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Forums - General Discussion - The biggest domestic US vote of my lifetime is today...

Khuutra said:
TheRealMafoo said:

I have thousands of posts, so not going to look through them all.

I said that when the stimulas was passed (by Bush), it was a bullshit move that will do nothing.

I said the same thing about the second stimulus.

I said the recession is not over every time the news reported otherwise, and it's not.

I said Obama would win the election when be announced he was going to run.

I said I am moving to New Zealand because the US is fucked.. and well, working on that (I visit there to check it out in 6 weeks)

A lot of people said all of those things, yeah - I myself predicted about Obama.

And statements of intent aren't actually predictions...

I am just saying disregarding what I have to say because you don't like it, is foolish. I have a track record that looks fairly good. It should hold some marrit when talking abut this topic.

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TheRealMafoo said:
Khuutra said:

A lot of people said all of those things, yeah - I myself predicted about Obama.

And statements of intent aren't actually predictions...

I am just saying disregarding what I have to say because you don't like it, is foolish. I have a track record that looks fairly good. It should hold some marrit when talking abut this topic.

As I said before: appeals to your own authority are poor persuasive tools. Also, they're inherently fallacious.

Khuutra said:
TheRealMafoo said:
Khuutra said:

A lot of people said all of those things, yeah - I myself predicted about Obama.

And statements of intent aren't actually predictions...

I am just saying disregarding what I have to say because you don't like it, is foolish. I have a track record that looks fairly good. It should hold some marrit when talking abut this topic.

As I said before: appeals to your own authority are poor persuasive tools. Also, they're inherently fallacious.

I am not saying just trust me. I am saying read the bill, look at my record on this site. Make your own damn choice on the matter, but don't argue a point when you have not read the subject matter we are talking about.

It's like arguing about what two movies were better with someone who has not seen either movies.

Read the bill, and then come back and debate it.

TheRealMafoo said:
Khuutra said:

As I said before: appeals to your own authority are poor persuasive tools. Also, they're inherently fallacious.

I am not saying just trust me. I am saying read the bill, look at my record on this site. Make your own damn choice on the matter, but don't argue a point when you have not read the subject matter we are talking about.

It's like arguing about what two movies were better with someone who has not seen either movies.

Read the bill, and then come back and debate it.

Mafoo, I'm not actually arguing about the bill. All I said was that I won't take your word for it. There's a difference.

And yes, every time you bring up your "track record" you are making an appeal to your own authority, which is fallacious - the truth of this prediction doesn't have any intrinsic ties to the truth of previous predictions re: how screwed are we now.

Khuutra said:
TheRealMafoo said:
Khuutra said:

As I said before: appeals to your own authority are poor persuasive tools. Also, they're inherently fallacious.

I am not saying just trust me. I am saying read the bill, look at my record on this site. Make your own damn choice on the matter, but don't argue a point when you have not read the subject matter we are talking about.

It's like arguing about what two movies were better with someone who has not seen either movies.

Read the bill, and then come back and debate it.

Mafoo, I'm not actually arguing about the bill. All I said was that I won't take your word for it. There's a difference.

And yes, every time you bring up your "track record" you are making an appeal to your own authority, which is fallacious - the truth of this prediction doesn't have any intrinsic ties to the truth of previous predictions re: how screwed are we now.

Khuutra, I have been down this road with you before. You are arguing to argue. I am done. Read the bill, and come back and talk about it. If you want to complain about my communication and debating skills, make a thread about it.

This thread is about the healthcare bill.

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As you say: the last word is yours, then.

TheRealMafoo said:
NightDragon83 said:

Well, The Big One passed... it's going to be very interesting to see how everything else falls into place going forward, with states deeming the bill "unconstitutional", and Republicans looking to take this matter straight to the Supreme Court.

I have really mixed emotions about all of this... on the one hand, I know we do need reform in the insurance industry, and that we must do more to bring down the cost of healthcare for everyone. I'm lucky enough to still be under my parents' insurance plan, otherwise I'd be uninsured since I'm only working part time right now as my job had to cut back over the past year till we get back on our feet, and that included dropping health insurance coverage....

But not like this... not when the federal government swoops in and can potentially take over 1/6 of the entire US economy in one swift power grab in an attempt to solidify a permanent Democratic majority by making a good chunk of the nation dependent on the government for their healthcare. And I'm REALLY not a fan of the government forcing us to buy insurance, under penalty of fines and/or jail time, and I don't see how this plan is going to make things more affordable for the average American in the long run, because while they may not be paying higher premiums, they'll be paying for it in other areas (read: higher taxes and cost of living).

We will be paying higher premiums.

Insurance companies can't cap costs, can't deny people with pre existing conditions, and can't charge one person a ton more then another.

I will set up a senario, so you can see what I mean.

Let's say it cost Company X $4000 a year each to insure 10 people. There outgo is estimated at $40,000. Add cost of running the place, and profit, and they might charge all 10 people $4,500.

Now, let's say someone with cancer wants insurance, and it costs $60,000 a year in services. They have to take him, and they can not charge him more then twice what they charge everyone else. So, now the insurance company has 100,000 in outgo. This means for the guy with cancer, they will charge him $17,100, and for the other 10, they will charge $8,800.

So because the insurance companies are about to incur huge expenses that they can not charge back to the consumer who is causing the cost, they must spread that cost to everyone. 

Just to make a point here.. this is not bad for the healthcare companies. In fact it's great. They are going to make a profit. So before, in my senario, they were only making a profit on 40,000. Now they are making a profit on 100,000. Better for them.

The big winner in all this, is insurance companies. The same people Obama vilified in getting this passed.

I don't believe the bill that went into law today is what I want for my country, but since it's the direction we've chosen I hope that with time we can improve it, fix it, and make it work.  In the meantime, I'm happy for everyone this bill can help.

Sometimes we just need to shut up and dive head first into the chaos that is progress. Sometimes it's not so good, but if we don't take the dive, things can never get better. Next stop, single payer! (Even if it takes another 40 years.)

The abortion language in the related executive order is very unfortunate, but it could have been a lot worse. If the number of women in Congress keeps increasing at the current rate however, that shouldn't be a problem in 20 or 30 years.

The Ghost of RubangB said:
Sometimes we just need to shut up and dive head first into the chaos that is progress. Sometimes it's not so good, but if we don't take the dive, things can never get better. Next stop, single payer! (Even if it takes another 40 years.)

The abortion language in the related executive order is very unfortunate, but it could have been a lot worse. If the number of women in Congress keeps increasing at the current rate however, that shouldn't be a problem in 20 or 30 years.

That's probably the smartest thing I've heard anyone say about health care in awhile.  Why people seem to think you need to have perfection the first time around is beyond me.  No one teaches a kid how to ride a bike by making him learn the fundamentals of bike riding.  You put the kid on the damn bike and have him start pedaling.  He's going to fall.  He might get hurt.  Hell he may not even figure it out for awhile.  But it's because you are doing something, that eventually this kid is going to know how to ride a bike.  You don't get the ball roling without initiating some force on it.  Objects at rest tend to stay at rest.


I don't know if this health care bill is good nor do I know if it will help ANYONE out.  No one does, and any truth claimers that think they do are simply trying to deceive you.  All I do know, is we need health care reform in my country, and you don't get it by doing nothing nor do you obtain it by aiming for 100% perfection the first time.  You put the kid on the bike and and you let him fall and then slowly work him towards being able to ride it on his own.

Thank you Rubang for saying this because it needed to be said.