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Forums - General Discussion - Why is'nt soccer more popular in America.


Edit. Nvm Shadow it wasn't you who said that. Been arguing with so many people on here.

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TomasPL said:

i would go with americans suck at football. that's why they copied rugby and named it football but were too scared so all handegg players have so much safety gear on them you can hardly know that there's a human under all of it. seriously american football players are pussies

that's how you play rugby


when FIFA will demand 50 pounds of safety gear than football will be popular in US ;)

I HATE the goddamn offtopic forums.

You have no idea what you're talking about,, you are insecure, immature, and poorly represent the overall soccer fandom with your ignorant statements.

Football(american) requires safety gear because it is a full contact sport, and much more violent than soccer during play(not the drunken brawls afterwards, or the illegal headbutts). Without the safety gears, people would die regularly from playing the game, and you should know that, assuming you have eyes, a brain, and even  a general knowledge of the sport.

I would flame soccer, but I have no need. Americans don't care about soccer because we have football. Enough said.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


Lord Flashheart said:

So you admit it's a nick name. Therefore Football is its real name.

I didn't mean on here Yankees have been telling people to call football soccer.

Actually they have. Look at the comment above you.

But... there's no such thing as a "real name" here.  Like in my previous post, I'd mentioned that we (Americans) call Deutschland "Germany."  The Germans call it Deutschland (at least, I believe; I've never been and I don't speak German), so it seems that by your rationale, that's its "real name."  But there's no disrespect meant in calling it Germany and neither is it a display of arrogance to do so.

The point is, what you call "football"... its *real name*, here in the States, is "soccer."  That's simply what we call it, just like I've heard that the British call gasoline "petrol," police officers "bobbies," and french fries "chips."  None of these terms are better or worse than any other; we just use different words.

As an American, I'd never insist that anyone say "soccer" instead of "football"; why should I, so long as we both know what sport we're talking about?  However, I think it's perfectly fine for me to use the American word for the game, and I think the idea that calling it "soccer" is an example of arrogance is misguided.  On an Internet forum like this one, we have people from all over the world having discussions with one another.  We come from different backgrounds and cultures, and there are differences in our language, too.  We have to understand and respect those differences, which to me means that I call soccer "soccer," you call it football, and all of that is okay.

Lord Flashheart said:
Kasz216 said:

If all the sports were unified together under said rules you'd have a point.

Except THEY WEREN'T as you yourself admitted.

Rugby Football and Assosiation Football both came from Football before football was properly codified.

Therefore, two branches of the same game.

How far one evolved vs the other is completely irrelevent.  They both changed.... they were both different... and the split came.

You keep ignoring the full name for Rugby is infact.... Rugby Football.

You are being deliberately pedantic to prove your point. There was no split. Rugby is an offshoot of football. Someone changed the way they played football and ran with it. Football on the other hand continued as it was with the new game having no impact.

It's not as if game a split into game b and c. Game b came from game a and game a carried on regardless.

Maybe you need to look up the history of rugby. I don't mean American Rugby

You do realize that by calling me Pedantic you are admitting your own fault and condeding I am correct... at least by most definitions.

Pedantic is a strict following of the rules.  It's meant as an insult because it annoys people that sometimes people are sticklers for the rules rather then letting stuff go.  The letting stuff go part isn't even relevent since your trying to argue that something that is less correct is more correct.  Rather then me trying to get you to change what you call Soccer.

It was a case of B and C... though even if it wasn't.  You are still wrong.

For example, look at

Othrodox Jews and Non-Othrodox Jews.

Orthodox Jews didn't change.  Regular Jews did.

Both are still Jews.

Football included Soccer, Rugby and many other forms actually.  Both were Football before there was a "split" as such... both are still Football.

There are really no examples you have been able to point to in an attempt to prove your point... yet I seem to have a wealth of them to draw from.  What does this tell you?

...and I wonder, if American football was an olympic sport, how well the foriegn teams would do against us, lol?

I'm pretty sure we're competitive in most sports, including soccer, basketball, baseball, hockey, and all of the other sports worldwide. I'm not sure if the entire rest of the world combined could form one team that could beat the Colts of the Saints.

That's not a dig on soccer, or any other sport, but we do have American football, and I'd love to see someone say they could do THAT better.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


Around the Network
rastari said:
Garnett said:
Boutros said:

Soccer is for kids here.

Pretty much.


Americans like violent spots, like Football, hockey and basketball.

Isn't basketball non contact?

