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Forums - General Discussion - What's the most disgusting thing you've seen on the internet?

dtewi said:
You know, after the offended page on Encyclopedia Dramatica, I haven't been able to look at any porn.

That was so disgusting.

What do you expect? That site is THERE to revolt people.

PSN ID: KingFate_

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ironman said:
KingFate said:
Reasonable said:
ironman said:
Vetteman94 said:
Dgc1808 said:

I hope you read the comments after where I explain what I meant T_T...

Seems that everyone's reading this the wrong way. I'll keep my impressions of the dog video to myself. 

I am actually quite curious about your impressions of the dog video,  just because it was the only one that bothered me out of all the videos so far mentioned.  SO please do share.

So a guy being tortured and murdered on film isn't as disturbing as a dog being tortured??? Somethings off my friend...very off.


OT: sorry for the DP

Strange but true most people find it harder to observe images of animals in pain than other human beings.  Intellectually I'm more disturbed when humans are involved but like most people emotionally I have an even stronger reaction if its an animal.

I think it's mostly we assosiate animals like we do children. They are innocent and are not  capapable of knowing right and wrong as we know it.

That's a serious problem with society. When we start feeling horrible about animals being tortured, more so than human beings being tortured and killed, well, something is seriously wrong there.   

You are so freaking wrong!

It's a sign of civilization, empathy and compassion that humans are able to open up themselves to see the suffering of all living and feeling things, beyond tribalism and racism. It's the next step in humanity. But we are still living in a very primitive age with the majority of people sharing your view.

—"a certain tribe 'so gentle that they do not feed on anything which has blood, nor will they allow anyone to hurt any living thing, like our Leonardo da Vinci'. (Andrea Corsali in a 16th century a letter)

Now I personally was even more disturbed by the Three guys and a hammer than the Mexican kids on dog, but Vetteman showed why it's perfectly normal to feel stronger for the dog, so I'm not gonna repeat that since he expressed it so well. Well I'll say something anyway, because it's simple:

Animals are like human children.