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Forums - Sales Discussion - So does anyone still think the PS3 will sell under 8M?


oh, yeah thats a little better i suppose


stop trolling my thread, if you want to talk about what Sony predicts do it in another thread. I am guessing your prediction was well under 8M.

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It doesn't matter if it outsells the 360, that doesn't mean it reaches 8 mil by Jan 1. 230K still isn't 333K, and for every week it falls short it has to make it up in a later week. I just don't see it happening.

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.

FishyJoe said:
Does anyone think that Sony will still reach it's goal of 14.57 million by March 31, 2008?

Yes, I do. That's a long time away.

Leo-J said 250k and it probably will be around 225K 25K difference is not a huge deal.

Soriku predicted 5 million first changed it though.

8 million nah. 7 million huge chance that it will.

And I agree with some people that it is possible that PS3 will do better next year. I depends of a lot of factors like 'Will MGS4 release? What about KZ2? How will white Knight Story do ? etc..

leo-j said:
FishyJoe said:
Does anyone think that Sony will still reach it's goal of 14.57 million by March 31, 2008?

Shipped ps3's maybe, I expect 10m by march not 11m.

Retailers don't carry 4 million consoles at the same time (certainly not in March). 500k - 1 million is reasonable though, so 14.57 million shipped would imply at least 13.5 million sold to consumers. Not going to happen, Sony will catch a lot of crap for that.

PS: Unless Sony Style Stores order thousands of consoles each on the 30th of March, of course.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

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leo 250k for this week would mean 80k+ in Japan you know....i expect roughly the same WW as last week ...maybe a bit higher (so 220k)

as for 8M, I have had it in my mind it would be as close as possible to 8M by the end of 2007 for quite a few months now (at least since May if not even longer ago)
At that time i think i predicted about 16M for Wii and 14M for obviously i think more highly of both of them, so its more like 18-19M for Wii, and 15-15.5M for 360.

After a price cut and the release of all of their major releases for 2007 the PS3 is still below 250,000 units per week in the middle of November; even with the boost in sales from Christmas it will be very difficult for the PS3 to average 333,333 or more units worldwide on a weekly basis. It may break 8 Million, but it won't pass it by much

where is that Soriku kid, I thought he would be here by now. he he he

Didint soriku say the ps3 would barely hit 5 million by the end of the year?


leo-j said:
Didint soriku say the ps3 would barely hit 5 million by the end of the year?
