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Forums - General Discussion - Why is'nt soccer more popular in America.

I was going by the fifa rankings. Figured if I went of seeding there would be the usual hate England gets.


I should have your faith.

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Lord Flashheart said:
Kasz216 said:

I don't get offended when people call it football... I get offended when people get pissy when we call it Soccer.

When it's a more accurate term. 

Also, uh... I do like Soccer.   I just like calling it by a more accurate name because i'm a fan of sports in general.

Do you want me to quote where you said you get mad when people call it the more accurate and british coined name?

But you strike me as someone whos NEEDS to be right all the time so why would you be so pissy about being wrong?

If you called it by a more accurate name you would call it by it's name... Football.

you are an odd fellow.

Nah, I don't need to be right all the time.  Though if i'm wrong i'll adopt the correct position because I hate being wrong for more then a very short period of time.

If only you held up a similar policy.  I've already proven that many different versions of football existed before Assosiation Football was codified, thereby making the name football clearly less accurate then an abreviation of Assosiation.

Which Soccer is... incase you didn't know.  You can call it football as much as you want.  You could call it saturn ball for all I care.

However Soccer is the more accurate term.

Lord Flashheart said:

The last. Well you can't go to another country and start renaming things that are established yet thats what Yanks do. If talking to a yank I would say grid iron or american football as they would understand but I wouldn't demand or act like they should rename their sport because I call it something different and I expect the same back.

I've read this whole thread and commented a few times, and I've seen all your comments about americans calling it soccer and all, but unless i happened to miss it i never noticed any americans demanding others to call soccer/football soccer.

Football was in fact given the nickname of soccer a long time ago in the UK, and once soccer/football was officially established in the US/Canada, we already had well established sports called canadian and american football. Soccer was just used as the name to avoid confusion. I don't see how for example the OP called the sport soccer in the thread title shows american arrogance ( dunno if it was you or others who kept making this point)

Soccer/football does get much less exposure around here and hence is less popular. We -grow up with the sport being called soccer, it's only normal that when having a casual conversion, or a heated debate, that I will use the word soccer, but that's just because that's what's natural to me. It is by no means a way to disrespect the world and exemplify american superiority. (even though i'm canadian lol)

So you admit it's a nick name. Therefore Football is its real name.

I didn't mean on here Yankees have been telling people to call football soccer.

Actually they have. Look at the comment above you.

Lord Flashheart said:

So you admit it's a nick name. Therefore Football is its real name.

I didn't mean on here Yankees have been telling people to call football soccer.

Actually they have. Look at the comment above you.

No, Assosiation would be it's real name.  Football refers to MANY different sports.

Soccer being a shortened version of Assosiation would be more accurate then Football.

Just how Dems is a more accurate Term for the Democratic Party then Party would be.

As for someone else telling you to call it Soccer.  Well they can go to hell for all I care.

It is the more accurate name, but as long as people know what your talking about I don't really care.

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Kantor said:

Oh, and Soccer is an English word. I have nothing against English people who say "soccer"; it's a nickname for football.

I just don't like it when Americans say "soccer" when they use the original name to describe a game which doesn't really involve feet.

American colleges were playing their own version of what they called football - primarily a kicking game like soccer that allowed more robust hits, like rugby. Every school had its own set of rules, so it was difficult to organize intercollegiate matches. As a result, the first few schools to play "football" sat down and agreed to a standard set of rules, which were modeled after the English rugby code.

At that point, American football could easily have become known as American rugby, but since players and fans had already been calling the game football, the name stuck. The name, in any event, wasn't so peculiar as we might consider it today, since the game was much more kicking-oriented than it is now. Kicks were allowed from any point on the field (now they're limited to being taken from behind the line of scrimmage); field goals were initially worth more than touchdowns; and since there was no forward pass, teams would often resort to sacrificing possession by punting deep and going on defense, especially if their running game was getting bogged down. The evolution of the rules led to a focus of forward passing, but the name always stuck.

Kasz216 said:
Lord Flashheart said:
Kasz216 said:

I don't get offended when people call it football... I get offended when people get pissy when we call it Soccer.

When it's a more accurate term. 

Also, uh... I do like Soccer.   I just like calling it by a more accurate name because i'm a fan of sports in general.

Do you want me to quote where you said you get mad when people call it the more accurate and british coined name?

But you strike me as someone whos NEEDS to be right all the time so why would you be so pissy about being wrong?

If you called it by a more accurate name you would call it by it's name... Football.

you are an odd fellow.

Nah, I don't need to be right all the time.  Though if i'm wrong i'll adopt the correct position because I hate being wrong for more then a very short period of time.

