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Khuutra said:
TheRealMafoo said:
Khuutra said:

A lot of people said all of those things, yeah - I myself predicted about Obama.

And statements of intent aren't actually predictions...

I am just saying disregarding what I have to say because you don't like it, is foolish. I have a track record that looks fairly good. It should hold some marrit when talking abut this topic.

As I said before: appeals to your own authority are poor persuasive tools. Also, they're inherently fallacious.

I am not saying just trust me. I am saying read the bill, look at my record on this site. Make your own damn choice on the matter, but don't argue a point when you have not read the subject matter we are talking about.

It's like arguing about what two movies were better with someone who has not seen either movies.

Read the bill, and then come back and debate it.