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Forums - Sales Discussion - XBox 360 shipped vs PS3 sales to retail graph

psrock said:
The issue is quite complicated though, and it bothers both K and MikeB

A. Vgchatz had PS3 doing amazing numbers during the Holidays.
B. Sony reports 33 million sold to retailers.
C. Nintendo report shows a lesser amount of PS3 sold in Others area.
D. Vgchartz adjust PS3 by more than a million which put 3 MILLION PS3 in retails.
E. PS3 fans go crazy.
F. PS3 is in short supply despite having millions out there according to our numbers.
G. There must be something wrong with the way Sony reports these figures then, NPD, Japan and Others numbers don't match up.

One thing is clear, there isn't that many PS3 out there which confuses me a little and question both Sony and Vgchartz, it still remains to be seen if Sony counts all manufacturing PS3 into the sold numbers.

Thanks PSRock, a very useful and informative post.

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AFAIK nobody amongst the VGChartz staff claims this site to be 100% accurate. I actually defended and complimented this website here and elsewhere.

Of course, I try to contribute with stuff which I think could help make this site more accurate.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo all use the same accounts methods now, ie: shipped in to retail. Sony used to report "production shipments" which included unfilled retail orders and their own unsold (to retail) stock/warehousing, but they changed accounting methods to align with the industry standard in early 2007. Of course, they didn't change historical PS2 or PSP data, which is why you have people thinking that PS2's now shipped north of 140m.

kowenicki said:
Scruff7 said:
I found the OP quite interesting. Its useful to see the aligned figures in such a way.

Unfortunately I have to take shipped and sold to retail as the same thing, since there is no other explanation. Anyway, procurement rules would negate full payment of goods before delivery therefore meaning that any pre-ordered goods would not be classed as sold as otherwise manufacturing and delivery costs would have to be taken into account and therefore wouldn't help Sony's bottom line.

@Kowenicki - I can see you don't like MikeB, but your posts are bordering on insulting. I hadn't inferred from MikeB's original post that there was a discrepancy in the overall sales figures, but since you are more attuned to the ebbs and flows of the debate, you have. as a result your responses come across looking like you have a personal vendetta against MikeB which seems rather ugly. I'm sure you have a valid point but i would suggest you make it in a more compromising tone that wouldn't make others assume you were behaving like an ass.

Fair enough... but when you see the same things over and over year after year... well, you know.. it gets kinda frustrating.  anyway i shall leave you all to it.  

Like Slowmo said, I wouldn't like to see you get warned or banned for getting frustrated.

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Vetteman94 said:
@ MikeB

I gotta side with Kowenicki on this one, you need to provide sources for your claims otherwise stop with the BS. At first I thought he only got on you because you were a PS3 fan and he was a 360 Fan, but thats not the case anymore. You are kind of annoying the way you dance around what you are really trying to say instead of just coming out and saying it.

Your graph means nothing, its all information that was already available on this website. And alligning launches mean something only to the side that is behind, its an otherwise worthless statistic.

I wouldn't say aligning launches is worthless as the gaming market is a complex thing.  While timing and entrance can have an affect (see N64, PS3) it isn't everything (see Saturn, Dreamcast), current sales and growth velocity are things to take note of too.  Gens don't magically start and stop when consoles get of a certain age.


I will agree with you that if the PS3 wasn't behind, no one would speak of aligned launches because there would be no additional "angle" in which to view info from.

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psrock said:
kowenicki said:
psrock said:
The issue is quite complicated though, and it bothers both K and MikeB

A. Vgchatz had PS3 doing amazing numbers during the Holidays.
B. Sony reports 33 million sold to retailers.
C. Nintendo report shows a lesser amount of PS3 sold in Others area.
D. Vgchartz adjust PS3 by more than a million which put 3 MILLION PS3 in retails.
E. PS3 fans go crazy.
F. PS3 is in short supply despite having millions out there according to our numbers.
G. There must be something wrong with the way Sony reports these figures then, NPD, Japan and Others numbers don't match up.

One thing is clear, there isn't that many PS3 out there which confuses me a little and question both Sony and Vgchartz, it still remains to be seen if Sony counts all manufacturing PS3 into the sold numbers.


now why cant mikeb just say this?

I acknowledge this totally... and it is why I have my explanation.   I dont see why I get shit for stating exactly what you have just said.

what is mikeb's explanation? He will of course say it is undertracked.  My respones is what? by every single tracking agency on the planet?

damn, we agree on something.

To those who say the PS3 is undertrack, my question to you guys is

Where ?

Is this really a question? Though I'm not saying it is undertracked the answer is very simple. In the places we dont get regular updates from... thats an awful lot of places. Canada, Mexico, South America, and I have not seen 1 report from Europe EVER. People just say "They are in line with GFK" Seriously, only hard numbers Ive ever seen are from Famitsu/Japan and NPD/United States. 2 countries. And there are differences between NPD and VGC all the time. Hell you want an example of how far off ioi is sometimes? First week in NA he had FF13 at 700k Now they are at a million. He was 300k off. About 40%. And we are suppose to take his numbers over Sonys? Sorry but I think official numbers are better.

I mean Sony projected 13 million and so far they have 10.8 million... and are supply constrained... yet we question their numbers?