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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - MArio Galaxy no longer Best game ever!

I don't know if any one has noticed yet but, OOT is once again #1

It appears to be the work of Videogamer who gave it only its second 9.0 out of ten. BASTARDS!

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ah well, oot deserves it spot still..

Neos - "If I'm posting in this thread it's just for the lulz."
Tag by the one and only Fkusumot!


It's going to yo-yo, isn't it?

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they bash it because of its lack of a compelling storyline...... and they say its too tough. And they say it wont appeal to any1 whose played halo or final fantasy for the past 10 years

They probably did it on purpose when it was blasted all over the net that it was #1.

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I'm not that surprised, considering how high OOT average score is. If it ends up above 97% it would already be heavily outscoring any other game released in the last few years.

thats a shame--wonder if that had anything to do with it getting a nine


I bet that superchunk is right. Not that they couldn't have genuine complaints, but there always seem to be a couple reviewers who love to be controversial.

I expect it to yo-yo as Game_boy put it. It'll be a couple more weeks, maybe a month before it's position is set in stone.

I know you believe you understand what you think I said but I don't think you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.

'Waaah. It's too hard.' Is not a valid complaint.

The halo/FF comment has absolutely no place, it would be like blasting halo 3 for not being a game fans of tekken would play.

As far as compelling storyline, well thats why (no offense anyone who is) people under 18 shouldn't review games; they almost all think a game has to be some sort of replacement for a movie and not just a fun romp without all the convoluted story.