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Forums - Sony Discussion - Without a doubt in my mind Kratos would annihilate Link.

letsdance said:
Khuutra said:
Wonktonodi said:
Khuutra said:

Well, all right. If we agree then we agree, and that's all there is to it.

I think you'll like Link to the Past. it's been enchanting people for nearly twenty years now, and doesn't really lose any of its charm.

yep although I'm curious how well you think Link would do without the Triforce? 

cool that's important.  Some things can be great at the time and remembered fondly but are best left as a memory.

That's actually what the first half of the topic is about. Link has acheap-ass magic item that makes him able to hurt the neemy while they can't touch him, only limited by magic. In another game Link has a special drink that gives him unlimited magic. Combined, Link is unkillable.

And yeah, Zelda games don't tend to be that way if you approach them right. I only beat the first one in like 2008, but I enjoyed it a lot. Made my own map while I was playing and everything.

What Khuutra fails to mention is the fact that the unlimited magic has a timer and that its unclear if Link can be attacked while attacking. He also forgets to mention Kratos gets an item in the third game which would help him in this instance... again he ignores logic and valid points to benifit himself.

Except you know... it doesn't have a timer.  It only lasts for 3 days, because in 3 days the moon CRASHES INTO THE PLANET.  So Link has to recall time.

Also uh... Link can't be attacked while attacking it's perfectly clear.  This was already debunked by me... remember, hitboxes?

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well, i do admit Kratos is f*n brutal and just all out ruthless

i'm a huge Link fan and i'm feeling really mixed up right now

it does seem unfair to compare Link to Kratos, however, since Link is just a boy in the Zelda series.

given that he is only a kid and was chosen to take down the great evil which in itself is of great achievement at a young age having mastery in all sorts of weapons, equipments, sorcery and fighting skill - at most he's 17 and has already have this kind of powers and abilities, could u imagine if Link was actually much older and more experienced?

i'm sure that if Link were to age the same as Kratos and were given more experience he will be able to take Kratos;
ultimately, Link is given the courage that under any and all circumstances Link will overcome the most challenging obstacles and overcome all - after all it's in his blood
it's the ultimate underdog story!

besides, in my opinion, i like and enjoy the God of War series is because Kratos is just Sony's Rater M version of Link

letsdance said:
Ssenkahdavic said:
David vs. Goliath.

No one thought David could win either, but everyone has a chance. That said, Kratos wins 99/100 times.

Have you played GoW3 yet? Link would never win. Trust me. This is like USA using nuclear warfare vs the indigenous people of Canada.

lol nice one

Kasz216 said:
letsdance said:
Khuutra said:
Wonktonodi said:
Khuutra said:

Well, all right. If we agree then we agree, and that's all there is to it.

I think you'll like Link to the Past. it's been enchanting people for nearly twenty years now, and doesn't really lose any of its charm.

yep although I'm curious how well you think Link would do without the Triforce? 

cool that's important.  Some things can be great at the time and remembered fondly but are best left as a memory.

That's actually what the first half of the topic is about. Link has acheap-ass magic item that makes him able to hurt the neemy while they can't touch him, only limited by magic. In another game Link has a special drink that gives him unlimited magic. Combined, Link is unkillable.

And yeah, Zelda games don't tend to be that way if you approach them right. I only beat the first one in like 2008, but I enjoyed it a lot. Made my own map while I was playing and everything.

What Khuutra fails to mention is the fact that the unlimited magic has a timer and that its unclear if Link can be attacked while attacking. He also forgets to mention Kratos gets an item in the third game which would help him in this instance... again he ignores logic and valid points to benifit himself.

Except you know... it doesn't have a timer.  It only lasts for 3 days, because in 3 days the moon CRASHES INTO THE PLANET.  So Link has to recall time.

Also uh... Link can't be attacked while attacking it's perfectly clear.  This was already debunked by me... remember, hitboxes?

Nice, maybe Kratos is Link but grown up.

If sony and nintendo teamed up this would be a great game XD

May the adjustments be with you

I feel a disturbance in the sales

Khuutra said:
Staude said:

Okay. Kratos travels back in time and kills link before he ever gets the cape. Problem solved.


However, even with the cape kratos would be able to counter contact at contact. If it is broken like you say that doesn't make it a rule of the item but rather inefficient programming which we can't presume would affect us in this game. You have to remember to take how god of war works into account aswell as the zelda world.

