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Forums - Sales Discussion - Its time to admit it. PS3 will NEVER overtake 360.

Mr Puggsly said:
kowenicki said:
Mr Puggsly said:
kowenicki said:

oops... wrong again huh?

so.. MS is sitting on $5.8Bn losses... which they can pretty much afford as it represents about 1/3 of their annual profits

Sony (despite their gaming dominance over the years) is sitting on cumulative losses of around $2bn.  

those two numbers will move closer togtehr over the next 2 years too.

Am I reading this chart right?

It seems the 360 could potentially be profitable by the end of this gen.

While Sony lost all the profits from the PS2 and then some.

You are reading it correctly...  and whats more MS will post a bigger profit this FY than Playstation ever managed in a single year.


I knew the PS3 was a huge financial failure... but this is unbelieveable.

To make matters worse, Sony isn't done losing money yet.

how is SONY not done losing money????????????

SONY had to take financial loss for blu-ray,it is not a failure as they will get future profits from blu-ray

Around the Network
Solid_Snake4RD said:
Kynes said:
Solid_Snake4RD said:
Fumanchu said:
Solid_Snake4RD said:


The Neogaf reports are all I've seen - could you please link the 9.5billion loss report?

EDIT: I found this link -

just google the results from the first XBOX and you will find a cumulative $9.5BILLION loss on XBOX division.

it would be even more as XBOX division is not alone and has alot of other products whose sales  lower the loss on XBOX

So you are telling us that the finantial reports that Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo provide are false, and your numbers are correct? Because that graph is made with those financial reports. Please provide us where you can find those numbers that you mention.


i have seen another charts showing $9.5b loss for MS EDD division

Provide the link, or BS.

the_lonely_gamer_123 said:

Well, I'd hate to admit it, the PS3 is almost certain to finish 3rd now, unless if Kinect bombs and if GT5 moves like 4-5 million consoles. Which could happen...

how is it certain???????????????????????

On-Topic: Let's talk once the $150 and $250 bundles are sold out, and only the Slim is left. 

The thread is too long, didn't read it, so, sorry if someone already said this.


EDIT: IMO Reach won't move consoles.

That's right, just one "d"

In b4 "it's addict"
Add me:

CharmedontheWB said:

It really doesn't matter if they sell for 20 years longer, once all three new generation consoles hit the scene, the past gen is officially over.  Sony will not overtake the 360 during this generation.  Sales are declining overall for all consoles and making up a 5M deficit, especially when this is the PS3's fourth year will be no easy feat.  I think we all will have a better picture come the holiday season.  If the PS3 does not outsell the 360 by a large margin during the holiday sale then the PS3 will have no chance at overtaking the 360.

the gen will be over once a new gen console will release but the sales will go on

Around the Network
kowenicki said:
Solid_Snake4RD said:
the_lonely_gamer_123 said:

Well, I'd hate to admit it, the PS3 is almost certain to finish 3rd now, unless if Kinect bombs and if GT5 moves like 4-5 million consoles. Which could happen...

how is it certain???????????????????????

it isnt certain... but it the most likely outcome. thats hard to argue against as things stand right now.

how is it the most likely outcome as PS3 has sold so much even being higher in price

kowenicki said:
Solid_Snake4RD said:
Kynes said:
Solid_Snake4RD said:
Fumanchu said:
Solid_Snake4RD said:


The Neogaf reports are all I've seen - could you please link the 9.5billion loss report?

EDIT: I found this link -

just google the results from the first XBOX and you will find a cumulative $9.5BILLION loss on XBOX division.

it would be even more as XBOX division is not alone and has alot of other products whose sales  lower the loss on XBOX

So you are telling us that the finantial reports that Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo provide are false, and your numbers are correct? Because that graph is made with those financial reports. Please provide us where you can find those numbers that you mention.


i have seen another charts showing $9.5b loss for MS EDD division

well they are worng... link please.

thats what i can't find

i saw it here on VGC


the black,white and red charts

Mr Puggsly said:
Kwaidd said:

lets just totally throw out the fact that the 360 had a year headstart on the other two consoles and yet ps3 is only 5 million behind and has been catching up. 

of course the new box and old sku sales will boost the numbers, but its a short lived phenom.  and if your going to attribute the kinect as a strong system seller, than you can't count the move out...which will also do the same for the ps3.

and i'ma a ninty gamer, so its not like im backing one console or the other here.  just sayin it like it is

Well past Playstation consoles dominated the competition by massive numbers. Even the ones that had a head start (Saturn and Dreamcast).

Clearly Sony did something wrong this time around. My guess is Sony presumed the PS3 would dominate the 360 at any price. I think everyone did.

no SONY didn't presume PS3 would sell at any price

they just made the sacrifice for BLU-RAY royalties

DirtyP2002 said:

why are people still saying the Xbox 360 sales are only the discontinued SKUs?

Check Amazon:

in stock in 10 days...

Check BestBuy - Xbox 360 250GB Console/1069212.p?id=1218216740587&skuId=1069212&st=Xbox&contract_desc=null

Store Pickup: Not Available

Check Gamestop

currently not available online - limited 1 per household.

The accessory bundle for $370 is currently in stock - but limited 1 per household.

Check Target

out of stock - shipment in up to 4 weeks

 best selling hardware, with 2 weeks till release date. (not HUGE but a pretty big online videogame store in Germany)

best selling hardware, with 2 weeks till release

best selling console, with 2 weeks till release date


I think it is fair to say that the Xbox 360 slim is the droving force behinde the Xbox 360 sales. I know, Amazon alone is not a good source, but check the other sources please.

people aren't satying all sales are from discounted units

only saying that all sales aren't from SLIM release but mixed

kowenicki said:
Solid_Snake4RD said:
kowenicki said:
Solid_Snake4RD said:
the_lonely_gamer_123 said:

Well, I'd hate to admit it, the PS3 is almost certain to finish 3rd now, unless if Kinect bombs and if GT5 moves like 4-5 million consoles. Which could happen...

how is it certain???????????????????????

it isnt certain... but it the most likely outcome. thats hard to argue against as things stand right now.

how is it the most likely outcome as PS3 has sold so much even being higher in price

Well as of right now.. the gap is 5m and rising... so why isnt it the most likely? 

The PS3 has closed the gap by a measly 400k in 4 years.

please don't list a load of games.. its irrelevant, been hearing that for the last 4 years. 


yeah but the price is higher too and when it comes down then we will see,it isn't most likley by any case