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Forums - Sony Discussion - Kung-Fu Live for PS3: You Are the Controller+ Trailer

Hey dudes! I’m really excited to let you all know that our new game Kung-Fu Live is coming to the PSN Store later this year! It’s a unique fighting adventure that uses the PlayStation Eye and our internally developed tech to create an experience like never before.

As some of you may have heard, we announced Kung-Fu Live with a playable sneak preview last week in New York. The reception from journalists, as well as gamers, has totally overwhelmed us! We also found ourselves in the middle of the rising motion gaming discussion as many of the stories call out that our game already does what Natal is trying for: Kung-Fu Live uses full-body skeleton tracking to track the player’s moves in real-time. Thus, people have been saying that our game and tech using the PlayStation Eye is stealing the thunder from Natal. LOL!

With our Freemotion technology and the awesome quality of the PlayStation Eye camera, full-body motion gaming is already here. Kung-Fu Live also scans you inside the game world where you literally become the hero of the game. There you are boosted with super human abilities, such as being able to jump flips without actually making flips, do high jump kicks, shoot lightning from your hands, and so on. Oh yeah, not to mention that you can do The Matrix trick of slowing the speed of your opponents’ time while you kick their asses.

So toss away the gamepad for a change and experience what it’s like to be Jackie Chan (no real martial art skills needed): Punch, kick, jump and pummel your enemies into oblivion using your body as your only weapon. I can’t wait to show you guys more of Kung-Fu LIVE, but for now, check out the teaser trailer above for a glimpse of the kick-ass action we have in store.

Around the Network

That is literally the worst trailer I've ever seen for anything.

This is how the war begins..

waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too tiring. Give me a controller.

Always wanted to kick a certain someone, this'll give me the chance to do it without retribution >_>

Around the Network

this looks... terrible.

I wonder if Sony planned that form the very beginning. Many devs will just do multiplatform games instead of Natal exclusives. Both consoles have camera recognition. PS3 has Eye and 360 has Natal. Additionally, PS3 also has Move, which could bring Wii/PS3 games.

updated: 14.01.2012

playing right now: Xenoblade Chronicles

Hype-o-meter, from least to most hyped:  the Last Story, Twisted Metal, Mass Effect 3, Final Fantasy XIII-2, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Playstation ViTA

bet with Mordred11 that Rage will look better on Xbox 360.

That player is incredible! He can jump super high, shoot lightning out of his hands and stop time!

This looks... like a million seller game for Natal?

haha this actually looks funny lol

Owner of PS1/PSOne , PS2 phat/slim  , PS3 phat/slim , PS Eye+Move and PSP phat/slim/brite/go (Sony)

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