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Forums - Sales Discussion - PS3 Slim Lauch Vs Xbox 360 s Launch!

Posting so I can read through tomorrow...too tired to right now

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jneul said:
selnor said:

I have had a little look at the figures on VGChartz at the to launches.

Ps3 slim released after the summer period into Autumn. It had a $100 price drop to boot. EDIT: 360 Elite dropped to $299 at PS3 Slim launch. The arcade stayed the same price. Making the entry price into 360 gaming the same.

The 360s released bang in the middle of summer. no price drop but added features. Niether console has seen a significant game release around it's launch.


PS3 slim was doing 37,167 before slim released.

1st week 105,931

2nd week 164,166

3rd week 112, 881


360 was doing  49,828 before s released

1st week 129,325


It's worth noting that 360 week before Ps3 slim launch was 56,448

1st week Ps3 slim launch 360 was boosted too. 74,689 and the week after rose again to 87,627.


However Ps3 has seen no rise on 360s launch.

week before 360s Ps3 sold 48,931

week of 360s launch saw 49,951.


These are all US numbers. What do you make of it all?

Oh look how convienient only using american sales, if we used american sales all year we could all argue that x360 has been still outselling ps3 since it's release

now try posting world wide sales, and the x360s release no longer looks so great, even if it released in eu at the same time it would have only gotten an extra 100k at the most, japan would not really get much of a boost, maybe another 10k if they are lucky, but guess what the x360s is still cheaper than the ps3 slim was so yeah of course it's going to sell well at $199

are you serious? I am not allowed to name call people here so i will just continue to my point.

It is when the console is starting to get sold etc Japan and Europe and Aus and NZ have yet to be configured into this argument. So why are you questioning this???? just doesnt make any sense. PS3 might be ahead but you simply dont know, I dont know, Selnor probably doesnt even know.

Wait till Worldwide has been released till you compare world wide. It's like comparing for example Pokemon getting released in japan only and trying to saying it has been a failure because it sold more consoles in considering world wide.


Bet with Conegamer and Doobie_wop

AussieGecko said:
GodOfWar_3ever said:

oh and PS3 first week sales in the US were 164k. I suggest you edit the OP. Its misinformation.

i think you need his first reply to this question, some stores leaked thus it being the first week 164 being the second week. The PS3 wouldnt have jumped from 37k to 105k without new slims being sold, too much of a coincidence

PS3 slim would have had a higher first week than 164k if some retailers didn't break the street date. It officially launched on the 1st of September. And the "official" first week was 164k, which could have been 200k if not for broken street dates.

I Refuse to call the new xbox a xbox360 slim, Its just a re-design,same hjght end length.

AussieGecko said:
jneul said:
selnor said:

I have had a little look at the figures on VGChartz at the to launches.

Ps3 slim released after the summer period into Autumn. It had a $100 price drop to boot. EDIT: 360 Elite dropped to $299 at PS3 Slim launch. The arcade stayed the same price. Making the entry price into 360 gaming the same.

The 360s released bang in the middle of summer. no price drop but added features. Niether console has seen a significant game release around it's launch.


PS3 slim was doing 37,167 before slim released.

1st week 105,931

2nd week 164,166

3rd week 112, 881


360 was doing  49,828 before s released

1st week 129,325


It's worth noting that 360 week before Ps3 slim launch was 56,448

1st week Ps3 slim launch 360 was boosted too. 74,689 and the week after rose again to 87,627.


However Ps3 has seen no rise on 360s launch.

week before 360s Ps3 sold 48,931

week of 360s launch saw 49,951.


These are all US numbers. What do you make of it all?

Oh look how convienient only using american sales, if we used american sales all year we could all argue that x360 has been still outselling ps3 since it's release

now try posting world wide sales, and the x360s release no longer looks so great, even if it released in eu at the same time it would have only gotten an extra 100k at the most, japan would not really get much of a boost, maybe another 10k if they are lucky, but guess what the x360s is still cheaper than the ps3 slim was so yeah of course it's going to sell well at $199

are you serious? I am not allowed to name call people here so i will just continue to my point.

