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Forums - Sales Discussion - Wii Sales? A wakeup call?

u used 2 be funny.... this just sucks hard
ps3 will win u know

 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

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I don't think there's any doubt that 360 owners in North America are much more willing (and possibly able) to buy games than Wii owners have been up to this point, based on numbers alone.

Whether this means that Wii owners are all casuals or that 360 owners are all males in their early twenties who have the money to put toward a new game every 2 weeks is something for the analysts and the armchair message boarders to thrash out for themselves.

As far as SMG vs. Halo 3, it's going to take years for that battle to shake out. After 1 week, it's just impossible to tell. Look at Bioshock and Metroid Prime 3. Bioshock had a much larger week 1 sales (2x greater, I think?), but now MP3 is outselling it 2 to 1. At a differential of about 250K at this point, it is very possible that over the lifetime of the two titles, MP3 will eventually outsell BioShock.

SMG and Halo 3 could very well play out the same way.

Another thing you ignore is the fact that Nintendo titles will add a good 25% to their numbers from Japan (especially for RPG titles), which affects development significantly.

Also, as Wii hardware continues to outpace 360, the sales differential will diminish.

This "Week 1" mindset that people are bringing to this site from the way movies operate these days needs to be seriously reevaluated.

So say we all, yo.

MontanaHatchet said:
Even with a post like this, people will still love him.

That being said, I find it odd that people STILL think that Mario Galaxy will outsell Halo.

I think people are looking at history rather than a single week of sales. History is on Mario's side -- Galaxy is selling much faster than Super Mario 64, which sold significantly more than *any* Halo game. Mario is stronger in Japan and Europe than Halo, and SMG will likely have better long-term legs than Halo 3 in all three regions.

The 360 is a beast when it comes to software sold. That's generally accepted. But the Wii is still doing fantastic software-sales wise, and TRU, for example, is selling out of 1/2 of their Wii software due to their insane buy 2 get 1 free sales. SMG, Metroid and this slew of new games right at the holiday season has really renewed interest in the Wii for many people.

I'm not doom saying the Wii, but As I see it now, Nintendo is getting their asses handed to them by microsoft.

Sony is sitting back, and doing everything they can do to get market share back. They suck at the moment.

I wouldn't say they're getting their asses handed to them by Microsoft.  Nintendo is:

(1) Actually making a profit, and a huge one

(2) selling a lot more hardware than MS -- and has the handheld crown

(3) outselling MS in 12 months vs 24 months

(4) increasing their tie-in ratio significantly lately.

Also, look at Sony.  They're not even competing with either Nintendo or Microsoft for anything.  You're pointing out a single area Microsoft is doing well: their third party support.  But Sony has done nothing but lose third party support lately, their sales are terrible, and their losses on the PS3 are even higher than Microsoft's debt-laden Xbox division.

SSBB<Galaxy? Sorry Kwaad you seem to forget that Melee>Sunshine in terms of sales and that will happen AGAIN.

Anyway, i love the fact that you troll without taking into consideration a trillion factors which have been repeatedly stated in a billion threads. Sit with your DelayStation 3 and have fun, you'd LOVE to have a game that could sell as much as or even have the same quality with SMG or Brawl.

Edit: Strange half my post was eaten lol. 

HappySqurriel said:
Kwaad said:
Sqrl said:
Kwaad said:


I would just like to point out. Nintendo appears to have a 'higher' attach ratio. But when you dont count The 'Wii' Titles, of Sports, and Play. The picture gets a little bit uglier. I would also like to point out, that nintendo just released the most anticipated game for the console, since release, AND planned for the next 2 years. What do I mean by that? This mario game was the game everyone was waiting for when they first got their Wii. This is the game that wont be beat for years. This is the most anticipated game for the console in the near future. Mario is to Nintendo as Halo is to Microsoft.


SSBB, Mario Kart Wii, Wii Fit, etc..??? You seem to have forgotten some of the other extremely highly anticipated titles.

More than that you spend a large amount of time focusing on first year software sales of the Wii in comparison to second year software sales of the 360. People love to make this comparison because it is about the only way to put the Wii in a bad light right now. If this comparison holds up as the Wii moves into the middle of its second year then you have a valid comparison, but right now it is just stretching for it.

SSBB < Mario
Mario Kart Wii < Zelda
Wii Fit = WTF no-oneknows.

My point isnt how nintendo sucks, and the games are bad. Find one place in that thread I said nintendo sucks. I am just saying, people are buying consoles, and no games. I have been saying that for the last year. It's still the same way. It's just grandma, buys the Wii becuase everyone says it's so much fun. And then she never buys a game.

