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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - What's the most you'll pay for your 3DS?

$199- 249

If it's closer to $249, a solid software title should be included.

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i'd pay up to € 200 for it. but the price of games is more important really.

__XBrawlX__ said:

I may go up to $250.00, but I highly doubt it will be more then 199.99

My thoughts exactly.

I just hope the games aren't going to be crazy expensive. They should remain cheaper than home console games, imo.

Nintendo Network ID: Cheebee   3DS Code: 2320 - 6113 - 9046


however much it takes

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I'd pay whatever Nintendo charges. You know how some people will pay infinite amounts of money for a product just because it's made by Apple? That's how it is with me and Nintendo.

I'd go up to 299$ same price as my Wii. I think any higher would need to be bundled with some good games or other features we don't know of yet!


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer


I would sell my kidney to get it really. I haven't been this excited about a handheld ever.


Realistically though I would like to see it at about $200-250. If it goes up to $300 then I would still buy it but it have to make me wait so I hope not.

No more than a Wii, so $299.99


would they really make it more expensive than the wii?

and hopefully games will still be 30