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Forums - General Discussion - Why is'nt soccer more popular in America.

Scoobes said:
Pharaoh said:
tombi123 said:
Pharaoh said:
Trying to get into the world cup by watching the south africa vs. mexico and now the france match but watching just strengthens why americans hate this "sport".

1) The stupid horns. I have to watch with the mute button on or else my head will explode. They don't even blow them for any reason, i.e. when their team is on defense.
2) THE HORNS. Its like hearing a baby slowly skinned alive.
3) Both games are scoreless the whole first half!! What a waste of time.

4) The game ends in a tie! Its not a competitive sport if no one wins. Its basically wasting 2 hours of your life.

5) If the u.s. didn't have football, basketball, baseball, and our athletes grew up playing soccer, this wouldn't even be a contest.  Our athletes are just that much physically better.

Bolded: That doesn't even make sense when you're talking about "Soccer". 

Underlined: What a stupid thing to say. Typical arrogant American. The best Footballers in the world are typically short, quick and agile. Not physical. Not that Americans are more physical anyway...

Edit: And touch is way more important than athleticism.

Exactly.  Short quick and agile.  That's why we don't care so much for soccer.  I guarantee you that I could beat 75% of these professional athletes in basketball, football, etc. even beach volleyball.  This sport rewards short people that couldn't step on the field in another sport.  Now there are some exceptional athletes in soccer that would be great in other sports such as a point guard in basketball or a running back in football, but not many.

Take Lebron James, Dwight Howard, Andrew Bynum, Kobe Bryant, Dwayne Wade, etc etc. They are in the upper echelon of athletiscm, physical freaks, who are as athletic as you can get.  Could they play soccer?  No.  They are too big.  How can we praise a sport when the best athletes can't even compete. 

There is so much ignorance of the game in your post. If you're going to watch and post in a forum about the game at least have some understanding of it.

Not the upper echelon of athletiscm? Do your American football or baseball players run 10 Km in a single game? Midfielders typically run this distance in a single game of football. I don't know how fit you are, but unless you're a long distance runner, I doubt you'd have the stamina to keep up with most professional footballers in most sports.

In football you have to be quick, agile, have stamina, fast reactions, be able to read the game as it happens AND contrary to what you believe, be strong. If you want to retain possesion of the ball you can be quick and agile and run past people, or you can be big and strong and hold people off when they challenge you. Larger players can effectively push an opposing player off the ball (as long as it's shoulder to shoulder), whilst smaller players can use skill and trickery to keep the ball from others and then go forward.

Most central defenders have to be strong enough to out muscle large strikers for the ball and tall enough to ensure they can beat tall strikers to headers. The average height of a central defender is easily 6" . The range of sizes of different players varies greatly. Some of the larger players:

Drogba- Striker- 6"2 1/2 Large build

Vidic- Defender- 6"2 Average build

Rooney- Striker- 5"10 Large build

Howard (US player)- Goalkeeper- 6"3 Average build

Patrick Viera- Midfield- 6"3 1/2 Average build

Peter Crouch- Striker- 6"7 Slim build

He's got a good touch for a big man though!

Around the Network
Kasz216 said:

To be honest I like Soccer more then Footbal.

While I do love the strategy of Football... it's too violent for me... after all the concussion research... hard for me to watch.

As such, I love playing Football based games like Goalline Blitz, reading about NFL games or playing Tecmo Superbowl.

Just can't watch it anymore though.  Seeing the state of too many old timers really dampens it for me... and will until at the very least the NFL institutes a pension plan for players who played before the big bucks started coming in.  Or I suppose they all die out... though that would be sad.

Soccer does seem to be a lot of the same though, specific plays and plans... though you do have to improvise a lot more.

I agree that the concussion thing is serious.  And I get the feeling that door has only just been opened--no doubt we'll see more and more research and discussion as the years go on.  For sure the NFL needs to make sure that it takes care of its players, past and present.  Not like they don't have the money... :I

oldschoolfool said:     ------link.   This is an interesting article on why soccer is'nt more popular in America. What do you think about this?

Correction: soccer isn't popular in North America. America overall, we have some of the best selections and players on the world: Brazil and Argentina. Uruguay was also once Olympic and World champion, so you can't put your ego ahead of you and say "soccer isn't popular in America". You know, this word isn't the right metonymy.

Maneco's Hall of Lame
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To put it another way though...  You've got to ask yourself... If Assosiation Football is the "real" football.  Why did they feel the need to add something to differentiate it?

It would of just been called Football... nor would their have been attempts to try and get people to change what they called it from the inaccuarte Football to Soccer.

Afterall that was an attempt to specifically correct the problem I am talking about, that you want to ignore mostly because more people just call it Football.

You are being mad at people for using the solution for something that was once considered a problem.   For being more accurate. 