Name Console Publisher Japan America Others Total
Mario Kart: Double Dash Nintendo0.893.851.866.60
Super Smash Bros Melee Nintendo1.444.061.086.58
Super Mario Sunshine Nintendo0.873.731.315.91
The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker Nintendo0.892.441.054.38

Funny how you're always wrong Kwaad

 Nice way to manuplate it. Next time pick a worse mario to compare it to.

Mario Sunshine is the worst mario ever, and sold the same way. How many did Mario64, sell? 

PSN ID: Kwaad

I fly this flag in victory!

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1) attach rate is higher for cosoles that have been out longer and have more games.
2) had Wii sports not been bundled and Wii play not been included from the start, do you really think people would not have picked up a game with the Wii.
3) 360 has recently had 2 games bundled to it's most popular SKU (please correct me if i am wrong but i thought marvel and forza were for the 360 premium) which have increased recent weeks sales by 300k+ too.
4) although you state it, you seem to all but dismiss the fact that the Wii still doesn't have the same install base.... I am quite sure that any failed 360s don't add up to mean fewer active than Wiis.
5) your argument of people buying two 360s works just as well if not better for Wii, because it is cheaper, and as it is such a family console there are probably a good number of houses with one in the living room and one in some kids bedroom, meaning for the most part they only need one game for each console

SSBB will outsell halo >.

Neos - "If I'm posting in this thread it's just for the lulz."
Tag by the one and only Fkusumot!


Kwaad said:
HappySqurriel said:
Kwaad said:
Sqrl said:
Kwaad said:


I would just like to point out. Nintendo appears to have a 'higher' attach ratio. But when you dont count The 'Wii' Titles, of Sports, and Play. The picture gets a little bit uglier. I would also like to point out, that nintendo just released the most anticipated game for the console, since release, AND planned for the next 2 years. What do I mean by that? This mario game was the game everyone was waiting for when they first got their Wii. This is the game that wont be beat for years. This is the most anticipated game for the console in the near future. Mario is to Nintendo as Halo is to Microsoft.


SSBB, Mario Kart Wii, Wii Fit, etc..??? You seem to have forgotten some of the other extremely highly anticipated titles.

More than that you spend a large amount of time focusing on first year software sales of the Wii in comparison to second year software sales of the 360. People love to make this comparison because it is about the only way to put the Wii in a bad light right now. If this comparison holds up as the Wii moves into the middle of its second year then you have a valid comparison, but right now it is just stretching for it.

SSBB < Mario
Mario Kart Wii < Zelda
Wii Fit = WTF no-oneknows.

My point isnt how nintendo sucks, and the games are bad. Find one place in that thread I said nintendo sucks. I am just saying, people are buying consoles, and no games. I have been saying that for the last year. It's still the same way. It's just grandma, buys the Wii becuase everyone says it's so much fun. And then she never buys a game.

Name Console Publisher Japan America Others Total
Mario Kart: Double Dash Nintendo0.893.851.866.60
Super Smash Bros Melee Nintendo1.444.061.086.58
Super Mario Sunshine Nintendo0.873.731.315.91
The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker Nintendo0.892.441.054.38

Funny how you're always wrong Kwaad

 Nice way to manuplate it. Next time pick a worse mario to compare it to.

Mario Sunshine is the worst mario ever, and sold the same way. How many did Mario64, sell? 

If SSB < Mario and Mario Kart < Zelda it shouldn't be possible for Mario to be outsold by Smash Bros or for Zelda to be outsold by Mario Kart .... The simple fact is that in recent history these have been Nintendo's 2 biggest sellers, it really doesn't matter how one performed that was released over 10 years ago.

Kwaad said:
HappySqurriel said:
Kwaad said:
Sqrl said:
Kwaad said:



Name Console Publisher Japan America Others Total
Mario Kart: Double Dash Nintendo0.893.851.866.60
Super Smash Bros Melee Nintendo1.444.061.086.58
Super Mario Sunshine Nintendo0.873.731.315.91
The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker Nintendo0.892.441.054.38

Funny how you're always wrong Kwaad

 Nice way to manuplate it. Next time pick a worse mario to compare it to.

Mario Sunshine is the worst mario ever, and sold the same way. How many did Mario64, sell? 

Well DD is the worst MarioKart ever and WW probably one of  the least popular Zeldas ever so I think the comparison is quite fair.

Try again.

 EDIT : also Galaxy is selling better than M64 so what the hell is your point???

Hus said:

Grow up and stop trolling.

@kwaad--actualy the most hyped game for people right now is Smash not Galaxy---smash has been hyped much longer and with more gusto--so i stoped rading after you said that