Kratos can't counter what he can't see, and he can't hit what he can't touch.

What point in time are we talking about Kratos here? Kratos in GoW3 doesn't have access to the loom anymore.

If link has access to everything hes gotten in any game then so should kratos.

Check out my game about moles ^

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Staude said:
Khuutra said:

Kratos can't counter what he can't see, and he can't hit what he can't touch.

What point in time are we talking about Kratos here? Kratos in GoW3 doesn't have access to the loom anymore.

If link has access to everything hes gotten in any game then so should kratos.

There's never a canonical Kratos who has access to everything.

Letsdance, however, said Kratos would beat "every Link combined". Even leaving out the stuff Link doesn't have at the ends of each game, taking them solely canonically.... combining them is pretty much the height of screwing over the bald guy.

Khuutra said:
Staude said:
Khuutra said:

Kratos can't counter what he can't see, and he can't hit what he can't touch.

What point in time are we talking about Kratos here? Kratos in GoW3 doesn't have access to the loom anymore.

If link has access to everything hes gotten in any game then so should kratos.

There's never a canonical Kratos who has access to everything.

Letsdance, however, said Kratos would beat "every Link combined". Even leaving out the stuff Link doesn't have at the ends of each game, taking them solely canonically.... combining them is pretty much the height of screwing over the bald guy.

and for the last time. At the point of links physical contact kratos can use it against him. Simple. You just don't want to admit it would work due to bad programming in a game.


And kratos can. Noone said he dint have access to all his stuff. Au contrair

Check out my game about moles ^

Staude said:
Khuutra said:
Staude said:
Khuutra said:

Kratos can't counter what he can't see, and he can't hit what he can't touch.

What point in time are we talking about Kratos here? Kratos in GoW3 doesn't have access to the loom anymore.

If link has access to everything hes gotten in any game then so should kratos.

There's never a canonical Kratos who has access to everything.

Letsdance, however, said Kratos would beat "every Link combined". Even leaving out the stuff Link doesn't have at the ends of each game, taking them solely canonically.... combining them is pretty much the height of screwing over the bald guy.

and for the last time. At the point of links physical contact kratos can use it against him. Simple. You just don't want to admit it would work due to bad programming in a game.


And kratos can. Noone said he dint have access to all his stuff. Au contrair

How is it "bad" programming when they had to delibertily take out the hit boxes.

It wasn't bad programming, it was the intended programming.

Vision from marvel comics CONSTANTLY hits people while still intangible.

The same goes for the X-men's Shadowcat.

Staude said:
Khuutra said:
Staude said:

If link has access to everything hes gotten in any game then so should kratos.

There's never a canonical Kratos who has access to everything.

Letsdance, however, said Kratos would beat "every Link combined". Even leaving out the stuff Link doesn't have at the ends of each game, taking them solely canonically.... combining them is pretty much the height of screwing over the bald guy.

and for the last time. At the point of links physical contact kratos can use it against him. Simple. You just don't want to admit it would work due to bad programming in a game.


And kratos can. Noone said he dint have access to all his stuff. Au contrair

This isn't actually an argument! You are not making an argument! The Magic Cape works the way it works! Letsdance even allowed the use of the Triforce explicitly.

And at what point do you suggest Kratos be used, canonically, that would give him access to this stuff?

Khuutra said:
pizzahut451 said:
Khuutra said:

Yeah, I think so. Wearing the Golden gauntlets, Link is strong enough that i you tried to grapple with him, he could tear Kratos's arms out of socket and then throw him halfway across a city.

Can those gautlets kill all the titans with one hit like Blade Of Olympus?

Kratos doesn't have the Blade of Olympus here, remember? And it's not actually capable of one-shotting gods and titans anyway, unless you stab them in a place where they would die from terrestrial steel anyway.

you see, thats what i tought at first, but than you mentioned golden gautlets even though i said sword and shield ONLY. if link can use golden gautlets than kratos can use blade of olympus.


Also you fail the see the big diffrence between Kratos and Link. They are from 2 totally diffrent worlds. Kratos's world is much more brutal and dangerous. That means if Link can defeat entire army of enemies in a Zelda game, he probably couldnt pass first 5 enemies in GOW3. Especially if he uses sword and shield only.