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Forums - General Discussion - What's the most disgusting thing you've seen on the internet?

Part of me wonders if its worse than animated tubgirl, part of me sure as hell doesn't want to find out!


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What do I hate about modern gaming? I hate tedium replacing challenge, complexity replacing depth, and domination replacing entertainment. I hate the outsourcing of mechanics to physics textbooks, art direction to photocopiers, and story to cheap Hollywood screenwriters. I hate the confusion of obsession with dedication, style with substance, new with gimmicky, old with obsolete, new with evolutionary, and old with time-tested.
There is much to hate about modern gaming. That is why I support the Wii.

Ok so I checked urbandictionary and seeing as I'm about to have lunch, I don't wanna see that shit :P


puffy said:
Ok so I checked urbandictionary and seeing as I'm about to have lunch, I don't wanna see that shit :P

See? This man knows what's up. Always go to urbandictionary first.

Blue Waffles isn't that bad.

Three Guys and a Hammer is. That's the only one I haven't been able to watch, and never will.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

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"Arguably the most disgusting shock video ever. The 2 minute and 26 second long video is a series of short clips of various men and women explicitly and violently mutilating their reproductive organs."

WHAT 0_o

 Tag (Courtesy of Fkusumot) "If I'm posting in this thread then it's probally a spam thread."                               

mrstickball said:
Blue Waffles isn't that bad.

Three Guys and a Hammer is. That's the only one I haven't been able to watch, and never will.

I seriously agree with you on this (that is the post I made earlier, couldn't remember what it was called)

I have always been able to watch all videos without a problem, that one... I couldn't watch it all, when the poor dude was trying to breathe after those kids smashed his face to a bloody pulp and the wheezing sound and the blood bubbling up, then sticking him in the lungs/heart/eyes/brain with a screwdriver... that's when I turned it off...

Even that Chinese police officer cut in two was tame compared to the hammer one

Unicorns ARE real - They are just fat, grey and called Rhinos

I worst thing I have seen is two kids in a sandbox, it is horrific.


And what the hell is the deal with 3 kids killing(?) a guy with a hammer? That is just sickening.

AdventWolf said:

I worst thing I have seen is two kids in a sandbox, it is horrific.


And what the hell is the deal with 3 kids killing(?) a guy with a hammer? That is just sickening. 

The video that is on the internet is the one: "On July 12, a 48-year-old man named Sergei Yatzenko, disabled by a recent bout with cancer, went missing while riding his Dnepr motorcycle. His body was found four days later, with signs of a savage attack clearly visible even after four days in the summer heat."

These kids were sick, I don't know how Ukraine's justice system works, but if they have the death penalty, I don't know hwo those 3 kids didn't get it.

Unicorns ARE real - They are just fat, grey and called Rhinos

Holy **** those kids are messed up, they should be put through the same torment they gave. I wish I could meet them in real life and teach them a lesson, wow..