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The Ghost of RubangB said:
Sometimes we just need to shut up and dive head first into the chaos that is progress. Sometimes it's not so good, but if we don't take the dive, things can never get better. Next stop, single payer! (Even if it takes another 40 years.)

The abortion language in the related executive order is very unfortunate, but it could have been a lot worse. If the number of women in Congress keeps increasing at the current rate however, that shouldn't be a problem in 20 or 30 years.

That's probably the smartest thing I've heard anyone say about health care in awhile.  Why people seem to think you need to have perfection the first time around is beyond me.  No one teaches a kid how to ride a bike by making him learn the fundamentals of bike riding.  You put the kid on the damn bike and have him start pedaling.  He's going to fall.  He might get hurt.  Hell he may not even figure it out for awhile.  But it's because you are doing something, that eventually this kid is going to know how to ride a bike.  You don't get the ball roling without initiating some force on it.  Objects at rest tend to stay at rest.


I don't know if this health care bill is good nor do I know if it will help ANYONE out.  No one does, and any truth claimers that think they do are simply trying to deceive you.  All I do know, is we need health care reform in my country, and you don't get it by doing nothing nor do you obtain it by aiming for 100% perfection the first time.  You put the kid on the bike and and you let him fall and then slowly work him towards being able to ride it on his own.

Thank you Rubang for saying this because it needed to be said.