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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - XBox 360 S overheating video

How Hot Can the New Xbox 360 Slim Get?

IDLE for an Hour

Xbox 360 Falcon – 140 Degrees F / 60 Degrees C
Xbox 360 Valhalla (Slim) – 123 Degrees F / 50 Degrees C

Playing Modern Warfare 2 for an Hour

Xbox 360 Falcon – 167 Degrees F / 75 Degrees C
Xbox 360 Valhalla (Slim) – 139 Degrees F / 59 Degrees C

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ZenfoldorVGI said:
Scoobes said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:

You shouldn't move a console while it is turned on with a disc spinning. If you have a free floating disc system, it will scratch your disc. Same with every current gen console, and most PCs, and also the fat PS2. That's obvious, and anyone who  doesn't know that, didn't read the instructions.

Except the other current gen consoles don't have the disc scratching problem, and nor did the 360 except for early models and now the Slim redsign. The issue is more that MS fixed the fault, then for some reason let it return on the new redesigned consoles. It's a bit weird and a little annoying if you wanted a new 360 slim.

Bullshit, yes they do. Have you ever moved your PS3 or Wii violently while they had a disc spinning. It will scratch the disc to shit and back. I've had it happen to me, in fact, and I guarntee you, if you want to give it a shot, go right a head, because you will end up with a scratched disc, and I can promise you that people on this very forum have had issues with this as well.

I've moved all my consoles at one point or another from vertical to horizontal with no issues, even my 360, though the one video where the guy gently moves it and it kills the disc.. that was wow..

I've seen a 360 scratch a disc ONLY once, while playing rockband and the 360 went from vertical to horizontal in less than a second due to a tripped on wire, but that's understandable, I'm surprised the 360 itself didn't break

Unicorns ARE real - They are just fat, grey and called Rhinos

ZenfoldorVGI said:
theprof00 said:

I'm tempted to report your obvious aggressiveness, but I know it's not against the rules to be angry.

So, Watson, go check out youtube, and see for yourself that e74 causes graphical distortion.

I'm not saying you don't have a point. They are assumptions. However, I am narrowing down the range of what is possible, whereas you are not. You leave ALL possibilities open. We do not have more information on this except for what is shown on other videos. He has a huge collection of games. He could be a journalist, but he hasn't posted any other "news" on his channel except that his ps3 stopped working. So my ASSUMPTION that his ps3 broke was actually correct. Imagine that. I narrowed down the evidence and came up with a logical conclusion that turned out to be right.

My reasoning is under the assumption that he's at least as smart as you and me and has as much experience in doing so. He has a much greater collection than you or me have combined, I'm sure, and you question whether the cable was loose?!?! Look on youtube. E74 vertical lines. There are hundreds of videos showing similar artifacts to varying levels of death. Your e74 was the GPU dead. Your's didn't go through a dying phase. This guy's video is showing that, along with all the videos on youtube.

Your assumptions answer no questions and the debate will never end. If you can't argue using logical data and evidence, and instead reject it completely, then don't argue and don't attack people.

I'll finish by saying that "you could be right". However, I'll follow that up by saying that your idea goes against all presented data..

EDIT: also, to correct your misguided assumptions listed above.

He's most likely not a journalist because he has no other "controvercial" or "provocative" stuff on his page. A journalist would have a website linked or some other info. Why would he want to cover up being a journalist when d-toid posted a video of a new 360 eating a disc? That makes no sense. I could see if maybe he was a game tester...since most live in CA.
The girlfriend was on the computer, so it would be her animu, not his and therefore no logical sony affiliation. Additionally, areas of CA have heavy Japanese culture and influence so it's most likely a common thing and not some obsession with japanese things.

Also on his page are 4 videos showing off his collection. True he probably doesn't pay for his own consoles, but maybe he does. Considering the nostalgia level of the stuff he owns, he's probably about 25 give or take 5 years.

I don't think anything you presented was logical in any sort of way. And the only thing that seems possible is that he may or may not pay for his games, which really isn't relevant at all anyway. Unless you have an idea that he did indeed buy all this stuff in order to make one video showing a new 360 fail and seem like a 360 fan so that nobody would suspect he was trying to hurt MS...

I wasn't trying to present actual theories really, I was just pointing out why the Sherlock Holmes stuff is fiction. It doesn't work in real life, because there are too many variables. It's not what you think, or deduce, it's what you can prove.

That said, beyond the validity of the video, it proves nothing. My problem with you, is that you seemed to indicate that this issue was somehow related to heat, and I am still wondering how you came to that conclusion?

The Sherlock Holmes stuff is fiction?  I think you've been watching a little too much CSI, where they always find the smallest little fiber or DNA on someone that proves they were at the crime scene.  That's the fiction.  It doesn't all come together in a neat little package like that.  It takes a lot of detective work.  And there's something called circumstancial evidence.  Many have been convicted of crimes using this type of evidence, without there being much hard physical evidence against them.

And why I think it may be overheating is because it sounds like the fan is working overtime in the vid.  And I know how they said the new 360's are supposed to be quiter.  Well, that one sounds like an older model.

