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Mr Puggsly said:
kowenicki said:
Mr Puggsly said:
kowenicki said:

oops... wrong again huh?

so.. MS is sitting on $5.8Bn losses... which they can pretty much afford as it represents about 1/3 of their annual profits

Sony (despite their gaming dominance over the years) is sitting on cumulative losses of around $2bn.  

those two numbers will move closer togtehr over the next 2 years too.

Am I reading this chart right?

It seems the 360 could potentially be profitable by the end of this gen.

While Sony lost all the profits from the PS2 and then some.

You are reading it correctly...  and whats more MS will post a bigger profit this FY than Playstation ever managed in a single year.


I knew the PS3 was a huge financial failure... but this is unbelieveable.

To make matters worse, Sony isn't done losing money yet.

how is SONY not done losing money????????????

SONY had to take financial loss for blu-ray,it is not a failure as they will get future profits from blu-ray