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Forums - PC Discussion - So i ordered this PC... is it any good? :P

takeru51 said:
I don't like the look of that Intel chip, but damned if you don't have a lot of ram and HDD space. (at least compared to me)


What?!? It's a core2 QUAD! That's basically 4, 2.4GHz processors in one. Do you not like screaming fast processors?

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BTW, badass rig.

yea I think he has a Q6600, not to sure, in it.

Nice rig. Probably could have saved a touch building your own but still not to bad.

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Yeah it said something about Q6600 but i didn't knew what it is so i left it out =P

Actually i thought about all these "not too bad" and changed my mind and build my own PC so i canceled my order completely, so all i ask (again, and i'm really sorry if i tired you) is what you think of it. Haven't placed the order yet though. I changed the GFX card with this one VGA NV GB 8800GTX 768MB PCIEX VO DVI, and the 2 x 1Gb 667Mhz ram to 3 x 1GB 1200MHz Ram. Also i found out it approximately costs 1200 euros so i think it's a better deal (from another shop now).

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Timmah! said:
takeru51 said:
I don't like the look of that Intel chip, but damned if you don't have a lot of ram and HDD space. (at least compared to me)


What?!? It's a core2 QUAD! That's basically 4, 2.4GHz processors in one. Do you not like screaming fast processors?

well sure, but for gaming, maybe not so much considering nobody is making any games built for quad-core. a lot of multi-tasking would take advantage of quad core sure but he's probable better off with a higher clocked core 2 duo.

but it doesn't matter, quad core is a very good thing to have.

its a nice computer.
Intel Code2Quad -> great!

gamingdevil said:
Actually i thought about all these "not too bad" and changed my mind and build my own PC so i canceled my order completely, so all i ask (again, and i'm really sorry if i tired you) is what you think of it. Haven't placed the order yet though. I changed the GFX card with this one VGA NV GB 8800GTX 768MB PCIEX VO DVI, and the 2 x 1Gb 667Mhz ram to 3 x 1GB 1200MHz Ram. Also i found out it approximately costs 1200 euros so i think it's a better deal (from another shop now).

So're buying from a shop still? Or are you building your own...I'm confused. You change your mind a lot.

I don't know what kind of online services there are in the UK, or Europe, wherever you are, but I almost always buy from all separate parts, and then put them together myself...that's the cheapest route.

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )

Your PC looks good to me. I would check the power supply though when you get it. Sometimes PC's are sold with a good GPU but a weak power supply. You may need to install something with a bit more kick if you want to run a really intense game.



gamingdevil said:
fazz said:
How much you paid for it? Depending on the cost, I'll tell you if it's good or not :P

The weak parts are the RAM: 667 Mhz, there are faster; and the videocards: try to get a 8800GT if you can afford it.

Yeah i guess i'll need some RAM, i already have 1 more GB but i don't know the speed, about the 8800GT though there's no way i can afford it as i also got a motorcycle =/

 Keep in mind that you will need a 64 bit OS to use more than 2GB of ram.

Yeah, I finally have a sig.