Additionally it's not like the US is the ONLY country that calls it Soccer.

South Africa calls it Soccer more often then Football.

Most Australians do... etc.

To call it arrogance is silly.  It's just the more accurate term.  Football being a slang use for whatever form of the Football grouping is most popular in that country.

Around the Network
Maneco said:
oldschoolfool said:     ------link.   This is an interesting article on why soccer is'nt more popular in America. What do you think about this?

Correction: soccer isn't popular in North America. America overall, we have some of the best selections and players on the world: Brazil and Argentina. Uruguay was also once Olympic and World champion, so you can't put your ego ahead of you and say "soccer isn't popular in America". You know, this word isn't the right metonymy.

Generally, when someone just says America, the mean the United States of America. If the mean the continent, they will say north America, and if they mean the whole region, they will say "The Americas"

If they mean some other country, they will usually just say the name of that country. I think that is what was meant here.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


Kasz216 said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:

...and I wonder, if American football was an olympic sport, how well the foriegn teams would do against us, lol?

I'm pretty sure we're competitive in most sports, including soccer, basketball, baseball, hockey, and all of the other sports worldwide. I'm not sure if the entire rest of the world combined could form one team that could beat the Colts of the Saints.

That's not a dig on soccer, or any other sport, but we do have American football, and I'd love to see someone say they could do THAT better.

Eh, they may catch up if it ever catches on.  I mean look at Baseball.  Those South American teams are killers now a days.

American Football is way too complicated to be an international Sport though.

I mean the kind of playbooks you'd need to memorize?  Forget about it.

People call Soccer more technical then American Football... but most people would be quite shocked how complicated Football really is when it comes to management and styles and such.

It's probably the most complicated sport in the world when it comes to strategy.


The last major Soccer innovation was what?  Total Football?  Where the players can play more then one positon?

Every play in Football is like a chess move.  Well a very VIOLENT chess move anyway.  The adjustments you can make are staggering.

Correction, they may catch up if it ever catches on AND Peyton Manning retires. Until then, nobody is catching up.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


donathos said:

Soccer is boring to most Americans.  Why?  Because we don't watch the game; we don't understand what's going on, on the field; and any sport you don't understand is essentially boring because you can't follow the story of the action.  It's a self-sustaining cycle--if we watched it, we'd come to understand more and thereby enjoy it.  It's unfortunate it's so hard to change, but there it is.

It's the same thing with my father and baseball: he's followed it all his life and he understands the nuances.  I don't.  I find baseball boring, but that's more on account of my understanding of it than the game itself.

On naming, it all seems so dumb to me.  Why should I care what people in Germany call the sport that I've known all my life as soccer?  And why should they care what I call it?  I mean, it's not like I refer to their country as Deutschland; different cultures, different languages, different traditions, etc.  So long as we can communicate (which we can), I guess we can deal with the fact that we call our different games by the same name w/o pretending like it's some sort of "arrogance" on Americans' parts to call soccer, "soccer."

see to me this is a poor excuse. blokes are wired to like sport. When I first started watching American sports I had no clue wtf was going on. However I kept on watch and eventually picked up the rules.



I blame football.  Most people here favor football out of all the sports.  This leads to a smaller viewer base for other sports like Soccer, plus it means most good athletes end up playing football (or even basketball and baseball), thus making soccer less exciting than it is in other regions.

Nobody here goes to watch the New Orleans Storm, for example, because the team really isn't very good, especially compared to teams from other countries.  They probably play on the level of university teams from places like England.

ZenfoldorVGI said:
Maneco said:
oldschoolfool said:     ------link.   This is an interesting article on why soccer is'nt more popular in America. What do you think about this?

Correction: soccer isn't popular in North America. America overall, we have some of the best selections and players on the world: Brazil and Argentina. Uruguay was also once Olympic and World champion, so you can't put your ego ahead of you and say "soccer isn't popular in America". You know, this word isn't the right metonymy.

Generally, when someone just says America, the mean the United States of America. If the mean the continent, they will say north America, and if they mean the whole region, they will say "The Americas"

If they mean some other country, they will usually just say the name of that country. I think that is what was meant here.

I don't blame you guys to say it like this, but to everyone who's not american (see?), the term "America = USA" is way too wrong. For instance, we would say "Americas" when thinking separated, but when thinking as one, a united continent, well, that's the America we think of. It's funny how back then, the recent-independent people thought only they were Americans (United States of America), as the first to become emancipated from the metropolis. This is carried until today, even though you don't intend to mean it.

I just try to remind those who think like the ones from the 1700s that USA isn't "America", and others aren't just "something else". Sorry to bother, pal! =)

Maneco's Hall of Lame
As of October 2010 and, hopefully, until the end of times





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The Legend of Zelda:
Ocarina of Time

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Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity