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AussieGecko said:

Why do people shake xbox's when on... I just dont understand it. My xbox has never scratched a disk, ( i have too much fun doing that myself, and no i dont literally mean to scratch them i just get lazy and forget to put things in covers. ) My xbox has never rrod'd etc etc, you people need to relax, i preordered a new "xbox360s slim" which my store likes to call it, from that the s stands for shiny :p. I pre-ordered mine for 400 dollars aussie :D wooo cheap (for australia).

My ps3 is the only one of my consoles to stuff up, am i gonna make a youtube video of it? No, am i gonna make a big deal of it? no, i work in an electronics store, things F$#K UP, it happens. The sooner people realise this the better. Though i dropped my laptop in water while it was on then 1 month later it turned to working perfectly again ( guessing it had to dry :p )... that is all... for now :P

nobody has been shaking the xboxes. That is a common reaction (mostly from xbox fans) to the sound of a cd shooting around inside the cd tray area.