Why do people shake xbox's when on... I just dont understand it. My xbox has never scratched a disk, ( i have too much fun doing that myself, and no i dont literally mean to scratch them i just get lazy and forget to put things in covers. ) My xbox has never rrod'd etc etc, you people need to relax, i preordered a new "xbox360s slim" which my store likes to call it, from that the s stands for shiny :p. I pre-ordered mine for 400 dollars aussie :D wooo cheap (for australia).

My ps3 is the only one of my consoles to stuff up, am i gonna make a youtube video of it? No, am i gonna make a big deal of it? no, i work in an electronics store, things F$#K UP, it happens. The sooner people realise this the better. Though i dropped my laptop in water while it was on then 1 month later it turned to working perfectly again ( guessing it had to dry :p )... that is all... for now :P


Bet with Conegamer and Doobie_wop

I find the dismissable of this video by some people here to be questionable. Its as if 360 fans will deny any issues to suit their reality. Trying to dissect this video apart when he obviously owns like 4 360s and then plaster fake all over it is a pretty foolish spin. For the sake of your own sanity just understand and accept that its real and thats it.

But regardless its pretty silly if people tilt their 360 while its playing games.

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 Consoles: Wii & PS3.

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rukusa said:

I find the dismissable of this video by some people here to be questionable. Its as if 360 fans will deny any issues to suit their reality. Trying to dissect this video apart when he obviously owns like 4 360s and then plaster fake all over it is a pretty foolish spin. For the sake of your own sanity just understand and accept that its real and thats it.

But regardless its pretty silly if people tilt their 360 while its playing games.

I have not watched the video nor will I as any console can break and this proves nothing. That said a healthy amount of sceptism is certainly required when dealing with this sort of evidence. As others have pointed who knows what this guys motives are who knows if it is true who knows if he is lying.

I think we will need a few more videos and from more reliable sources before we declare the remodeled 360 as a dud and that is pretty much what the others are saying.


W.L.B.B. Member, Portsmouth Branch.

(Welsh(Folk) Living Beyond Borders)

Winner of the 2010 VGC Holiday sales prediction thread with an Average 1.6% accuracy rating. I am indeed awesome.

Kinect as seen by PS3 owners ...if you can pick at it it ... Did I mention the 360 was black and Shinny? Keeping Sigs obscure since 2007, Passed by the Sig police 5July10.
welshbloke said:
rukusa said:

I find the dismissable of this video by some people here to be questionable. Its as if 360 fans will deny any issues to suit their reality. Trying to dissect this video apart when he obviously owns like 4 360s and then plaster fake all over it is a pretty foolish spin. For the sake of your own sanity just understand and accept that its real and thats it.

But regardless its pretty silly if people tilt their 360 while its playing games.

I have not watched the video nor will I as any console can break and this proves nothing. That said a healthy amount of sceptism is certainly required when dealing with this sort of evidence. As others have pointed who knows what this guys motives are who knows if it is true who knows if he is lying.

I think we will need a few more videos and from more reliable sources before we declare the remodeled 360 as a dud and that is pretty much what the others are saying.


I agree with this, until we see more videos and more news on other 360s then we really dont know.

LOL, MS toasted another one!     


Edit: but MS is very clever, it conspired with Icelandic Army and moneyhatted it to make a subterranean nuclear test that caused that Yalla-Yalla volcano to erupt, ensuring this one will be the coolest Summer in the last decennia and so making overheating issues a lot less likely. 

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW! 

AussieGecko said:

Why do people shake xbox's when on... I just dont understand it. My xbox has never scratched a disk, ( i have too much fun doing that myself, and no i dont literally mean to scratch them i just get lazy and forget to put things in covers. ) My xbox has never rrod'd etc etc, you people need to relax, i preordered a new "xbox360s slim" which my store likes to call it, from that the s stands for shiny :p. I pre-ordered mine for 400 dollars aussie :D wooo cheap (for australia).

My ps3 is the only one of my consoles to stuff up, am i gonna make a youtube video of it? No, am i gonna make a big deal of it? no, i work in an electronics store, things F$#K UP, it happens. The sooner people realise this the better. Though i dropped my laptop in water while it was on then 1 month later it turned to working perfectly again ( guessing it had to dry :p )... that is all... for now :P

nobody has been shaking the xboxes. That is a common reaction (mostly from xbox fans) to the sound of a cd shooting around inside the cd tray area.

d21lewis said:
Severance said:

thats NOT the real problem its THIS

its been making a bit of a buzz on youtube... and its seriously not a good sign, all consoles can be moved while the disk is on why didn't they fix this?

Actually, NONE of the consoles should be moved when the disc is in the disc drive and especially while the console is on.  Look at my poor copy of Super Smash Bros. Brawl.  It says this in the manuals for the Wii, 360, and PS3.

That's why you play a GameCube while in a car. It can drop from the seat to the floor and never stop playing the game. (I know, it has happened).

On a more serious note, I don't have an Xbox 360 but I agree that looks very much like lines from a bad connection rather than any systemic problem (such as overheating). Hopefully Microsoft has figured out all the engineering and design issues -- but more time will be needed before that can be determined.


Mike from Morgantown


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