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Forums - General Discussion - Little story about Target.

He made a mistake. It is common. He hardly makes any more and should not be expected to know anything about games. If this happened at Gamestop, I would understand your concern.

currently playing: Desktop Tower Defense (PC), Puzzle Quest (DS), Trauma Center New Blood (Wii), Guitar Hero III (Wii), Ghost Squad (Wii), Actraiser (SNES), Donkey Kong County (SNES), The Legend of Zelda (NES), Kirby's Adventure (NES)

will play next: Paper Mario (N64), Golden Axe II (Sega), NiGHTS (Wii)


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I got out of the military not too long ago. The PX stores are horrible. I saw a lady ask the electronics employee why the 80GB and 60GB PS3s were both 500$. The employee went to ask his manager. In the meantime, I explained to the lady about the the differences in backwards compatibility. She thanked me, and after about 10 minutes the employee returned stating that they did not know either. She turned to me and said "These guys are worthless". I think that sums it up.

wait RE:UC isnt a 360 exclusive?


Xeo_842 said:
darkside140 said:
I guess after the game at Gamestop asked me what Zack and Wiki was when I went looking for that game, this stuff just bothers me even more now. I have a Toys R Us 2 minutes away but I go to the one 20 minutes away because they actually know more about games. Anyone else have favorite stores from big chains they prefer to go to also?

My favorite place would be a Toys R Us 5 minutes away from where I live. The guys in the videogame section are nice and know about quite a lot the games they sell. One time a while when I went there for Metriod prime 3 the guy said it was the best game on the Wii so far and I remember that exact quote from IGN's MP3 review. I guess that guy looks up info at IGN.

So you met Bod in person? Nice. 

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i'm guessing the guy from target was some high school kid? don't mind him, what do kids know no-a-days anyways, xD

i've got a favorite BB to go to. it's in madison wisconsin so it's a long drive since i live in chicago but it's by far the best BB i've been too. i like this one cause it's staffed mostly with college aged kids instead of high school so everyone seems much more intelligent and mature. I was at a best buy in twin cities and one of the staff literally made fun of me for looking at the anime. I complained and got him fired though! xD

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My responce after he insisted would have been....

"Ok, well then get me the 360 version."

And then once he walked off to go find it I would have left the store =P

To Each Man, Responsibility

I'm with Sqrl.

Well...that's not surprising. I am actually shocked the people we have working in Electronics at our store actually know about what they are selling.

Game of the year.

Now Playing: Guitar Hero III (Wii)

llewdebkram said:
The day before Super Mario Galaxy was released I went into my local Blockbusters to see if it was being sold early and asked if Mario was out, after the assistant asked "what game is Mario" and I replied Super Mario Galaxy she asked what system it was on and then told me it was out in 8 days time!


haha well, i used to work at a Blockbuster. Most people there, at least my store, knew about movies, and very little about games.

And most of the times, we get the games on Fridays--meaning, if they come out Tuesdays, we might either get it the previous Friday

or the following Friday. So she/ he might have been right. But i totally understand you man haha

God From the Machine

kitler53 said:
i'm guessing the guy from target was some high school kid? don't mind him, what do kids know no-a-days anyways, xD

i've got a favorite BB to go to. it's in madison wisconsin so it's a long drive since i live in chicago but it's by far the best BB i've been too. i like this one cause it's staffed mostly with college aged kids instead of high school so everyone seems much more intelligent and mature. I was at a best buy in twin cities and one of the staff literally made fun of me for looking at the anime. I complained and got him fired though! xD

That makes your first paragraph kind of funny.  Unless you're in high school, because then it makes sense.

I do agree with you though.  I think a person that I would trust most to know about video games is someone aged from about 19-30.  Any younger and they might not be able to keep any amount of their bias inside.  Any older and they might not be keeping up with the times in video games.  Of course there are exceptions to this, but for the most part I would prefer to ask someone in that range of age for help with a video game.