I think a lot of people are overstating the negatives of Sony's launch. They are probably close to 2 million in sales by now, which is amazing considering the initial launch price, and terrible launch games. Resistance was made great by the terrible alternatives, a game like that would have been lost among the XBOX 360's superior shooters. I guarantee that all 3 consoles experience price cuts in May or June. The PS3 will ultimately be viewed as a failure becuase of the tremendous market share loss, but it will be the highest selling console because in the end it is the console most people want. People will wait for the price to be in their range. As a side note I do not think anyone on these boards realize how ignorant the average person is to game development. You will hear people say things like "when is Sony gonna gonna come out with Metal Gear Solid?" Even if the PS3 exclusive titles go multiplatform, people will buy the PS3 in the hopes of playing sequals to their favorite ps2 games. I know this first hand from talking to my casual gaming friends, and also from my N64 days when I thought "when is Nintendo gonna come out with Mega Man?" I hitched my wagon to Gamecube last generation so I have my doubts that 3rd party developers will actually support the console for more than 2 years. I personally will buy a 360 after the previously discussed price cut. I hope Too Human can surpass the superb Eternal Darkness. PS3 67 million Wii 54 million Xbox 360 52 million
Lifetime Sales Prediction - 6/29/2013
Wii U - 38 million
XBOX One - 88 million
Playstation 4 - 145 million