Hell no, people gettin pushed down and all sorts of stuff, players fighting with refs

ZenfoldorVGI said:

...and I wonder, if American football was an olympic sport, how well the foriegn teams would do against us, lol?

I'm pretty sure we're competitive in most sports, including soccer, basketball, baseball, hockey, and all of the other sports worldwide. I'm not sure if the entire rest of the world combined could form one team that could beat the Colts of the Saints.

That's not a dig on soccer, or any other sport, but we do have American football, and I'd love to see someone say they could do THAT better.

Eh, they may catch up if it ever catches on.  I mean look at Baseball.  Those South American teams are killers now a days.

American Football is way too complicated to be an international Sport though.

I mean the kind of playbooks you'd need to memorize?  Forget about it.

People call Soccer more technical then American Football... but most people would be quite shocked how complicated Football really is when it comes to management and styles and such.

It's probably the most complicated sport in the world when it comes to strategy.


The last major Soccer innovation was what?  Total Football?  Where the players can play more then one positon?

Every play in Football is like a chess move.  Well a very VIOLENT chess move anyway.  The adjustments you can make are staggering.

Lord Flashheart said:


Edit. Nvm Shadow it wasn't you who said that. Been arguing with so many people on here.

No worries. But essentially calling an american a yankee almost falls into the same category as americans calling the sport soccer. It's just that we've been brought up in different cultures.

A while ago, someone here made a thread about why sony doesn't make a football game. I, w/o a second thought entered the thread thinking american football (as did all the other canadians and americans). He actually meant football/soccer.

You calling someone a yankee using the term to mean american doesn't actually mean that to americans. Americans use the term for northeastern americans (to be more specific those of british colonial descent). Some texan would take offense to it.

Anyway, I don't see the reason that everyone is getting all riled up about things. Different cultures breed different ways of thinking. And honestly, while a lot of americans have called the sport boring or that it sucks. I've read alot more posts from others who have not only insulted americans sports, but then have taken it that step further of insulting americans for being lazy and arrogant. Or implying they're gay cuz they like to touch each other. Or they called them mindless goons who love nothing but violence in one post (nfl and hockey (which americans generally don't like)) and then attack them in another post for being pussies because they play sports like baseball and basketball, and say if you think american football is tough, you should play rugby.

I've been generally disgusted by a lot of ppl who I usually held in higher regard due to this thread. I've lost a lot of respect for several ppl.

Kasz216 said:

People call Soccer more technical then American Football... but most people would be quite shocked how complicated Football really is when it comes to management and styles and such.

It's probably the most complicated sport in the world when it comes to strategy.

That's one of the things I love most about (American) football.  I guess I can understand how the "downtime" between plays irks the relatively uninitiated, but that's where so much of the game lies!  It's all strategy; I don't know of any other sport as dissected and nuanced, play for play.  Soccer, like basketball, seems to rely on a good deal more of improvisational play.  Maybe that's my ignorance showing?  But in American football the play stops and then everyone discusses which of dozens of plays to run, the execution of which depends on every member operating in a precise fashion.  Then the play starts and things break down and become improvised as well, at times, but at heart it's all about creating and executing specific tactical and strategic operations.

It's neat.

donathos said:
Kasz216 said:

People call Soccer more technical then American Football... but most people would be quite shocked how complicated Football really is when it comes to management and styles and such.

It's probably the most complicated sport in the world when it comes to strategy.

That's one of the things I love most about (American) football.  I guess I can understand how the "downtime" between plays irks the relatively uninitiated, but that's where so much of the game lies!  It's all strategy; I don't know of any other sport as dissected and nuanced, play for play.  Soccer, like basketball, seems to rely on a good deal more of improvisational play.  Maybe that's my ignorance showing?  But in American football the play stops and then everyone discusses which of dozens of plays to run, the execution of which depends on every member operating in a precise fashion.  Then the play starts and things break down and become improvised as well, at times, but at heart it's all about creating and executing specific tactical and strategic operations.

It's neat.

To be honest I like Soccer more then Footbal.

While I do love the strategy of Football... it's too violent for me... after all the concussion research... hard for me to watch.

As such, I love playing Football based games like Goalline Blitz, reading about NFL games or playing Tecmo Superbowl.

Just can't watch it anymore though.  Seeing the state of too many old timers really dampens it for me... and will until at the very least the NFL institutes a pension plan for players who played before the big bucks started coming in.  Or I suppose they all die out... though that would be sad.

Soccer does seem to be a lot of the same though, specific plays and plans... though you do have to improvise a lot more.