It is when the console is starting to get sold etc Japan and Europe and Aus and NZ have yet to be configured into this argument. So why are you questioning this???? just doesnt make any sense. PS3 might be ahead but you simply dont know, I dont know, Selnor probably doesnt even know.

Wait till Worldwide has been released till you compare world wide. It's like comparing for example Pokemon getting released in japan only and trying to saying it has been a failure because it sold more consoles in considering world wide.

that is what i was getting at this is just american sales you cannot claim x360s release is superior on those sales alone and x360s is not released here until july, that is why thread based on 1 week sales are basically lame, wait for at least a couple of months to claim a victory, even i said the same thing for ps3 slim release

it's the future of handheld


The official Vita thread

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GodOfWar_3ever said:
AussieGecko said:
GodOfWar_3ever said:

oh and PS3 first week sales in the US were 164k. I suggest you edit the OP. Its misinformation.

i think you need his first reply to this question, some stores leaked thus it being the first week 164 being the second week. The PS3 wouldnt have jumped from 37k to 105k without new slims being sold, too much of a coincidence

PS3 slim would have had a higher first week than 164k if some retailers didn't break the street date. It officially launched on the 1st of September. And the "official" first week was 164k, which could have been 200k if not for broken street dates.

OK then in America they have simply replaced the old xbox's with the new (that is the impression i got from the e3 announcement) and apparently in europe are doing the same (damn aus you have to pay 200 more -.-) soooo basically the xbox's are selling more for no reason at all apart from a re-design (did you see what i did their i changed it so it fit my argument.

It doesnt matter what you say it started selling the week before, not the week it was officially released thus sales are affected.


Bet with Conegamer and Doobie_wop

jneul said:
AussieGecko said:

are you serious? I am not allowed to name call people here so i will just continue to my point.

It is when the console is starting to get sold etc Japan and Europe and Aus and NZ have yet to be configured into this argument. So why are you questioning this???? just doesnt make any sense. PS3 might be ahead but you simply dont know, I dont know, Selnor probably doesnt even know.

Wait till Worldwide has been released till you compare world wide. It's like comparing for example Pokemon getting released in japan only and trying to saying it has been a failure because it sold more consoles in considering world wide.

that is what i was getting at this is just american sales you cannot claim x360s release is superior on those sales alone and x360s is not released here until july, that is why thread based on 1 week sales are basically lame, wait for at least a couple of months to claim a victory, even i said the same thing for ps3 slim release

thats fair enough and i agree to that, but selnor said and it made sense that it was just US at this stage. I am assuming when all region have had their first weeks they will be added and i think ps3 will be ahead (dont get me wrong) BUT for what the argument was was that Xbox is ahead for the first week in the US


Bet with Conegamer and Doobie_wop

selnor said:
Munkeh111 said:

The rises were for Xbox were all to do with the holiday, and more importantly as you know America =/= world, but this is certainly a decent start for the 360 slim, but will it continue through the rest of the year

Would that mena PS3 slim numbers had holiday effect also?

no but they all were at that time of the year

AussieGecko said:
GodOfWar_3ever said:
AussieGecko said:
GodOfWar_3ever said:

oh and PS3 first week sales in the US were 164k. I suggest you edit the OP. Its misinformation.

i think you need his first reply to this question, some stores leaked thus it being the first week 164 being the second week. The PS3 wouldnt have jumped from 37k to 105k without new slims being sold, too much of a coincidence

PS3 slim would have had a higher first week than 164k if some retailers didn't break the street date. It officially launched on the 1st of September. And the "official" first week was 164k, which could have been 200k if not for broken street dates.

OK then in America they have simply replaced the old xbox's with the new (that is the impression i got from the e3 announcement) and apparently in europe are doing the same (damn aus you have to pay 200 more -.-) soooo basically the xbox's are selling more for no reason at all apart from a re-design (did you see what i did their i changed it so it fit my argument.

It doesnt matter what you say it started selling the week before, not the week it was officially released thus sales are affected.

Wrong answer. They are not making new 360s anyway, but the ones already in the market have to be sold. This weeks sales include 149$ Arcades and 249$ elites AND price cut  arcades with gift cards as a father's day promotion.

Selnor do you have a facebook account? Im sure everyone here would like to see how you look like =)