher in price

Well as of right now.. the gap is 5m and rising... so why isnt it the most likely? 

The PS3 has closed the gap by a measly 400k in 4 years.

please don't list a load of games.. its irrelevant, been hearing that for the last 4 years. 


yeah but the price is higher too and when it comes down then we will see,it isn't most likley by any case

ok... well tell me in numbers sold per year how you see it panning out over the next 3 years... (new consoles will def be out in the next 3 years from ninty and MS)

so Ps3 and 360 sales numbers in total for





You clearly have a very set view on how this will happen and are fairly certain it will, so it shouldnt be too difficult.

2010           15mPS3                11M360

2011           17mPS3                10m360(depending upon no new console is launched)

2011            15mPS3                8m360(depeding upon a new console is launched)

2012            13mPS3                6m360(MS will launch a new console and go behind it,PS3 will go to $199 or under by this time)


i would like to see your sales

Around the Network
kowenicki said:
Solid_Snake4RD said:
kowenicki said:
SMC said:

Well you can't say that Sony has essentially made nothing over 15 years. They've made one big mistake really (it's yet to be seen how extensive it is yet, if Blu-Ray somehow takes off for example - it wouldn't be considered as bad).Over the 15 years they have:

- Aqcuired many studios and dev teams

- Made one of the biggest brands in history

- Learnt a ton about the market

To some extent MS are the same, and Nintendo are sweet - enough.

If I was an investor I wouldn't be looking to the past 15 years, but what's in place for the next 15.

if you were an investor you would be looking at the next 15 months.

yes but next 15 months will be profitable

for Sony corp?  well Sony doesnt think so.. they are forecasting a loss.

did they?- i didn't give much attention on SONY's projections

if they did then get ready for a fall PS3 price cut

Solid_Snake4RD said:
kowenicki said:

ok... well tell me in numbers sold per year how you see it panning out over the next 3 years... (new consoles will def be out in the next 3 years from ninty and MS)

so Ps3 and 360 sales numbers in total for





You clearly have a very set view on how this will happen and are fairly certain it will, so it shouldnt be too difficult.

2010           15mPS3                11M360

2011           17mPS3                10m360(depending upon no new console is launched)

2011            15mPS3                8m360(depeding upon a new console is launched)

2012            13mPS3                6m360(MS will launch a new console and go behind it,PS3 will go to $199 or under by this time)


i would like to see your sales

Pure comedy. No, really, do you really believe this? Maybe the problem is that you're more disconnected from reality than I thought.

Kynes said:
Solid_Snake4RD said:
Kynes said:
Solid_Snake4RD said:

just google the results from the first XBOX and you will find a cumulative $9.5BILLION loss on XBOX division.

it would be even more as XBOX division is not alone and has alot of other products whose sales  lower the loss on XBOX

So you are telling us that the finantial reports that Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo provide are false, and your numbers are correct? Because that graph is made with those financial reports. Please provide us where you can find those numbers that you mention.


i have seen another charts showing $9.5b loss for MS EDD division

Provide the link, or BS.

Some people like to claim more than what the charts in this thread and they never can proove it. The charts can simply be proofed by heading to MS investors area of the MS Website.  If they want anyone to believe them they need to provide a link that can be backed up by a reliable source. And by the way Xbox hasnt always been in the EDD division.

Its libraries that sell systems not a single game.

thx1139 said:
Kynes said:
Solid_Snake4RD said:
Kynes said:
Solid_Snake4RD said:

just google the results from the first XBOX and you will find a cumulative $9.5BILLION loss on XBOX division.

it would be even more as XBOX division is not alone and has alot of other products whose sales  lower the loss on XBOX

So you are telling us that the finantial reports that Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo provide are false, and your numbers are correct? Because that graph is made with those financial reports. Please provide us where you can find those numbers that you mention.


i have seen another charts showing $9.5b loss for MS EDD division

Provide the link, or BS.

Some people like to claim more than what the charts in this thread and they never can proove it. The charts can simply be proofed by heading to MS investors area of the MS Website.  If they want anyone to believe them they need to provide a link that can be backed up by a reliable source. And by the way Xbox hasnt always been in the EDD division.

i was refering to another chart

Kynes said:
Solid_Snake4RD said:
kowenicki said:

ok... well tell me in numbers sold per year how you see it panning out over the next 3 years... (new consoles will def be out in the next 3 years from ninty and MS)

so Ps3 and 360 sales numbers in total for





You clearly have a very set view on how this will happen and are fairly certain it will, so it shouldnt be too difficult.

2010           15mPS3                11M360

2011           17mPS3                10m360(depending upon no new console is launched)

2011            15mPS3                8m360(depeding upon a new console is launched)

2012            13mPS3                6m360(MS will launch a new console and go behind it,PS3 will go to $199 or under by this time)


i would like to see your sales

Pure comedy. No, really, do you really believe this? Maybe the problem is that you're more disconnected from reality than I thought.

i would really love to see your Comedy SALES prediction