If only you held up a similar policy.  I've already proven that many different versions of football existed before Assosiation Football was codified, thereby making the name football clearly less accurate then an abreviation of Assosiation.

Which Soccer is... incase you didn't know.  You can call it football as much as you want.  You could call it saturn ball for all I care.

However Soccer is the more accurate term.

Again you've proven nothing. There was various ball games that came together, died out became unified etc leading to what we have today. Look up any history of football and it'll say the same thing. The game evolved to to what we have today.

Where does Rugby get the Football part of it's name from? Football. Its derived from football in that area.  Doesn't matter if the rules were fragmented it's still football.

Look. In England the Super League plays under its rules. In Australia they play under slightly different rules in the NRL. They are both Rugby League. One sport. You can't argue that its two different games or that only one deserves the name Rugby League. Just like football.

Before the rules were finalised one part of the country played under their rules and another part theirs. They brought them together so they could play against each other. Doesn't mean it wasnt the same game.

very simple concept using evidence that it still happens today in major sports but I doubt you'll understand.

Lord Flashheart said:
Kasz216 said:
Lord Flashheart said:
Kasz216 said:

I don't get offended when people call it football... I get offended when people get pissy when we call it Soccer.

When it's a more accurate term. 

Also, uh... I do like Soccer.   I just like calling it by a more accurate name because i'm a fan of sports in general.

Do you want me to quote where you said you get mad when people call it the more accurate and british coined name?

But you strike me as someone whos NEEDS to be right all the time so why would you be so pissy about being wrong?

If you called it by a more accurate name you would call it by it's name... Football.

you are an odd fellow.

Nah, I don't need to be right all the time.  Though if i'm wrong i'll adopt the correct position because I hate being wrong for more then a very short period of time.

If only you held up a similar policy.  I've already proven that many different versions of football existed before Assosiation Football was codified, thereby making the name football clearly less accurate then an abreviation of Assosiation.

Which Soccer is... incase you didn't know.  You can call it football as much as you want.  You could call it saturn ball for all I care.

However Soccer is the more accurate term.

Again you've proven nothing. There was various ball games that came together, died out became unified etc leading to what we have today. Look up any history of football and it'll say the same thing. The game evolved to to what we have today.

Where does Rugby get the Football part of it's name from? Football. Its derived from football in that area.  Doesn't matter if the rules were fragmented it's still football.

Look. In England the Super League plays under its rules. In Australia they play under slightly different rules in the NRL. They are both Rugby League. One sport. You can't argue that its two different games or that only one deserves the name Rugby League. Just like football.

Before the rules were finalised one part of the country played under their rules and another part theirs. They brought them together so they could play against each other. Doesn't mean it wasnt the same game.

very simple concept using evidence that it still happens today in major sports but I doubt you'll understand.

If all the sports were unified together under said rules you'd have a point.

Except THEY WEREN'T as you yourself admitted.

Rugby Football and Assosiation Football both came from Football before football was properly codified.

Therefore, two branches of the same game.

How far one evolved vs the other is completely irrelevent.  They both changed.... they were both different... and the split came.

You keep ignoring the full name for Rugby is infact.... Rugby Football.

Lord Flashheart said:

So you admit it's a nick name. Therefore Football is its real name.

I didn't mean on here Yankees have been telling people to call football soccer.

Actually they have. Look at the comment above you.

lol ya, soccer essentially is for americans what i guess gridiron would be for the rest of you guys. I mean the name was adopted to avoid confusion, not through disrespect or arrogance lol.

and ya i'd have to disagree w/ him. I got tired of reading your argument ( lord flashheart and kasz) and forgot about kasz's insistence on the name. while, the official name is association football, soccer/football is the only one in the group of "football sports" that is called football by everyone around the world. Rugby football is never referred to as football, and so on.

Kasz216 said:

If all the sports were unified together under said rules you'd have a point.

Except THEY WEREN'T as you yourself admitted.

Rugby Football and Assosiation Football both came from Football before football was properly codified.

Therefore, two branches of the same game.

How far one evolved vs the other is completely irrelevent.  They both changed.... they were both different... and the split came.

You keep ignoring the full name for Rugby is infact.... Rugby Football.

You are being deliberately pedantic to prove your point. There was no split. Rugby is an offshoot of football. Someone changed the way they played football and ran with it. Football on the other hand continued as it was with the new game having no impact.

It's not as if game a split into game b and c. Game b came from game a and game a carried on regardless.

Maybe you need to look up the history of rugby. I don't mean American Rugby