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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - everyone's gonna rape the female cog

shinyuhadouken said:
people don't usually call it teabaggin in gears. it's usually referred to as raping.

it's when you move back and forth behind a downed opponent. picking up a human shield and raping him against the wall is also quite popular.

There's also crouching and un-crouching when against cover.

Still, it doesn't matter what it's called. It's a fairly tasteless joke for a fairly tasteless term. Not to be Buzz Killington or anything, just saying...



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CGI-Quality said:
starcraft said:
CGI-Quality said:
I'm thinking he meant it as a joke, though as mentioned, I don't see it ending well.

In his term, "rape" meant: (tea bag)

We all throw around words we shouldn't use without thinking from time to time, myself included.

Rape is not something that should deliberately be placed in a thread title and used in preference of an actual in-game action.

Indeed. No argument from me.

yea i think it's a very poor choice of word to use in a thread title for an ingame action.

no matter what people call it in game I think that is a very poor choice of word to be used.



100% lover "nothing else matter's" after that...


Proud psOne/2/3/p owner.  I survived Aplcalyps3 and all I got was this lousy Signature.

I don't see Baird raping nobody. He's blond afterall.